The following is a paper by H. Aspden published in Magnets in Your Future, v. 6, pp. 16-22 (1992).
Commentary: This article was invited by the Editor. The author had been asked to comment about certain antigravity claims that pertained to magnets. A possible mechanism based on the links which the author's researches had shown to exist between gravitation and magnetism was outlined. Of particular interest is the theme, already developed in reference [1987j], that the action of gravity is not asserted on matter as such, but rather on the virtual graviton 'ghost' system that is coupled electrically with particles of matter and provides the dynamic balance by the inertial effects of the Heisenberg jitter motion. The point at issue is that such an indirect action involves local electrical coupling which can be broken if certain constraints are imposed. This may involve gyroscopic effects which resist action communicated through that coupling, making a forced precession a possible way of developing, not a true anti-gravity action, but a loss of gravity. It may also involve the out-of-balance thrust forces which accompany energy transfer between the vacuum medium and matter. The article was intended therefore to stir interest in such possibilities amongst a limited group of scientists particularly interested in finding new technological uses of magnets.