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 Important Notice

We are making great progress on the site redesign. It is going to be great and we can't wait to get it online! We're building a solid base upon which many new and useful features can be added. However, much work remains to be done before it goes live.

It is now time for you to help us. If you are employed by a capacitor company or a supplier to capacitor companies, or a distributor of capacitors, please send us your current catalog in electronic and hardcopy form. Please make sure your current company contact info is included.

The information we need at a minimum is the same as what can be found in our current catalog listings. Email it to us in CSV, tab-delimited, MSExcel or similar format. We can read most any data file, but the simpler and more common, the better. We want to be fair to all companies, so we will handle all submissions on a first come, first serve (FIFO) basis.

While it is not necessary to do so, please consider making a donation to FaradNet, sponsoring us, or placing advertising on our site to help keep FaradNet free for all. Details can be obtained by contacting us.

If you have any questions, concerns, requests, suggestions, etc, please use our contact form.

 Special Announcement

Over the next few months we will be completely updating FaradNet.com to better serve you with the information and services that you want. This is a major, long term overhaul, but it is long overdue.

The vast majority of the information herein is on over 3000 static web pages. It is very difficult and time consuming to maintain. Therefore, we will make behind-the-scenes structural changes first. Then we will be updating the information.

Please be patient with us, and check back often to see the improvements. Please give us your comments and suggestions here.

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 Our Mission

This website provides unbiased information for circuit designers, purchasing agents and others who specify or purchase discrete capacitors. It is also for managers, scientists, engineers, and other interested employees within the capacitor industries, and associated vendor bases. Since our focus is educational, non-technical employees and also science and engineering students may benefit.

 Critical Acclaim
EDTN Network's EExpert Anton Kruger says that FaradNet is...
"...a cyber-gold mine of information on capacitors."
...more praise for this site. Currently, there are listings for over 1635 capacitor companies, more than 700 distributors and factory representatives, and more than 245 raw material vendors and service providers world wide.

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Unless otherwise noted all contents are Copyright © 1996-2011 Tyra T. Buczkowski. All rights reserved.