
The following is a paper by H. Aspden published in Speculations in Science and Technology, v. 7, pp. 3-6 (1984).


Abstract: It is shown that the corpuscular electron may have a finite lifetime of the order of 10-13 seconds, which defies detection owing to a statistical process by which the electron is immediately recreated. Anomalies in reported experiments are discussed as evidencing this decay process indirectly.

Commentary: The author is here beginning to develop the concept that stable matter, as we know it, which is nucleated from protons and electrons, is really the ultimate decay state which energy adopts in the material world. If energy is radiated into space it is eventually captured by the vacuum and becomes part of the ordered quantized motion of the 'aether' energy sea. The energy equilibrium criteria as between matter and that aether background will govern when energy is shed to create protons and electrons, but this occurs in a continuous background of proton and electron decay and recreation determined by their respective lifetimes, which defy direct measurement because recreation in the same form occurs in the immediate vicinity. In the case of the electron we see indirect evidence from the barrier penetration phenomenon. It can tunnel through potential barriers as if it has the lifetime calculated by the theory presented in the subject paper.