The following is a paper by H. Aspden published in The Toth-Maatian Review, v. 5, pp. 2609-2612 (1986).
Abstract: A recent contribution by Edwards on 'Weightlessness' is discussed and shown to have particular relevance to the process of creation of the Sun. Edward's hypothesis is also discussed in relation to the causal basis of Planck's radiation law and evidence for the existence of a real aether.
Commentary: The author here presents a general discussion on the energy in relation to Einstein's theory and discusses the deployment of energy at the time the Sun was created. The gravitational energy released was not radiated as heat but was transferred into the translational motion of the Sun as can be verified by equating the Sun's cosmic kinetic energy with that available from the gravitational source. Here was evidence that the aether in its magnetic action that we sense as gravity can break the standard rules of momentum conservation and promote linear motion. Similarly the secondary radial electric field action arising from the faster coalescence of protons in comparison with electrons gives the coupling with the aether which transfers energy by electric action to develop the Sun's rotation. Those interested in 'Energy Science', the title adopted for this work, need to keep this account of the Sun's creation in mind and to challenge the doctrines of Einstein and the Big Bang hypothesis.