|  File Name      : FORCEFLD.ASC     |  Online Date     :  12/18/94          |
|  Contributed by : Jerry Decker     |  Dir Category    :  ENERGY            |
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The following article is the result of a combination of observations triggered
by a chapter in the book, Spontaneous Human Combustion, by Jenny Randles and
Peter Hough.  The chapter is "May the Force be With You" and various sections
have been excerpted for this article.
         Electrostatic Force Fields as the Secret to the Tesla Shield
                              by Jerry W. Decker

In an old Twilight Zone episode, the story revolved around a mythical place
called Peaceful Valley.  A writer, concerned because he was low on gas during
a trip, followed a sign leading to the town of Peaceful Valley.  As he went
past the sign, his car suddenly struck something that crumpled the front end
and wrecked the car.  There was nothing visible.  He was taken into the town
by the concerned citizens.  While there, he stumbled on a series of odd events
which ended up with the town elders deciding to tell him about their secret
benefactor from over one hundred years past.

The benefactor was a brilliant scientist who gave them a series of equations
that led to teleportation, creation of matter from energy, reversal of the
time stream and other interesting phenomena.  They informed him that his car
had hit an invisible field of force, constructed of tightly bound air

The field strength could be so adjusted as to create an invisible wall with a
density equivalent to that of steel or molasses, by thickening the bonds of
the air molecules to the desired density.  It was not specified how this was
to be done but I never forgot the concept.

Tesla claimed he had developed an energy shield that could be placed around a
city or to create an impenetrable wall of force.  The details were never given
as to how this was to be accomplished, thus leading to much speculation.

In the book, Spontaneous Human Combustion, Randles and Hough are looking into
possible explanations of what actually causes SHC, beginning with ball
lightning and leading into freak electrical accumulations and discharges.

The first anecdote is rather innocuous and appears to have been a fluke,
however, further stories indicate there is much about natural electricity of
which we have only scratched the surface.

  A woman trying to enter a new car park in the centre of Durham in 1975
  reported the dilemma of finding that an INVISIBLE FORCEFIELD seemed to push
  it back (her car).  It was as if a giant magnet was resisting all attempts
  to squeeze the car into this small area.  Yet subsequently local officials
  had no trouble at the site and when the woman attempted to repeat her
  experience for the TV cameras she also had no more difficulty at all.

You would think other drivers would report the same problem and that the woman
would at least try to get others to try to park or enter in that same location
to see if the repelling effect was unique to her vehicle.  That information
was not supplied, so we are simply left with a curious story.

One of the better anecdotes is from an Australian sheep farmer in 1979.  It
took place in the Armidale region of New South Wales.  The weather was fine
and sunny.

  He (the sheep farmer) went out for a look at his sheep - or rather he tried
  to do so.  Instead his vehicle hit an INVISIBLE BARRIER just like that
  claimed by the woman in Durham.  This seemed to spread around his 100 acre
  farm and although he tried several ways to get out it was AS IF THE AIR WAS
  SOLID and was preventing movement beyond a certain point.  He attempted
  walking and it was reputedly equivalent to stepping into a 'plastic wall'.

  Evidently there was no problem with electricity supplies REACHING the
  farmhouse, but this may be because the field was intermittent.  It was there
  for a minute or so, then it DISAPPEARED only to return some minutes later
  when he tried another escape.  After forty-eight hours the effect
  disappeared for good and never returned.  Apparently the farmer was so
  disturbed by this that it took him several months to return to any sort of
  normal life.

It is difficult to imagine a ring of force that could cover a 100 acre farm,
but since the farmer tried several routes to leave and was stopped, it must
have been so.  Does this tell us anything about the shape of the field?

In another story, a moving forcefield barrier was reported by an engineering
student from Hampshire in June 1935.

  He was on a farm at Osmaston, Derbyshire with two friends.  At about 11PM,
  they were walking towards the road to catch the late bus back to Ashbourne.
  Suddenly there was a crunching sound, as if something was touching the
  gravel on the path.  This came up behind them, the noise stopped and the
  invisible field of energy literally PASSED THROUGH THEM.

  The physical sensations that were felt by the men were a deep clamminess and
  also their hair stood on end, suggesting that an electrostatic field was
  involved.  There was also a brief muscle paralysis.

This is reminiscent of the effects associated with ghostly encounters.  The
clamminess (temperature differential from ambient), the slight muscle
paralysis (suppression of muscle tone) and hair standing on end as happens
with animals and humans when frightened or excited.

A further account by the same engineer in August 1938 took place when the sky
was overcast with slight sunlight filtering through.

  ....he became aware of a dark SWIRLING cloud, almost like a tornado WITHOUT
  THE VORTEX TUBE.  It was already overhead and an intense oppressive
  sensation was filling the air.  Within moments it was surrounding the man on
  his bicycle and a high-pitched 'piping' noise was filling his ears.  After a
  few seconds it simply vanished.

  With the benefit of fifty years experience the engineer now suspects that
  the metal bicycle traversing a lonely moor was a perfect attraction for an
  energy cloud of IONIZED AIR.  How it was generated is quite another matter.

The authors then suggest that such ionized columns of air, having sufficient
velocity could produce the crop circles so en vogue in the past few years.
This was suggested as being a Star Wars test by the author of this paper back
in 1990 and detailed in a file listed on KeelyNet as CIRCLES1.ASC.

The most fascinating story of all is detailed on pages 161 and 162 of the
book.  It deals with an apparently ionized vortex.

  A very interesting observation of what seems to have been one of these
  energy fields or ionized vortices was made by Mr. R. Roberts of Kent.  It
  occurred in July 1966 and is potentially very significant.

  He was in a van on the old road from St. Margarets Bay to Dover when a sheet
  of intense rain hit the windscreen and forced him to a halt.  On his side he
  had a better view of an isolated field of rough grass with some derelict
  IRON-CLAD BUILDINGS - he thinks probably remnants from First World War sea
  defences.  Some cows were in the field nearby.

  Suddenly a loud HISSING SOUND began.  The cows heard it and looked around at
  once.  Expecting to see a lightning strike fell the cattle, instead Mr.
  Roberts was to be amazed.  A VERTICAL TUBE of some TWELVE FEET IN DIAMETER
  was there as if from nowhere.  It had the appearance of glass or plastic but
  was really ONLY VISIBLE because of his close proximity and the weird effect
  it had on the downpour.  This was striking the side of the tube and running
  down AS IF IT WERE SOLID.  No water was getting INSIDE the created TUBULAR
  ZONE at all!

  In other words, the vortex was producing a CIRCULAR FORCEFIELD and
  preventing the rain from intruding.  He could see that inside the region the
  grass was PRESSED FLAT to the ground and was apparently DRY.  It was as if
  someone had placed a giant glass beaker over the landscape.

  Unfortunately, Mr. Roberts did not see how the thing DISAPPEARED.

FASCINATING!  The appearance of the tube was preceded by a loud hissing sound,
is this LEAKAGE or ACCUMULATION of electrostatic energy?  And it was in a
circular pattern that appeared to HAVE WEIGHT.  This would lend credence to
the hypothesis that the air density within this area was greater than ambient,
thus creating a heavier zone of air to press the grass down..

One final story from the chapter deals with a mysterious bubble of force that
again indicates a closer molecular coupling of the air molecules.

  Two young girls were throwing a plastic frisbee back and forth when it
  apparently struck 'some invisible force' and reversed its course
  immediately.  It was like hitting a BRICK WALL that was NOT THERE.

  Following this the two girls found themselves surrounded by a 'yellow
  bubble' - seemingly akin to the vortex tube described by Mr. Roberts in
  Kent.  From their perspective INSIDE the tube the girls were able to offer
  an account of its effects.  They were hit by a force that they describe as a
  MILD ELECTRIC SHOCK and were THROWN to the ground by its strength.

  They also found it DIFFICULT TO BREATHE, possibly because the air was
  actually more RAREFIED WITHIN THE FIELD.  Fortunately they did not stay
  inside until the air ran out (as it may well have done in time) but rushed
  forward and 'broke through' the wall of the 'bubble' to escape.

There is reason to believe that the air could indeed have been rarefied,
simply by the fact that properly polarized ions are known to displace oxygen.

However, I am of the opinion that high density electrostatic coupling of the
air molecules would make it difficult to breathe in such a dense environment,
much like scuba diving at 100 feet.

One other correlation is a story related by Bruce Cathie in his book, The
Energy Grid, Harmonic 695.  The story was in the form of a letter to Mr.
Cathie where a 'new Australian' writes of an odd thing he'd witnessed in a
canyon at the base of a cliff.  It appeared to be a greyish-green object
underneath an overhanging cliff.

  ...I satisfied myself that it must have been something created by the light,
  but realised that the sun didn't reach down to the bottom of the canyon.  To
  make sure, I picked up a pebble, and threw it to where I supposed the object
  to be.  The result was the stone was STOPPED IN MID-AIR, or when it HIT the
  object.  It then SLID DOWN TO THE GROUND, and on impact with the rocky
  ground the stone made a noise; although there had been NO NOISE when it

  ...the next day I returned and found the object was again visible.  I had
  brought with me a long piece of fencing wire and my transistor radio.  I
  started to yell and to make my presence known to whatever it was, and I
  admit I felt an idiot doing so, but nothing happened.  Then I switched my
  transistor radio on, and when music came from it, the object started to
  react.  I watched it closely.  The object GRADUALLY FADED AWAY, but the
  process was so slow that it was hard to say exactly when it became

  I had brought the fencing wire with me to find out if the object were an
  electric phenomenon.  I tied this long wire to a stick and reached into the
  nothingness.  Then with a match soaked in saliva and wiped, I touch the
  wire.  Had the object been electrical, I should have felt a slight tingle in
  my fingers, but I did not.

  Gaining confidence I took hold of the wire with my hands, but still I could
  FEEL NOTHING.  When I clamped my teeth on the end of the wire and touched it
  with my tongue, I COULD FEEL some RHYTHMICAL VIBRATION coming through the

  The vibration SEEMED TO CHANGE IN RHYTHM when one yelled, played music or
  threw a stone towards the invisible object.  But even without ANY NOISE, a
  VIBRATION kept coming from it.

  The underside of the overhanging shelf seemed to SWEAT; it is moist whereas
  the whole area including the canyon is BONE DRY.

Is this yet another clue?  That of vibration?  If the field is electrostatic
in the normal understanding, then would not the wire short out the field?
That is UNLESS there is some kind of COHERENT MATRIX where the electrostatic
energy is more on a micro level than a macro.  Vibration could possibly
molecules necessary to produce an invisible wall.

Anyone who has ever worked around high voltage, has noticed the static charge
accumulations on the body.  It has been described as feeling like cobwebs.

Based on the above accounts, it makes sense that a very high density
electrostatic field that was TUNED to one or more of the air molecules, could
impart energy sufficient to cause the molecules to bond with a tighter
coupling.  Since nitrogen accounts for 78% of the atmosphere, it would follow
that nitrogen would be an excellent choice to experiment with.

Multiple questions arise as to HOW to achieve this result.  Since it appears
in nature, there must be some common observations that would help us to
duplicate it in experimental situations.

The fact that a vortex is involved, combined with the binding forces of a
rapidly rotating torus, or as the spherical energy form known as a soliton, we
have serious clues as to how to duplicate the effect in a controlled

Electrostatic fields can be generated as oscillatory (AC using Tesla type
coils) or static (DC using Wimshurst or Van de Graff generators).  To my
knowledge, the field densities have not been restricted into a very tight
space as seem to be the case with the above observations.

Perhaps there is an expansion of the electron shells, followed by a rapid
compression, to produce the process known as fractioning.  In such a case, the
energy would be squeezed into a tighter space, much like Ken Shoulders' charge
clusters.  Other options include self-organizing fields, vibrationally induced
and sustained solitons, very rapidly rotating electrostatic energy in the form
of a tightly bound torus, etc..

I think we have an excellent starting point with these correlations to show
that such a force field is indeed possible.  There are no doubt other
correlations which I hope others will share with us here at KeelyNet.  They
will be either appended to this document or collected into a second file as
they are received.