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August 15, 2001

APEC Seminar Notes

Question: Where can I get APEC seminar notes?

Origninal Question: Do you know where I can get notes on an APEC seminar/meeting held somewhere in the USA ...if I am not mistaken, it's in Minnesota by Ned Mohan about Current Mode Control of a Boost Converter.

Answer: APEC (Applied Power Electronics Conference) has been held in the USA yearly since 1986. You can find the conference, locations, and proceedings information on the APEC Website. It has never been held in Minnesota. APEC has always had a series of professional seminars accompanying the conference. The only way I know that you can get copies of the notes is by attending the seminars, although you can always request a copy from the presenter. Ned Mohan has given seminars at APEC, but not on this subject in the last five years (checking preliminary program mailings, I did not check the earlier programs.) Dr. Mohan is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Minnesota and has written a popular text on power electronics, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design, and has given seminars all over the world. A search on "Ned Mohan" yields 370 hits on Google and inverting the first and last name yields another 110. Included is his faculty page at the University of Minnesota with his contact information.

Posted by Jerrold Foutz at August 15, 2001 11:22 AM