DESIGN PHASE: preliminary design SUB ELEMENT NAME: verify circuit apportionment VARIABLE NAME: [HEPVCA] DATE: REVISION LETTER: REVISION DATE: APPLICABILITY: all circuits ACTIVITY: Verify that the circuit apportionment of the verified circuit concept is still valid. OUTPUT: Validation that all circuit functions are part of the circuit or are contained in an interfacing circuit and that the module area and height of components above the module are equal or less than that allotted in the base line design. ALGORITHM: [HEPVCA] = engineer hours to verify circuit apportionment 0.0+ set up time 0.0* time per part [PARTS COUNT] circuit parts count DISCUSSION: Growth beyond the allotted base line volume may affect module count, chassis size, weight, and other critical system parameters. An early recheck of the circuit apportionment minimizes risk in this area.
Original: Foutz, J., Power Supply Circuit Development Estimating Aid - An Expert System Application, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference Record, New Orleans, February 1-5, 1988. Revised 26 February 2001
Copyright © 2001 Jerrold Foutz
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