Spatial Energy Coherence
Copyrights(c) 2010, Dr. R. R. Stiffler
Bio-Sand Water Filtration
Stiffler1 and Dr. Conrad2
This is NOT a detailed DIY
instruction set for building this filter system. It is rather
a view of what
we did and what resulted from our work. YOU must do some research on
your own
to insure that you understand the requirements of a system as described in
paper. This paper is presented as an overview so that the concept can be
seen and understand
that various configurations can be used and constructed,
the simplest of which is the basic
sand filter alone, with no supporting
extra filtration.
Introduction Today all of us live in a dangerous and rapidly changing world, and it appears
the direction in which we are headed is not in our best interest for
continued survival. The human race is being bombarded by Cosmic and Climatic
changes and most alarmingly by powerful groups of men
that hold our eradication as their main priority in efforts
to contain and control the human race. It is our view that scientists should avoid becoming embroiled in
politics and radical human views, although we feel we must aid in whatever
way we can to improve our chances in the coming hardship and chaos
that is only months away from reality. Surprisingly, impoverished and third world
countries are better prepared than the United States with all of its
technology and so called modernism. Our first problem was to decide where to direct our effort and that
quickly appeared to be the basic needs to sustain life, water and
food. As it turns out Dr. Conrad and myself both have considerable
experience with water in one form or another. Neither of
us is considered to be expert in food science, although we
did go there in our research. We also quickly determined that the population of the
US would panic and die of thirst long before third world locations
because they have little idea how to survive once the utility stops
supplying their pressurized water. Obtaining Potable Water We begin by considering the worst of all conditions, those in which all
electrical and water utility systems either fail or are compromised
(rendered sporadic and or unsafe). See 'Producing Electrical
Energy Under Attack'. We decided to focus on 'Water' first, as we
already had solved the Electrical Energy problems, and one can
survive longer without food than without water. Early on we found that a simple and effective means for obtaining water
already existed and was in daily use in much of the third world, as well
as being a primary filtration method for many large city sized water
supply systems. What we found and expanded upon what is called a 'Bio-Sand Water
Filtration System'. The simplest of which provides a moderately safe
water supply for drinking (potable water supply). Because we knew that additional components were readily available in
the US from Home Supply Stores, we expanded on the total filtration
offered by the minimal Bio-Sand System. We first constructed the basic Bio-Sand Filter. We purchased a six (6)
gallon food grade heavy-duty container3 and installed a nipple
valve in the bottom section of the container, about one inch (1.0") above
the floor of the container. The Primary Filter Container (red in left corner, shown with
its lid on) Fig: 1 We do not supply specific specifications on the container, valve,
hose, filters or other parts of the system as this is a do it with what
you can find project. We do not feel it appropriate to specify specific
components as that could limit ones ability to construct a working system.
We suggest that you search the Internet and explore what is being done and
what is being used in other parts of the world. One will quickly find that
this is a simple project as far as the initial filter and anyone should be
able to construct on from parts available. The 1st. or Primary
Shutoff Valve Fig: 2 This valve was obtained from a 'Home Brew' supply
store and selected because it was a complete unit, containing the proper
hose nipple, gasket and nut for mounting to the container. It was rather
difficult to obtain complete 'Bulk Head' fittings that contained all
needed components for leak free mounting. Remember, and this is critical, only use Brass, Copper, Galvanized
or plastics approved for Potable usage. Any other metals or plastics will
leach products into your water that may be far more dangerous than those
you are trying to remove. The Bio-Sand Filter itself is the primary filter and in many parts of
the world is the only filter utilized to provide moderately clean drinking
water. Therefore the construction of our filter needs to be explored. The container is first washed clean with a weak solution of Chlorine
and warm water. This pre-cleaning is just something we felt we needed to
do. After a rinse with fresh clean water we placed twenty-five (25) pounds
of small river pebbles in the bottom of the container. The pebble size
varied to no greater than 1/2" and this size was a small percentage of the
total rock used. The pebbles were purchased from a 'Home Depot' home
improvement store and were washed by us a number of times before placement
in the container. On top of the pebbles we placed a one-inch (1") layer of activated
charcoal cloth (obtainable from a pet supply and either used as an odor
filter or filter element for fish tank filters). Over the charcoal layer we added fifty pounds (50lbs) of fine cleaned
'Play Sand' also obtained from a 'Home Depot Store'. The Play Sand is just
the correct size for a Bio-Filter and as purchased was pre-cleaned. This is a basic bio-sand filter used in many places of the world
as a filter for gray and brackish water and bring to a potable
state. We must add that in most third world locations, the overall height
of the filter (sand and pebbles) is about a meter and in our case we are a
bit shy of those dimensions, only because of some added filtration. The bio-sand filter is very effective for the removal of biological
agents and parasites that are very undesirable for human consumption.
Although it is limited in what it can remove in the way of both toxic
metals and chemicals. For these reasons we did add secondary
filtration. It is important to understand that a bio-sand filter is not fully
effective at the time of construction. It can take two to three weeks to
build up its internal bio-film and become effective and most protective
during in its operation. We learned quickly that you do not prime your filter with 'Tap
Water' or any other water that is moderately clean and treated. Doing so
will inhibit rather than stimulate the bio-film growth in the filter.
Prime your filter with 'Dirty' water as strange as that may
sound. Added, Second Stage Activated Charcoal Filter Fig: 3
The filter was constructed with a standard filter
cartridge container, but a commercial filter was not in place. We filled
the container with activated charcoal beads (obtained from a pet store and
used in fish tank filter systems). The input to the filter is the hose on
the left and it comes directly from the valve on the bottom of the primary
filter tank. The output (right side) of the secondary charcoal
filter feeds into a plastic 'Tee' connector. The 'Tee' connector feeds two
brass valves, one that controls the input to the secondary bio and
Chemical Filter4
and a second that is used for clean out and drain the
charcoal filter. Valve
Arrangement Fig: 4
Filter Fig: 5 Fig: 6 Figure (6) and (7) shows the simple disperser we
used, and it is a light weight Stainless Steel Kitchen Colander which was
purchased at a large chain store for $4.96. This particular item was
selected because of the two handles that fit nicely into the filter and
supported it on the container edges. A second advantage was the graduated
holes, which allowed for even dispersing of the water over the sand
bed. Fig: 7 Fig:
8 The completed filter was placed inside of a small
plastic container with doors. Of course the container is not a
requirement, yet it provides a great amount of protection to the apparatus
and shields the it from the general public. Filter Startup (how we did
it) Even though we end up with a working filter that
removes many dangerous bio-forms and chemicals, we were inclined to clean
each part of the system before assembly began. This was done using hot
water and a good detergent, washing all containers and hoses that would be
used. This was followed by a solution of (Clorox) and water that was a
weak mixture that was let stand in and on the hardware for at least
one-hour, followed by a rinse with clear water. The river pebbles were not pre-washed and we would
have washed them anyway, so we ran clean water over the material for
some time, until the run off water was clear. The sand is sold as pre-washed and even
though the sand would be turned into a bio-factory we felt compelled to
run water over it to insure that we removed what we could. In the bottom of the filter container where we
installed the outlet valve we were concerned about the valve becoming
plugged by pebbles and built a collection pipe from some potable PVC. The
1/2" pipe length was cut to match the inside diameter of the container and
one end was fitted with a pipe cap. The pipe was drilled along its length
wit a large number of 1/8" holes. See Figure 5. Next the pipe was fitted to the outlet valve and
the bottom of the container was filled with the specified amount of clean
river pebbles followed by the carbon cloth layer. The sand was poured over
the top of the cloth and pebble bed and smoothed at the
surface. The last step involved connecting up the
secondary and tertiary filters and valves before a final leak
testing. Now it must be fully understood that it can take
two or more weeks for the sand filter to become fully effective and this
can vary depending not only on environmental temperature but also on the
water used to initialize the process. Do not make the mistake that we did
and think one can charge the filter by using clean already potable water,
as the filter requires bio-agents in order to build the required colonies
that make it and effective filter. Because the activated charcoal filter we
constructed contained an amount of carbon dust, the valve to the final
filter was closed and the sand filter was filled with water and allowed to
drain through the carbon filter until no further carbon dust was seen. We did not open the valve to the final filter
until we confirmed via microscope that we had a vast number of
bio-colonies in the sand. We feel it would be an advantage not to allow
flow through the final filter until the whole system was pressed into
service in an emergency. Now a critical fact that must be realized, even
with all this filtration, we still treat the water from the last filter
with 'Chlorine' and let it stand for a period, before it is felt safe for
drinking. This is of course far in excess of what is done in
many 'Third World Countries', but, if you have the capability, why not add
this layer? A very large number of videos can be found on 'You-Tube' and it is highly recommended
that you do research on some of these videos so that you can build a firm
understand of the system and how it works before building on. This
preparation will insure a filter that can work and will be a lifesaver
when needed. Coming in a following paper; 'Killing Biologic
Agents With SEC Exciters'. References [1] Dr. Stiffler is the principal and Senior Scientist with Stiffler
Scientific. [2] Dr. Conrad is an associate scientist providing support for
many of the research projects conducted at Stiffler Scientific. [3] The container we used was sold at a Pet Store for the storage of
dry pet food. The lid was of screw type and contained a gasket. Insure
that the container you use is food grade. Never use a container with the
plastic marking stamp of {3}, {6} or {7} as this will add leached
chemicals to the water from the
[4]The filter selected was a
basic filter that was specified in the removal of the following components.
'Cysts, Lead Mercury, Rust, Atrazine(Herbicide) and
How the BioSand Water Filter works - Samaritan's Purse