Failure Modes
DESIGN PHASE: measurement SUB ELEMENT NAME: failure modes VARIABLE NAME: [HEMFAIL] DATE: REVISION LETTER: REVISION DATE: APPLICABILITY: all circuits ACTIVITY: Verify circuit does not fail under abnormal operating conditions or that a single failure does not cause secondary failures. OUTPUT: Measurements and discussion in laboratory notebook for later comparison to specifications and analysis. ALGORITHM: [HEMFAIL] = number of engineer hours for fail mode (and effects) measurements [HTMFAIL] = number of technician hours for same 0.0+ set up time 0.0* time per measurement [NFAIL] number of failure mode measurements output.short [OUTPUT COUNT] input.short [INPUT COUNT] bias.sequencing FACTORIAL[INPUT COUNT] (use [INPUT COUNT]) (clock.failure, etc) and other failures. use 0.0*[PARTS COUNT] [NFAIL] = 1.0*[OUTPUT COUNT]+2*[INPUT COUNT]+0.2*[PARTS COUNT] DISCUSSION:
Author: Jerrold Foutz, foutz@smpstech.comOriginal: Foutz, J., Power Supply Circuit Development Estimating Aid - An Expert System Application, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference Record, New Orleans, February 1-5, 1988. Revised 21 February 2001
Copyright © 2001 Jerrold Foutz
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