DESIGN PHASE: paper design SUB ELEMENT NAME: magnetics work authorization total VARIABLE NAME: [HM] DATE: REVISION LETTER: REVISION DATE: APPLICABILITY: [MAGNETIC COUNT] > 0 ACTIVITY: Work Authorization to Magnetics Design Group for: Develop Designs (Average of 3 iterations) Fabricate Core and Coils (Average of 6 per design) Provide Program Direction Prepare transformer drawings Prepare transformer test specs Incorporate changes Check drawings Release drawings and specs Order prototype parts Order prototype tooling Fabricate prototype parts (Average of 6 parts) Engineering factory support INPUT: Report specifying magnetics requirments.OUTPUT: Core and coil magnetics for breadboard (up to six) Released drawings and specs for prototype magnetics and make prototypes (up to six) ALGORITHM: [HM] = magnetics work authorization total 0* hours per magnetic * [MAGNETIC COUNT] number of magnetic components in circuit DISCUSSION: (Source material for estimating cost of in-house or vendor magnetics design and prototype fabrication.)
Original: Foutz, J., Power Supply Circuit Development Estimating Aid - An Expert System Application, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference Record, New Orleans, February 1-5, 1988. Revised 26 February 2001
Copyright © 2001 Jerrold Foutz
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