DESIGN PHASE: measurement SUB ELEMENT NAME: regulation measurements (plots) VARIABLE NAME: [HEMR] DATE: REVISION LETTER: REVISION DATE: APPLICABILITY: regulator circuits ACTIVITY: Make room temperature regulation plots. These are plots of the regulated output (voltage in the case of voltage regulators) as a function of one other parameter with the others set a nominal. Examples are load regulation, line regulation, bias voltage regulation, and in the case of multiple outputs controlled with one feedback loop, cross regulation. Power loss or efficiency versus load is also a desired measurement for regulator circuits. Regulation plots are made with a multimeter and oscilloscope (to verify circuit is not oscillating and to measure ripple and noise if present). Automatic equipment may also be used. Regulation measurements consist of: line.regulation bias.regulation load.regulation cross.regulation power.loss.vs.load OUTPUT: Measurements recorded in a laboratory notebook along with plots for comparison to specifications and analysis. ALGORITHM: [HEMR] = [HTMR] 0.0+ set up time 0.5* splits time between engineer and technician 0.0* time for each regulation plot [NR] number of regulation plots [NR] = number of regulation plots [NIR]+ number of input regulation plots including cross regulation [NOR] number of load regulation plots including cross regulation +1 power loss versus load plot [NIR] = One output plot for each output is required for each input [INPUT COUNT] *[OUTPUT COUNT] [NOR] = [OUTPUT COUNT]+ Output regulation for nominal inputs 2* Approximates factorial for output cross ([OUTPUT COUNT]-1) regulation DISCUSSION: Time per measurement is estimated as being done by the engineer alone and then time is split between engineer and technician and set up time is added for both.
Original: Foutz, J., Power Supply Circuit Development Estimating Aid - An Expert System Application, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference Record, New Orleans, February 1-5, 1988. Revised 21 February 2001
Copyright © 2001 Jerrold Foutz
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