DESIGN PHASE: measurement SUB ELEMENT NAME: photo measurement - switching loss measurements VARIABLE NAME: [HEMTSLOS] DATE: REVISION LETTER: REVISION DATE: APPLICABILITY: switching mode circuits ACTIVITY: Measure (oscilloscope photographs) voltage and current rise and fall times and instantaneous power (digital oscilloscope or common trigger for voltage and current so that power can be calculated from photographs). OUTPUT: Labeled photographs in laboratory notebook for comparison to circuit analysis (usually Spice plots under the same conditions). ALGORITHM: [HEMTSLOS] = engineer hours to measure switching losses [HTMTSLOS] = technician hours to measure switching losses 0.0* = hours per measurement set [NPWRXSTR] = number of measurement sets DISCUSSION:
Original: Foutz, J., Power Supply Circuit Development Estimating Aid - An Expert System Application, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference Record, New Orleans, February 1-5, 1988. Revised 25 February 2001
Copyright © 2001 Jerrold Foutz
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