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May 14, 2001

Rudy Severns' Papers

When Rudy Severns shut down his website, I lamented that the list of papers of this power electronics pioneer would no longer be available on the web. He graciously updated the list and gave me permission to move it to a directory on the SMPS Technology website.

Circuit Reinvention in Power Electronics and Identification of Prior Work, paper 82 on Rudy Severns list of papers, is of special interest to those interested in the history of our trade. He mentions the SMPS Technology website in the paper (although an old URL) in the context of the earlier SMPS Technology Knowledge Base, an inverted file index of papers from the Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC). IEEE Power Electronic Society members can download the paper at the IEEE Xplore website, going to the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, and clicking on January, 2001. You have to register if you have not already done so.

Posted by Jerrold Foutz at May 14, 2001 09:57 AM