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                  A Critical Review of the Available Information
                                 Regarding Claims
                      of Zero-Point Energy, Free-Energy, and
                        Over-Unity Experiments and Devices

              Patrick G. Bailey           Toby Grotz
              P.O. Box 201                760 Prairie Avenue
              Los Altos, CA               Craig, CO
              94023-0201                  81625-1346

       A summary review   is   presented   of   the  experiments,   motors,
       generators, devices, and  demonstrations  that have been reported in
       the past few years to produce near-unity or over-unity operation.

       The concepts of  free-energy,  zero-point   energy,  and  over-unity
       devices are not  new,  and many examples of such devices  have  been
       built within the last 100 years.

       26 researchers are  reviewed  and  11  are  selected  for  immediate
       interest and support.  Whether a new form of potential energy can be

                                      Page 1

       demonstrated and successfully  utilized  within  the near future for
       the ultimate benefit  of  the  human   race   remains  to  be  seen.

       'Energy' cannot be  created  nor  destroyed  - it exists  throughout
                space and within matter.

       'Perpetual Motion' does  not  exist  -long  lasting motion is easily
                observable, such as planetary orbits.

       'Stupidity' is not hereditary - and it is not a survival trait.

       'Zero-Point Energy' (ZPE) is known  as  an  energy  that  fills  the
                fabric of all space.  Technically the ZPE  results  from an
                electric flux  that  flows  orthogonally  to  our perceived
                dimension or reality.  The  mass equivalence of this energy
                has been calculated by physicists to be  on  the  order  of
                1093 gms/cm3.  Henry T. Moray, Walter Russell, and
                Nikola Tesla  described  the nature of the ZPE and designed
                and built equipment to engineer  its properties.  It may be
                possible to  build  devices  to cohere this  energy.   This
                would result   in   a   non-polluting,  unlimitedsupply  of
                virtually free energy.

       'Free Energy' is a term that can have two meanings:  either
                the additional energy that can be obtained from a device at
                little or no additional cost,  so  the additional energy is
                essentially free; or more output energy that  appears to be
                available than  input  energy,  such  as  in  the  case  of
                detonating an atomic bomb.

       'Over-unity Devices' are those systems  which appear to produce more
                energy than they use.  In analyzing such systems,  a box is
                drawn around  the device and energy balances are formulated
                to measure the amounts of  energy  coming  into  and out of
                that box.  Whether or not the device is  termed  an  'over-
                unity' device  will  depend  upon the size of the box. When
                the box is drawn large enough,  all systems or devices will
                have a  net energy transfer of zero.  On  the  other  hand,
                when the  box is drawn just small enough, the device can be
                said to  be  an 'over-unity'  device,  and  an  intelligent
                physicist will  know  better.  From  this  point  of  view,
                examples of  existing so-called free-energy devices abound:
                such as Hoover Dam.

       So then is  any  generator, or any  nuclear  reactor.   More  energy
       certainly comes out of a dam than went into making  it  (by  us,  at
       least).  And any  dam  engineer  will  tell you that it will produce
       more energy than it cost to build  and that it will last forever (or
       at least until his kids get out of college).

       So it is seen that these generators can be thought of as free-energy
       devices, while they are really only energy conversion  devices,  and
       obviously not perpetual  motion  machines.   People  who insist that
       they actually are, are either very  ignorant  or  very  devious.  In
       such cases, examine the person's true motives.

                                      Page 2

       [Another 'free-energy' device  of increasingly note-worthy attention
       is the Federal Reserve, which is not an agency of the US government.
       (Figgie 1992)]
       Sources of Information and Data

       Ultimately, the sources for all information in these areas come from
       the inventors, researchers, or investigators themselves.  The US and
       foreign patent offices   provide    some    information   into   new
       developments in these  areas,  yet  the actual patents  reveal  very
       little useful information and almost no experimental results.

       Patent law does  not  require  complete  disclosure of all data, and
       patents are held nationally.  An  interesting  area  of big business
       today is the international transfer of patents at no cost.
       Other sources of  information  and  data  include  papers,  reports,
       books, and conference  proceedings.   Papers  and  books that are of
       special interest are those by :

              Hans Coler (1946),
              the Gravity Research Group (GRG1956),
              Stefan Marinov (1992),
              Hans Nieper (1984),
              and Shinichi Seike(1992).

       Conferences that have been recently  held  to  collect and summarize
       information in these  areas  include the 26th and 27th  Intersociety
       Energy Conversion Engineering  Conferences  (1991  and 1992) and the
       more recent International Symposium  on  New  Energy  (ISNE)  (April

       All of these materials are available from the sources  identified in
       the References section.  As a result of a 1993 ISNE working
       group, the working devices were categorized into four distinct
                (1)  Solid-State Space-Energy Generators,
                (2)  Rotating Space-Energy Machines,
                (3)  Fusion Conversion Devices, and
                (4)  Hydrogen Energy.
       Summary of Interesting Theories, Experiments, and Devices

       "Some things have to be believed to be seen." [1]  There are several
       societies and conferences  world-wide  that  present  and  sometimes
       document the results of research  in  these  areas.  As this work is
       not considered as  mainstream science within the  US,  much  of  the
       results of these researchers goes by unnoticed.

       The 26th IECEC  (1991)  provided  a  forum  for researchers in these
       areas to voluntarily come forward and present their ideas, theories,
       and results to the mainstream scientific  community.   They were met
       with interest ranging  from  mistrust  to  awe,  and  from  feelings
       ranging from friendship  to  outright  anger.   The  ranges of these
       attitudes will likely depend upon  the  emotional  stability  of the

       The 26th IECEC  created  international  interest   that   stimulated
       further review papers to be published in the later IECECs.  A

                                      Page 3

       growing group of  organizations  is networking on a world-wide basis
       to support and  organize  this on-going  research.   Some  of  these
       organizations are listed in the references (AREI,  AFS,  GRI,  IASA,
       INE, ITS, JPI, SEA, TI, and USP).

       "New Energy News" is the new monthly newsletter of Institute for New
       Energy (INE), a  recently  formed  US  technical society, created in
       April 1993, that is committed to researching these technical
       areas.  Note that the references include complete and accurate
       address and cost information, so that  serious investigators have no
       excuse to not investigate.

       This review includes all of the information that was  made available
       to the 1991  IECEC, the 1992 IECEC, the 1993 International Symposium
       on New Energy  (ISNE),  and  other   contributed   personal   source
       information and documents.   Our focus here is on  actual  data  and
       results - not  on ideas or mathematical theories.  Our emphasis here
       is on repeatable  experimental  evidence  -  or  on  the  documented
       testimony of multiple reliable witnesses that have  been  willing to
       stand-up, testify, and   document   a   description   of  what  they
       witnessed.  Just because you don't see it doesn't mean that it's not
       real!  The list  of  the  researchers,   experiments,  devices,  and
       results that were addressed in this review are listed in Table 1.

       The reference corresponding  to  each  researcher  is  also  listed.
       Videotapes were made  of all ref. speakers at the 1991 IECEC and the
       1993 ISNE.
       Possible Misleading Results

       "But goodness alone  is  never  enough.   A  hard,  cold  wisdom  is
       required for goodness to accomplish good." [2]

       We feel that the interpretation of anyone's results  can  fall  into
       one of four categories:

              (1)  Lying for attention;
              (2)  Lying for money(funding, stock options, etc.);
              (3)  Inaccurate  measurement or misinterpretation of the data
                   or results;  and
              (4)  Accurate representation of the physical phenomena.

       In our reviews, we found absolutely  no evidence that any one of the
       researchers we studied   in   Table   1  belonged  specifically   in
       categories (1) or  (2)  (although  so  far as we know three of these
       researchers have not been able to  replicate their initial published

       Frauds are quickly  discovered,  if  encouraged to  reproduce  their
       results and to  provide  detailed  information.  So, we were left to
       carefully analyze the results from  each researcher and to carefully
       draw our own conclusions.

                                      Page 4

       Table 1.  A  Listing  of  Researchers  and  their Experiments and/or
                 Devices of Current Interest
                 Researcher(s) Experiments, Devices, and Demonstrations


           Adams, Robert
                  Adams Pulsed Motor Generator and Replication
                  Adams 1993
           Baumann, Paul
                  Methernitha Swiss    M-L   Converter   Device   et.   al.
                  IECEC 1991
           Bedini, John
                  Bedini Free  Energy  Generator  Plans and  Demonstrations
                  IECEC 1991
           Binder, Timothy
                  Russell's Nuclear-Magnetic Transmutation
                  ISNE 1993 Experiments
           Brown, Paul
                  Nuclear Resonant Generators and Demonstrations
                  IECEC 1991
           Coler, Hans
                  Magnetstromapparat and Stromerzeuger
                  Coler 1946 Devices / Demos.
           Grotz, Toby
                  Russell's Power Multiplication Principle
                  IECEC 1992, Experiments
                  ISNE 1993
           Hathaway, George
                  Unipolar Dynamo of Novel Construction
                  IECEC 1991, Experiments
                  ISNE 1993
           Hickox, Barbara
                  Electric Dynamo Patent
                  IECEC 1991
           Johnson, Gary
                  Electrically Induced Explosions in Water
                  IECEC 1992  Experiments
           Kelly, Don
                  Electromagnetic Antigravity Drop Tests
                  ISNE 1993, SEA
           Lambertson, Wingate
                  WIN Process
                  IECEC 1991
           Marinov, Stefan
                  Venetin Coliu Generator Demonstrations
                  ISNE 1993
           McKie, Richard
                  Power On Demand Module Concept (PODMOD)
                  IECEC 1991
           Meyer, Stanley
                  Water Fuel Cell Demonstrations
                  ISNE 1993
           Moray, John
                  T.  Henry Moray's Radiant Energy Device
                  IECEC 1991

                                      Page 5

           Muller, William & Kevin
                  Muller Motor/Generator
                  IECEC 1991
           Newman, Joseph
                  Magnetic Fields Utilization Energy Machine
                  Newman 1993
           dePalma, Bruce
                  N-Machine Experiments
                  IECEC 1991
           Pappas, Panos
                  Energy Creation in Sparks and Discharge Experiments
                  IECEC 1991
           Reed, Troy and Evelyn
                  Reed Magnetic Motor Experiments
                  IECEC 1991
                  ISNE 1993
           Seike, Shinichi
                  Negative Energy and Landau Oscillator Experiments
                  Seike 1992
           Storms, Edmund
                  Established Cold Fusion and Reproducible Results
                  IECEC 1993
           Sweet, Floyd
                  Vacuum Triode Assembly Device Demonstrations
                  IECEC 1991
           Tewari, Paramahansa
                  Space Power Generator Experiments
                  ISNE 1993
           Valone, Thomas
                  Homopolar Generator Experiments
                  IECEC 1991,
                  ISNE 1993

       While on one hand some researchers may possibly be overstating
       the capabilities and  results  of  their experiments and devices, on
       the other hand many so-called 'scientific  experts'  are very active
       in discounting ALL  of the research results in these  areas  without
       investigating the details of any of them.

       "The Nobel chemist  Irving  Langmuir  (1881-1957)  used  to  give  a
       cautionary talk on pathological science,  and  ...  told a number of
       stories of pathological science and listed the features they have in
       common."  (Cromer, Skeptical Inquirer, 1993).

       In his eight page article, Cromer states that there are many lessons
       from this:

           "(1)  Scientists  themselves  are  often  poor   judges  of  the
                 scientific process;
            (2)  Scientific  research is very difficult.  Anything that can
                 go wrong will go wrong;
            (3)  Science  isn't  dependent   on   the   honesty  or  wisdom
            (4)  Real  discoveries of phenomena contrary  to  all  previous
                 scientific experience  are very rare, while fraud, fakery,
                 foolishness,and error resulting  from  over enthusiasm and
                 delusion are all too common.

                                      Page 6

       Thus, Glashow's closed-minded  'I  don't  believe  a  word of it' is
       going to be correct far more often  than  not."  Cromer  also  cites
       Langmuir assaying (Langmuir 1989): "There are cases  where  there is
       no dishonesty involved,  but  where  people  are  tricked into false
       results by a lack of understanding about what human beings can do to
       themselves in the way of being led  astray  by  subjective  effects,
       wishful thinking, or threshold interactions.  These  are examples of
       pathological science.  These  are things that attracted a great deal
       of attention. ... [But] the critics  can't  reproduce  the  effects.
       Only the supporters could do that.

       In the end, nothing was salvaged.  Why should there be?  There isn't
       anything there.  There never was."Our sincere response to you is:

              If there  is  no  initial interest - then there  will  be  no
              If there  is  no  investigation, there will be no research to
              replicate.  Your interest will  spark  the urge to replicate.
              If there IS interest, research, and no replication, then that
              fact should be published and disseminated with integrity.
              If there are witnesses to the results and the results were or
              are repeatable, then we feel the fault and  blame  lies  with
              the critic and not with the researcher.
              Therefore, given the experiments and devices referenced
              in this paper:  Demand that they be tested with an open mind!

       One success out  of  all  of  the  failures  is  more than worth the
       Devices of Great Interest

          "Grant shook his head.  It's been  discussed, in the field.  Many
           people imagined it was coming.  But not so soon."
          "Story of  our species, Malcolm said laughing.   Everybody  knows
           it's coming, but not so soon."[3]

       Table 2.  A Listing of Promising Devices of Great Interest
                 with Documented Demonstrations

       Researcher(s) Effects Observed      Yrs    Cat  Doc MWs RDs Res Eff
       Baumann,      Over-Unity, Rotating,  1984+    2    Y   Y   Y   N   N
       Paul et. al.  Self-Sustaining

       Binder,       Chemical Dependency    1927+    1    Y   Y   Y   Y   N
       Timothy       on E-M

       Coler,        Gravitational Field   1942+   1    Y   Y   Y   N   N
       Hans          Generator

       Grotz,        Over-Unity,           1961+   1    Y   Y   N   Y   N
       Toby          Rotational Generator

       Kelly,        E-M Field Drop Tests  1992+   1    Y   N   Y   Y   N
       Don           & Oscillators

       Marinov,      Anti-Lenz Effect      1988+   1    Y    Y    Y   Y   N
       Stefan        Motor/Generator

                                      Page 7

       Researcher(s) Effects Observed      Yrs    Cat  Doc MWs RDs Res Eff
       Meyer,        Energy from  Water,     1980s   4    Y   Y   Y   Y   N
       Stanley       H2 Fracturing

       Moray,        Over-Unity,            1930s    1    Y   Y   Y   N   N
       John and      Self-Sustaining Device

       Storms,       Over-Unity Thermal,   1990s   3    Y    Y    Y   Y   N
       Edmund        Cold Fusion

       Sweet,        Over-Unity,           1990s    1     Y   Y   Y   N   N
       Floyd         Steady-Variable Device

       Tewari,       Over-Unity Rotational  1993     2    Y   N   Y   Y   N
       Paramahamsa   N-Machine

       Key : Yrs     Years the Effects were observed.
             Cat     Categories 1 through 4, as defined under  'Sources  of
                     Information and Data.'
             Doc     Documentation Exists (Yes or No) (Y/N).
             MWs     Multiple Witnesses Testimony (Y/N).
             RDs     Repeated Demonstrations (Y/N).
             Res     Currently Being Researched (Y/N).
             Eff     Large Research Effort (Y/N).
       The researchers and  the  works  that  we  feel  are worthy of great
       attention in the near future are those that are listed in Table 2.

       It should be  noted that some researchers  have  been  omitted  from
       Table 2 only  because  either  their  work  is of a  proprietary  or
       confidential nature, or  because  we  could  not obtain the required
       data or documentation from witnesses.

       Such researchers include:  Paul Brown,
                                  Bruce dePalma,
                                  and the Reeds.

       All of the researchers listed in Table  1  and not listed in Table 2
       have provided and  we  trust  will  continue  to  provide  important
       contributions to and documentation of their work.

       In fact, some  of  this  work may turn out to be more important than
       those currently listed in Table 2.   However,  at the present moment
       of time; as this paper is being written, we considered those devices
       listed in Table 2 to be of the greatest interest to us.
       Summary Information and Data

       The Methernitha Swiss M-L Converter developed by  Paul  Baumann  and
       the Methernitha spiritual   community   in   Switzerland   has  been
       repeatedly demonstrated to many scientists upon request (26th IECE
       C, Nieper 1984,SEA).

       Its three foot counter-rotating disks  and specially designed energy
       storage system are  reported to generate a steady  output  power  of
       about 3 to  5 kilo-Watts (kW) indefinitely - while sitting on top of
       a table.  A videotape has been produced and its narration has
       been transcribed.
                                      Page 8

       Tim Binder and  his  team  have  replicated  the 1927 experiments of
       Walter Russell and have created fluorine from pure water vapor using
       complex E-M field  arrangements.    This  work  validates  Russell's
       theories about nuclear structure and the proper arrangement  of  the
       Periodic Table of the Elements.

       Hans Coler demonstrated  two  major devices to many amazed witnesses
       and officials in Germany during 1925-1945.  A 60 kW device was built
       in 1937, and the war bombings ended  further  research  in  1944.  A
       complete 32 page  report  declassified  by the British  Intelligence
       Objectives Sub-Committee is available.  (Coler 1946, Nieper 1984)

       The theories expressed  are  very  similar  to  those presented in a
       comprehensive report (GRG 1956) (the  latest  one  we  could find so
       far) on electrogravitics systems, interactions of E-M  with gravity,
       or counterbary control devices.

       Toby Grotz and  his  team  are  planning  to  replicate  the  energy
       experiments of Walter  Russell.    In  the  fall  of  1959,  General
       Chapman, Colonel Fry, Major Sargent, Major Cripe,  and  others  from
       NORAD in Colorado Springs, attended a meeting at Swannanoa, Virginia
       (University Of Science  And  Philosophy) at the invitation of Walter

       At this meeting  Russell explained  the  workings  of  a  device  he
       proposed to build to take advantage of the vacuum state  energy, and
       the two directional    movement    of   energy   from   gravitation,
       (generation), to radiation, (degeneration).

       During the following  year  Russell,   his   wife,  Lao,  and  their
       assistants built the device.  The prototype that was built consisted
       of two sets of dual and magnetically-sexed coils.   On September 10,
       1961, Walter and  Lao Russell reported to their contacts  at  NORAD,
       that the coils  had  worked  and  that  the  President of the United
       States could announce to the world that a "greater, safer power than
       atomic energy" could be provided for industry and transportation.

       Don Kelly is the editor of the Space Energy Newsletter (SEA) and
       has been conducting and reporting  results  of  E-M  to gravity drop
       tests.  He finds that energized coil assemblies have  a  40%  lag in
       drop time over  about  five feet.  Other related research world-wide
       verifies that spinning  masses   appear   to  lose  weight  at  high
       rotational speeds.

       Stefan Marinov is the editor of Deutsche Physik in  Germany  and has
       demonstrated many experiments that confound conventional E-M theory.
       His recent paper  describes  devices  that create anti-Lenz effects,
       thus increasing the generator's efficiency.

       Stanley Meyer has obtained over 28  patents in both the US and other
       countries that document his water fuel cell and hydrogen  fracturing
       process technology.  He  began  this work in 1980 and has spent over
       $1.6 million.  Although  he  has   been   approached   to  sell  the
       technology, he says he has no intention to do so and plans to retain
       control to make sure his invention is brought to the  public for the
       good of mankind.   An  informative  and recommended videotape of his
       1993 ISNE presentation is available through the INE.

                                      Page 9

       John and Kevin Moray are pursuing the technology that was repeatedly
       demonstrated to the  press  in  the  1930s  by  T. Henry Moray.  One
       device was reported to generate 50  kW  for  long periods of time by
       itself. Edmund Storms   has   reviewed  much  of   the   work   done
       internationally in the  so-called  area  of  'cold  fusion'  and has
       documented the results and repeated  results  of  the now world-wide
       research in this area.

       Floyd Sweet demonstrated his vacuum triode device  to  at  least two
       expert electronics technicians    that    have    documented   their
       observations in sworn affidavits.   A videotape was also made during
       a demonstration.  From  a  nine  volt battery starter  unit,  nearly
       continuous output powers  of 500 W to 50 kW have been reported to be
       observed.  Experimentation is still  in  progress  to further refine
       the device and to improve its operational capabilities.

       Paramahamsa Tewari has been doing experiments with  a  N-Machine and
       has reported over-unity  operation  from instrument readings.  He is
       currently performing new experiments  to  feed  the  output  of  the
       device back into the input to obtain a 'free-running' condition.

       Many researchers have performed experiments with these devices, also
       called, homo-polar generators,  or unipolar dynamos.   They  usually
       consist of a  rotating  magnetic  disk  where  electrical current is
       passed from the center of the disk  to its edge.  Small increases in
       the motor input  power  result in large increases of  output  power,
       thus encouraging the idea of an over-unity cross-over point.

       Regardless of all  of the theory and reasons pro and con, it will be
       exciting to see the results of Tewari's forth coming experiments and
       videotapes.  It appears that all  serious  research  and development
       activities in the energy conversion technologies will continue to be
       closely monitored and  guarded by the existing oil,  transportation,
       and economics industries.

       Serious researchers in  these  new areas (Meyer, Methernitha, Sweet)
       are not allowing "the establishment"  to  buy them out.  At the same
       time, there is  strong  evidence  of  aggressive  suppression.   The
       German company Becocraft  specializing  in  the  development of "new
       energy devices" was forcibly shut  down  and  its  president quickly
       imprisoned on investment fraud charges in a court case that had only
       one plaintiff:  the Utility Company of Cologne!  (Marinov 1992).

       All of the  investors  of  Becocraft fought the case  to  no  avail.
       Closer to home,  the  US  Patent  Office  has  classified over 3,000
       patent devices or applications under  the  secrecy  order, Title 35,
       U.S. Code (195 2) Sections 181-188.

       Where did that technology go?  These patents would  be a great place
       to start for   a   new  company  involved  with  defense  conversion
       technologies for environmental use!

       "Woe to you, you blind leaders of a hoard of blind, who say:

           'This should be done and that should not be left undone.'
            You only represent a false  teaching  and  ignore  the  laws of
            Creation." [4]

                                      Page 10

       "It has been said that science is man's futile attempt to understand
       Nature.  While it  becomes important to learn, understand, and apply
       science in our everyday lives, it  is  equally important to continue
       the pursuit of unraveling the secrets of Nature."   (ISNE 1993, from
       Forward 1).

       If ignorance was  a  good  enough  reason to not try, the light bulb
       would have never been invented and  the  Earth  would still be flat.
       Let us be  judged  by our work and repeatable results,  and  not  by
       hasty words.  Ifsome of these works turn out to be not valid:  So Be
       It; Let it Be Known; and Let's Move Forward with Integrity!

       We are all  desperately  looking  for  the  next big breakthrough in
       modern physics to assist us in solving  the  escalating  energy  and
       environment crises!

       Do something to  promote  and  encourage the continuation  of  these
       researchers and these  works!  If you don't do it, who will?  If not
       now, when?

          [5]  26th IECEC, Proceedings of the 26th IECEC, Volume 4,
               pp 329-492, August 1991:
               American Nuclear Society,
               555 North Kensington Avenue,
               La Grange Park, IL 60525,

               27th IECEC, Proceedings of the 27th IECEC, Volume,
               pp 4.357-4.295, August 1992:
               Society of Automotive Engineers,
               400 Commonwealth Drive,
               Warrendale, PA 15096-0001,
               Order No.  P-259, $350.00.

               28th IECEC, Proceedings  of  the  28th  IECEC,  August 1993:
               American Chemical Society,
               Meetings Department,
               1155 Sixteenth Street N.W.,
               Washington D.C. 20036,

               Adams, R.  "The Adams Pulsed Motor Generator Manual,"
               Jan.  1993:
               Nexus New Times Magazine,
               PO Box 30,
               Mapleton Qld 4560,
               Australia, $50.00.

               Advanced Energy Research Institute,
               14 Devonshire Mews West,      (yes, MEWS not News!!)
               London W1N 1FP, Great Britain.

               Academy for Future Sciences,
               PO Box FE,
               Los Gatos, CA 95031.

                                      Page 11

               Coler, H.,  "The  Invention  of  Hans  Coler, Relating to an
                           Alleged New Source of Power,"
               British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee
               report No. 1043  Item 31, 32 pp, Now Unclassified,
               Summer 1946.

       (Available from the authors for $5.00)

               Cromer, A., "Pathological Science: An Update,"
               Skeptical Inquirer, Vol.17, pp 400-407, 1993.

               Figgie, H. E.  Jr., Bankruptcy 1995:  The Coming Collapse of
               America and How to Stop It,
               Little, Brown and Company, US and Canada, 1992.

               GRG, Gravity Research Group,  "Electrogravitics  Systems: An
               Examination of  Electrostatic  Motion, Dynamic  Counterbary,
               and Barycentric Control,"
               Feb.  1956:  Gravity Research Group report GRG-013/56,
               Wright Patterson AFB Technical Library,
               Catalog No. TL 565 A9,
               WPAFB, Ohio 45433.GRI,
               Group Research Institute,
               PO Box 438,
               Nelson, New Zealand.

               Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin,
               4030 Braker Lane W.,Suite 300,
               Austin, TX 78759.

               Institute for New Energy,
               1304 South College Avenue,
               Fort Collins,CO 80524,

               International Tesla Society,
               PO Box 5636,
               Colorado Springs, CO80931.

               Proceedings of  the  International  Symposium on New Energy,
               April 16-18, 1993:
               International Association for New Science (IANS),
               1304 South College Avenue,
               Fort Collins, CO 80524,
               (303) 482-3731, $45.00 for both the IANS and INE.
               IANS supports the INE.

               Japan Psychrotronic Institute,
               c/o Shiuji Inomata,
               Electrotechnical Laboratory,
               1-1-4 Umezono,
               Ibaraki 305, Japan.

                                      Page 12

               Langmuir, I., "Pathological Science,"
               Physics Today, 42: 36-48, October 1989.

               Marinov, S., "Regarding Becocraft - Letter to
               Mr.  Richard von Weizsacker,
               President of the German Federal Republic, 10 October 1992",
               Deutsche Physik,
               No. 7, East-West Publishers,
               Morellenfeldgasse 16,
               A-8010 Graz, Austria.

               Meyer, S.  Water  Fuel  Cell  Technical  Brief,  July  1991:
               Stanley A. Meyer,
               3792 (street missing from file!!)
               Grove City, OH 43123, $25.00.

               "New Energy News",
               PO Box 58639,
               Salt Lake City, UT 84158-8639:
               monthly newsletter free to INE members.

               Newman, J., The Energy Machine  of Joseph Newman, July 1993:
               Joseph Westley Newman,
               Route 1, Box 52,
               Lucedale, Miss.  39452,

               Nieper, H.  A.,  Revolution  in  Technology,   Medicine  and
               Society, MIT Verlag, Germany, 1984 (In English):
               Tesla Book Company,
               PO Box 121873,
               Chula Vista, CA 91912,

               Space Energy Association,
               PO Box 11422,
               Clearwater, FL 34616.

               Seike, S.,  The  Principles  of  Ultra Relativity, 11th Ed.,
               Space Research Institute,
               Box 33,
               Uwajima, Ehime (798), Japan,

               Storms, E., "The Status of 'Cold Fusion'," 28th IECEC paper,
               August 1993.

               Tesla Incorporated,
               820 Bridger Circle,
               Craig, CO 81625.

               Univ. of Science and Philosophy,
               Swannanoa Place,
               Box 520,
               Waynesboro, VA 22980.
                                      Page 13


       The authors gratefully acknowledge these and many other researchers,
       scientists, and skeptics that have contributed serious open research
       and documentation to  boldly  advance science and technology for the
       benefit of the human race.

       Footnotes :

           1.  Poltergeist, Screenplay to  the  MGM/UA  film production and
               VHS videotape, 1987.
           2.  Heinlein,  Robert  A., Stranger in a Strange  Land,  Berkley
               Books, 1982.
           3.  Crichton, Michael, Jurassic Park, Ballantine Books, 1990.
           4.  Rashid, Isa;  Meier, Eduard.  The Talmud of Jmmanuel, 24:29-
               30, 1990:  Wild Flower Press, PO Box 230893, Tigard, Oregon,
               97224, $17.20.5.   Complete  addresses  and total prices are
       This Paper Was Presented and Published at the:

         28th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference
         August 8-13, 1993, in Atlanta, GA.

         Proceedings Pages 2.905-2.910.

         The Proceedings of the Conference are Available:
         ISBN 0-8412-2772-5
         [See "28th IECEC" in the References]
         The paper was also recently published in the New Energy News,
         Vol.  1,  No.  6,  October  1993.[See  "INE"  and  "IANS"  in  the


         If you have comments or other information relating  to such topics
         as  this  paper covers,  please  upload to KeelyNet or send to the
           Vangard  Sciences  address  as  listed  on the  first  page.
              Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.

           Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
                             Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet

                     If we can be of service, you may contact
                 Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346

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