The following is a paper by Harold Aspden published in New Energy News, volume 2, No. 2 (February), pp. 1-2 (1995).
'Discovery of Virtual Inertia'
I report an anomalous energy phenomenon found in my motor experiments.
Imagine an electric machine having no electrical input itself and which, when started on no load by a drive motor and brought up to speed (3250 rpm), thereafter runs steadily at that speed with the motor drawing a little extra input power with a time delay rate of about two minutes. The machine rotor has a mass of 800 gm and at that speed its kinetic energy together with that of the drive motor is no more than 15 joules, contrasting with the excess energy of 300 joules needed to satisfy the anomalous power surge [to spin up from rest].
Imagine further that when the motor, after running five minutes or more, is switched off and the machine is stopped, you can restart it in the same or opposite direction and find that it now has a memory in the sense that it will not now ask for that 300 joules of excess input. 30 joules will suffice provided that the time lapse between starting and restarting is no more than a minute or so.
This is not a transient heating phenomenon. At all times the bearing housings feel cool and any heating in the drive motor would imply an increase of resistance and a build-up of power to a higher steady state condition.
The experimental evidence is that there is something spinning of an ethereal nature coextensive with the machine rotor. That 'something' has an effective mass density 20 times that of the rotor, but it is something that can spin independently and take several minutes to decay, whereas the motor comes to rest in a few seconds.
Two machines of different rotor size and composition reveal the phenomenon and tests indicate variations with time of day and compass orientation of the spin axis. One machine, the one incorporating weaker magnets, showed evidence of gaining strength magnetically, as the test were repeated over several days.
I will soon be reporting in detail on these findings, after further work and evaluation of the implications. The phenomenon was something I should have been prepared for, having regard to my years of theorizing, but this discovery was unexpected as it has crept in loud and clear in a project aimed at testing a motor principle totally unrelated to 'vacuum spin'. It has appeared obtrusively and I do not yet know whether, in adapting to its presence, it can serve in improving machine performance or become detrimental.
Readers who are curious about my more general research endeavors may find interest in the specification of U.S. Patent No. 5,376,184 granted to me on December 27th 1994. In connection with the subject of this particular communication I quote from lines 3 to 28 of column 21 of that patent:
"Now, in a practical device, one can similarly set up electric fields in a metal rotor by displacing those charge carriers, either by inertial action or the action of a magnetic field directed along the spin axis. However, even here physicists have problems understanding the phenomena they observe, as one may see from the scientific paper by James F. Woodward: Electrogravitational Induction and Rotation, Foundations of Physics, 12, pp. 467-478 (1982). On page 472 one reads, after a statement that machine operation produced induced charge in evidence from a voltage:
Plainly, an effect of some sort is present. Since a negative charge appears during spindown, we may infer either that (1) an initially present positive charge disappears during spindown, or (2) some process drives the sample case to negative potentials during spin-down. The genuine disappearance of charge from the sample/sample-case assembly would be, of course, prima facia evidence for the existence of electrogravitational reduction.
What this means is that electric charge can be held displaced within a metal to set up electric field gradients in that metal. Woodward did this by inertial spin action, possibly affected by the earth's field, but a similar result can be obtained by building a series-connected capacitor stack."
The above-referenced U.S. patent is abstracted in these webpages as 1994b.