
The following is a paper by H. Aspden published in The Toth-Maatian Review, v. 6, pp. 2985-2987 (1987).


Commentary: This article was the author's response to a challenge which Dr. T. E. Phipps, Jr. raised against the author's law of electrodynamics. The general problem is that critics insist on keeping faith with the law that action balances reaction and strive to avoid a law of electrodynamics which develops a net out-of-balance force. In this they overlook the basic fact that the general law only purports to explain how one charge acts on another in the presence of other charge in motion. There can be energy exchanges between those other charges and the two-charge system to which the law relates. Action and reaction, as understood from Newtonian mechanics, concerns mechanical interaction and not action-at-a-distance as one has with electric and magnetic effects.

At all times the author can take strength in support of his law of electrodynamics from the fact that it is the only form of law that can embrace the gravitational force and provide the answer to the field unification problem. Also, it is appropriate to keep in mind that the author has a research background deep rooted in electromagnetic induction phenomena and a law of electrodynamics which cannot participate in inductive energy transfer to and from the vacuum field is not of any value. For any electric charge in motion to transfer energy to the vacuum field there has to be a force exerted on the vacuum medium or aether in a direction that is not just at right angles to the direction of charge motion. If the law of electrodynamics requires no such force then it can only serve to explain physical phenomena which involve no energy transfer. It can explain why electrons describe circular orbits in a magnetic field and why linear conductors carrying current move laterally across that field to balance mechanical work against the work done by an EMF that sustains the current, but there is much more to electrodynamics than that!