By progressing from lesson to lesson you will find you can actually deduce theoretically the precise value of G, the constant of gravitation, expressed in terms of the electron charge/mass ratio. You will find you can determine the numerical value of Planck's constant h in terms of the electron charge e and the speed of light c. Furthermore you will learn also how to calculate the precise value of the proton/electron mass ratio.
Once you can do all that yourself and so find you can explain Nature's physical processes that are at work in determining these three quantities, you will have a skill your physics teachers can only dream about.
If you are at all interested in the foundations on which the whole of science stands you must follow this course of lessons. Then you can begin to make sense of the problems confronting the broader fields of science, particularly concerning cosmology and the universe, particle creation and on from there into the world of the atom, which leads on into chemistry, biochemistry and the evolution of plants and living organisms.
Without this fundamental knowledge, which is based on deciphering what it is that fills the space we see as a 'vacuum', you will not be one of those who is to see a way of taking us forward to a pollution-free environment in which we will feed on clean energy provided by the 'aether'. That is where the energy of everything you can see in the universe came from. Once you understand the 'engine' which powers the proton creation process, then by developing an interest in magnetism and the quantum underworld that projects itself into ferromagnets, you may inspire hope of technological success in that search for New Energy.
It is only in my retirement years that I have woken up to the fact that I was misguided in my university education by teachers who saw our world as a kind of heat engine that could never regenerate energy once it was spent by conversion into a degraded heat form. These ten short tutorial lessons encapsulate the key research findings of my lifelong study of the fundamentals of physics during the years when I did accept that there was an unassailable barrier between us and that 'free energy' source. I came to understand that 'vacuum energy' background that we inhabit, but saw it as inaccessible. But I am now sure we can get to it! The remainder of these Web pages concern my belated but ongoing efforts, as a solitary individual, to go forward on that New Energy quest, whilst hoping to influence the academic world into preparing itself to see the need to list the 'aether' alongside coal, oil, gas and nuclear power as the primary contender for supplying our future energy needs.