The following is a reference to a book by H. Aspden published by Sabberton Publications in 1980.
This book comprises 206 pages. It is an account, updated to the year 1980, of Dr. Aspden's theory which is the subject of these web pages. However, being in book form it offers the reader a style of presentation, including the formal mathematics involved, not easily presented by the Internet facility.
Its main thrust is to show how aether theory can provide the unification of gravitation and electromagnetism long sought by theoretical physicists.
As with the author's previous books it was published at a time when there had been a major step forward in the development of the theory.
The 1980 landmark was the breakthrough in getting a paper [1980b] accepted for publication by the U.K. Institute of Physics, penetrating the resistance of their referee system, a paper which dared to say, indeed dared to show, that the Einstein formula for the anomalous perihelion advance of the planet Mercury could be derived by simple theory having classical foundation and not in any way being dependent upon the Einstein doctrine.
That features in pp. 17-22 of the book. Acceptance of that paper plus some others at that time was a stimulus for writing this new work.
The book overall is described on its back cover and the following is a summary:
Perhaps the greatest challenge in 20th century physics is that of discovering how electromagnetism and gravitation can be embraced by a unified theory compatible with Einstein's formulae for the energy-mass relationship, mass increase with speed and the rate of advance of a planet's perihelion. In this work Dr. Aspden shows how this unification emerges from a straightforward analysis of energy deployment in particle interaction, confirming the intuitive prediction of Oliver Heaviside (1893) as later endorsed by Leon Brillouin (1970). However, an essential further step in Dr. Aspden's thesis is the recognition that energy considerations are more fundamental than field concepts. A law of electrodynamics is derived which was, in fact, first suggested empirically by Maxwell and then discarded in favour of one deducible from his field equations.
The unified theory based upon this new law of electrodynamics should have practical application since it can account for anomalies in the electron-ion energy transfer process currently observed in experiments relating to fusion power. Its appeal to the physicists will be the intriguing connection between the properties of elementary particles and the structured character of the vacuum medium, allowing exact theoretical evaluation of several fundamental physical constants.
In its broader sense the work constitutes a general unification by providing a new insight into the processes of creation of the solar system. The event of the sun's creation is shown to result from the onset of the gravitational state as the vacuum became ordered, a phenomenon analogous with the onset of the ferromagnetic state as a ferromagnetic crystal cools below the Curie temperature.
A note by the author:
The reference to Clerk Maxwell above needs a little qualification. He did consider alternative formulations of the law of electrodynamics, several being consistent with empirical evidence. One of those laws, presented in quarternian formulation, had the form needed to conform with what was required by a law of gravitation. All the laws depended upon the uncertain factor Q, which could not be determined in Maxwell's time owing to lack of further experimental evidence, not forthcoming until the Trouton-Noble experiment was reported in 1903. Maxwell opted for that factor Q being +1, whereas the factor -1 would have been the correct factor. It depends upon whether one accepts that an out-of-balance couple or an out-of-balance force exists in a general two-charge interaction situation. Sadly, Lorentz in 1904 and then Einstein in 1905 got into the act and, literally, messed things up! My role therefore has been my stalwart and voluntary effort to clean up the mess, but, again sadly, the physics community would rather drift along without paying attention to what I say and without even looking back to see if they have gone adrift in their blind acceptance of Einstein's doctrines.
Harold Aspden