Feedback and Suggestions

Copyright © 2007, Harold Aspden

On this and the following web pages I plan to report on feedback I have received concerning the concentric capacitor proposals which I see as a possible future source of energy tapped from the quantum underworld activity everywhere in space. Also I will outline suggestions which I hope will help those who engage in such research. My book CREATION: The Physical Truth was published in the latter part of 2006 and its Part III section concerns Energy and our Future. I did not, in that book, discuss the capacitor device that I see as warrantng research investigation. I did, however, present the physics involved, physics that explains how the sun acquired its spin energy, that energy being sourced in a phase-lock operative between the quons that define the electromagnetic frame of reference in space, energy which is tapped from the quantum activity of space when subjected to an electric field directed radially from a spin axis.

I implied in the foregoing 2006 introductory page OUR ENERGY FUTURE that the free-energy devices of record, namely those of Nicola Tesla, Henry Moray, Stan Meyer and Paul Baumann were relevant to the concentric capacitor theme that interests me. However, I now wish to give particular attention to the subject of U.S. Patent No. 119,825 granted long ago, back in the year 1871, to its inventor Daniel McFarland Cook. This antedates by many years the research of Tesla, who was only 14 years of age in 1871. It might not seem at first sight that the device which Daniel McFarland Cook claimed as generating electrical power output without any priming power input is a capacitor device but, given deeper consideration, I can see that it is. I did not realise that when I included reference to Cook's patent in speaking about free-energy generation at a conference in Berlin in 2002. See Lecture 27 on this website. I there presented Fig. 2 of that patent:

If one regards the concentric wound coils on the two iron cores and take account of their separation from one another and those cores by insulation that is a dielectric medium, one can see that here we have a capacitor configuration similar but not identical to that presented on the foregoing webpage. Presented below, it is only a rough illustration of two three-electrode concentric capacitor structures with the middle electrodes connected through an inductor which, though not shown, can be coupled inductively to a secondary winding which draws the power output.

We confront therefore the almost incredible fact that as long ago as 1871, 136 years ago as I write these words, an inventor in Ohio, USA, claimed that he had found a way of generating electrical power with no input power source. That was even before our homes and industrial plant were served by electrical power generated by burning coal. Are we therefore to believe what he claimed? Just imagine his problem, given the reality of such a discovery. How could he convince those not accustomed to harnessing electric power that they have need for such an invention? How does one convince a skeptical scientific mind that power can be supplied on demand as if from nowhere? Was Daniel McFarland Cook a crazy individual? Surely he would not have gone to the expense of filing a patent application unless he had good reason.

Yet here I am, in 2007, when we all rely on electric power, saying that I can see such invention as our salvation on the energy issue if only we build concentric capacitor devices, basing this on a scientific insight as to what our twentieth century science has taught us. We can, I believe, tap into the energy underworld of space itself, as did the sun when created and the sun just sits there as the shining example of such a process. Yes, we can hope that solar panels will help to keep us warm, but that is secondary usage of energy tapped from space and we need a primary source if we are to power our industries and our transport vehicles. I was born 58 years after that U.S. Patent was issued and I am now asking myself why the wise men of science have ignored that invention in their struggle for power. Might the world of politics, infuenced as it is by the spread of underground oil resources in different nations, have developed in a different way had that invention been exploited? Might the religious doctrines of the world that profess to understand what we refer to as Creation and the implication of a Creator have developed in a happier way, had that Ohio invention been taken seriously and duly exploited and it then having been seen that the energy of the underworld of space is the all-powerful factor that governs our existence?

Who am I and what authority do I have for judging the merit of Cook's invention by reference to the creation of our universe? I am just someone who happens (a) to be well-trained in energy technology, having graduated with 1st class honours in Electrical Engineering at Manchester University in England and as a Ph.D. from Cambridge University for research on energy anomalies, and (b) who happened to pursue a career in the patent field that concerns invention in the 'high-tech' world. So after a lifetime of watching developments in the energy field, I am here giving vent to my feelings on this subject. I am saying that, in the interests of all humanity, government research funding must be deployed rapidly into verifying whether Cook was right and, indeed, whether I am right in claiming that the concentric construction of a capacitative electrical device can tap energy from the underworld of space, from the quantum activity of the aether. Yet I am myself not looking for active involvement in such a project. That is for those young enough and skilled in the relevant technology either to suffer the consequences as the energy resources now relied upon fizzle out or succeed as they experience the Eureka moment of triumph that brings energy salvation for the future.

I am writing these words today, on the 25th of June, 2007, having just read a headline commentary in the English newspaper The Times, which tells us that: the Chief Executuve of Royal Dutch Shell, Jeroen van der Veer, is warning us that we are headed for real trouble on the energy front. By reference to that Times article, Carl Mortished, the newspaper's International Business Editor, tells us: "The world is blinding itself to the reality of its energy problems, ignoring the scale of growth in demand from developing countries and placing too much faith in renewable sources of power." That Times article by Jeroen van der Veer ends with the words: "The world's energy system is entering a turbulent phase, and the only question is: how turbulent? A cooperative world will respond more effectively than a fragmented one. Provided governments create the right rules and incentives, and don't throw up barriers, the global market will direct money and brain power to the best solutions. The alternative is global market failure, and future generations would pay the price."

Now, concerning feedback and interest shown in what I am proposing, I can say that I have already had enquiries from those interested in the concentric electrode capacitor subject and so I will now outline a few suggestions as to what to construct, assuming assembly of a test device that can be demonstrated in operation on a laboratory test bench..

Design Proposals

A factor of prime importance is that the energy technology proposed has no moving parts and does not comprise heavy components such as one finds in the alternator rotors of electrical power generating plant. Nor does it involve chemical or thermal processes. The air cored capacitors have very little weight and the only real problem in operation is that posed by the danger of high voltages needed to prime the charge of the capacitors, but that danger is no greater than that confronted in today's electrical power industry.

Guided by those two figures above, and basing the design of a test unit on a three-electrode structure for each of the two capacitors, I suggest that they should not be disposed adjacent one another in a parallel orientation but should share the same axis by being spaced on a common supporting rod. Between them, in the central section of that rod and sharing the same central axis, there should be an inductor formed by a single layer solenoid of high gauge wire, its diameter being about the same as that of the central cylindrical electrode. It is important that the three cylindrical electrodes of each capacitor should not be closed cylinders, meaning that there should be a small longitudinal gap, the purpose being to avoid induction of circuital eddy currents arising from magnetic field oscillations set up by the solenoid. The rod on which the capacitors are mounted should be supported at one end by the top of a short vertical pillar and supported at the other end by a prop structure that can allow the axis of the device to be tilted from the vertical in different orientations around that pillar. A secondary solenoidal coil should be mounted within the single layer solenoid, this being the means for extracting a.c. electrical power output or supplying input power as necessary to initiate operation. The operation frequency will be well into the kilocycle region. No dielectric spacing material should be used apart from small blocks of a suitable insulating material to serve as spacers and held in place by an adhesive.

Note that there is no iron core within the solenoids, as there is in the Cook device. However, as tests proceed, there is scope, if required, to see how performance might be affected by inserting a ferrite rod or a few ferrite rods along the central axis of the solenoid to increase the inductance or, for the same inductance, allow fewer winding turns and so higher gauge wire to be used with a smaller ohmic loss rate. Note here that we cannot be sure how the energy inflow we are seeking to generate may react to a magnetic field. My reasoning as to operation is as follows. The objective is to set up a pulsating electric field radial from the central axis as between the middle concentric electrode and the inner and outer concentric electrodes with the voltage between outer and innermost electrodes held constant. Consider then an oscillation of current through the inductor as, in each of the two capacitor sectors, the radial electric field in one half increases as the electric field in the other half decreases. As the field increases it imports energy from the quantum activity of the space medium and this energy is shed when the field decreases. The energy is that of a cylindrical volume of aether that spins, an aetheral form that will float away and disperse unless it can be attracted into a sector of the capacitor device where it assists during the phase of increasing that radial electric field. Now because aether spin and a radial electric field go together and, as my theory shows, this sets up a magnetic field, we must expect that floating aether to be pulled one way or the other by a magnetic field. So that solenoid can be important. My suggestion is that we seek to override its magnetic effect by placing a ferrite magnet on the central axis in each of the capacitor sectors with the object of keeping the floating aether spin within the sector where it is created, hoping that it will expand or contract in radius as necessary to assist energy inflow the concentric electrode space that is subject to increasing radial field strength.

Note that those magnets must be orientated one way or the other so that they attract the aether in spin rather than repel it. This will depend upon the spin direction of the aether induced by the radial electric field and rather than change the polarity of the connections providing that field it might be easier to turn the magnets around, according to the test results obtained. Also, I note here, for readers who might be skeptical about what I mean by 'aether spin', that the evidence for the reality of such a phenomenon is provided by the thunderball. Lightning discharges involve high electron currents that are subject to what we refer to as the 'pinch effect' and this centres the electrons in the discharge along an axis within an enveloping channel of positive ions that are relatively inert compared with those electrons, meaning that here we have set up a radial electric field. That causes aether spin and when the discharge subsides that spinning aether can contract into spherical form and as it dissipates by shedding its energy it can on occasion be seen as a glowing sphere that floats about, an object we refer to as the 'thunderball'. The phenomenon has been recognized for centuries but our physics textbooks are silent when it comes to offering a plausible explanation. As to evidence of them having a magnetic field I have seen an account of record that remarks on a thunderball being attracted to and adhering to the iron body of a cannon as it dispersed.

Bear in mind that, if the two halves of each capacitor sector have the same capacitance, a voltage V applied between the innermost and outermost electrodes will set up a voltage V/2 in each of those halves. The source voltage will have supplied energy that is only half that applicable had the central electrode been at the same voltage as either of the outer electrodes. That is why the extra energy attributable to aether spin, if deployed to increase the energy of one half of the same capacitor sector as the energy of the other half decreases with fluctuation of voltage, can become that which sustains an oscillatory current flow as between the two capacitor sectors. One can hope, therefore, that such an oscillation will develop naturally, as in the Cook device, or need very little stimulus to trigger action developing output power that taps the aether resource.

Once that action is in evidence then there will be the need to optimize the effect by adjusting the orientation of the capacitor axis to bring it parallel with the spin axis of the solar system, assuming that is the spin axis governing motion of the charges in the aether. Otherwise the performance of the device should be a function of time of day. Indeed, a variation with time of day would be proof positive that the aether is the power source involved.

For a laboratory bench type test using a priming voltage of 20 kV d.c. it is reasonable to contemplate a capacitor structure for which each of the four segments has a capacitance of about 0.1 microfarad with an inductor having an inductance of, say, 1 millihenry. Given an oscillation frequency of, say, 50 kHz this means that, potentially, the inflow of aether energy could be tens of kilowatts.

Harold Aspden, 26th June 2007