DC Power Supplies : A Technician's Guide by Joseph J. Carr Paperback - 326 pages (August 1996) McGraw-HilL ISBN: 007011496X Dimensions (in inches): 0.70 x 9.11 x 7.32
Book Description
This book teaches the theory of DC power supply circuit electronics and provides hands-on projects and experiments that will give the technician practical experience building and working with these circuits. DC power supply electronics is an extremely important area of electronics for technicians. Virtually every single piece of electronic equipment uses some type of internal or external DC power supply.
From the Back Cover
Skill-building projects give you the hands-on experience you need to become proficient in all kinds of dc power supplies To succeed in electronics, you must understand dc power supplies. From the guru of accessible, technician-level electronics volumes, here is the most comprehensive, up-to-date benchtop reference to virtually every kind of internal and external dc power supply. You get down-to-earth coverage of all the necessary theory, as well as loads of practical, build-it-yourself projects and instructive experiments. Using widely available, real-world components and component values, these hands-on experiments and practical projects allow you to put into practice the theory just reviewed. There is no better way for you to truly master dc power supplies. Carr gives you helpful advice on power supply construction and protection, and offers a wealth of effective troubleshooting techniques. Other topics covered include: Basic electrical concepts; Metering and control circuity; Electrical safety; Batteries; Transformers; Rectifiers (operation, selection, circuits); Ripple filtering; Power supply protection.
Power Supplies, Switching Regulators, Inverters, and Converters by Irving M. Gottlieb Paperback - 479 pages 2nd edition (September 1993) Tab Books ISBN: 0830644040 Dimensions (in inches): 1.07 x 9.24 x 7.35
An all-in-one guide to design, applications, and operation--with hundreds of helpful schematics and diagrams. Updated to cover new IC technology, low-voltage logic devices, and one-watt power supplies for ISDN equipment. Detailed enough for professional engineers and technicians . . . accessible enough for students and hobbyists.
Simplified Design of Switching Power Supplies by John D. Lenk Paperback (August 1996) Butterworth-Heinemann (Trd) ISBN: 0750698217 Dimensions (in inches): 0.76 x 9.22 x 6.10
An all-inclusive, one-step guide to switching power-supply design, this unique book describes the operation of each circuit in detail, requiring no previous design experience to use the techniques. Step-by-step instructions and diagrams render this book essential for the student, the experimenter, and the design professional. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Booknews, Inc. , April 1, 1995
An introduction to switching power-supply design for students, experimenters, and serious hobbyists with no experience in circuit design, and a quick reference and book of tricks for veteran technicians and engineers. Concentrates on the use of integrated circuit regulators and external components that modify the characteristics of the circuit package. The designs shown can be used immediately or adapted for special application. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Switching Power Supply Design by Abraham I. Pressman Hardcover - 600 pages 2nd edition (November 1997) McGraw Hill Text ISBN: 0070522367 Dimensions (in inches): 2.06 x 9.36 x 6.35
Book Description
We all want our laptop computers and other electronic gadgets to pack more features into less space. That requires reducing the size of power supplies, which is why power supply design is changing so fast. Now the best-selling guide to the field introduces hot innovations such as low input voltage supplies for portable electronics, power factor correction, and high-frequency ballasts. Fully updated throughout, it remains the all-in-one, "how-to" classic for design engineers everywhere.
Booknews, Inc. , October 1, 1991
A guide to recent developments in the technology of power supply design, focusing on the current reliance on higher switching frequencies, which are possible because of power MOSFET transistors, newer topologies, and integrated-circuit pulse-width-modulating (PWM) chips. Emphasizes both circuit design and transformer design, with discussions of the magnetic design aspects; and reports on the merits and drawbacks, the usages and problem areas of the key topologies used in modern switching power supplies. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
From the Back Cover
A practical guide to state-of-the-art power supply design Switching Power Supply Design, Second Edition Nowhere else can you find, in one book, all the information you need to design a switching power supply. And no other book on the subject is as practical, yet mathematically sufficient, without being unnecessarily academic. Using a tutorial, how-to-do-it approach, Pressman first explains basic principles and why thigs are done as they are. With a knowledge of basic principles, the engineer can easily cope with new design requrements and evaluate alternative design decisions. The topics covered represent all those areas where a design decision hasto be made in commencing a new design. These include: Topology Descriptions-A quantitative description of the roughly 15 commonly used topologies. Maximum current and voltage stress on power transistors for specified input voltage-output powers are described. The discussion permits selection of an optimum topology for the specified input-output voltages, output powers, and the selection of the power transistors; High-Frequency Magnetics Fundamentals-Ferrite core hysteresis, coil skin effect, and proximity effect losses; Transformer Design-Derivation of equation for transformer core selection for available output power as a function of frequency, flux density, iron and bobbin area, and topology; novel charts derived from the equations, permitting core selection at a glance; core, coil, total transformer loss, and temperature rise calculations; transformer design examples in major topologies; DC Current Biased Inductor Design-Design of inductors carrying DC bias currents using ferrite, MPP, Koolmu, and powered iron cores; Magnetic Amplifier, Snubber Designs, and Resonant Converters; Feedbak Look Stabilization; Critical Polaroid Waveforms in Major Topologies. This second edition adds chapters on the current hottest topics in the field; power factor corrections, high-frequency ballsts for flourescent lamps, and low-input voltage power supplies for laptop computers.
Fundamentals of Power Electronics by Robert W. Erickson Hardcover - 750 pages (May 1997) Chapman & Hall ISBN: 0412085410 Dimensions (in inches): 1.40 x 10.19 x 7.28
Book Description
This six-part book fully and completely explains the principles, models, and technical requirements of power electronics at a higher level than is currently published. The book moves logically from theory to application-specific material, covering in one source what readers are currently finding in two or more texts. Bob Erickson creates the context in Parts 1 and 2 of his book covering converter circuits and electronics, semiconductor devices, analytical assessment techniques, converter topologies, and AC-modeling of DC converters. Later chapters cover theory, design, and application techniques for control systems, magnetics, converters, inverters, and filters. Each chapter includes homework problems, step-by-step design techniques, and real-world examples.
The author, R. W. Erickson http://ece-www.colorado.edu/~pwrelect/book/bookdir.html, August 15, 1997
Table of contents
- 1. Introduction
- I. Converters in Equilibrium
- 2. Principles of Steady-State Converter Analysis
- 3. Steady-State Equivalent Circuit Modeling, Losses, and Efficiency
- 4. Switch Realization
- 5. The Discontinuous Conduction Mode
- 6. Converter Circuits
- II. Converter Dynamics and Control
- 7. AC Equivalent Circuit Modeling
- 8. Converter Transfer Functions
- 9. Controller Design
- 10. Ac and Dc Equivalent Circuit Modeling of the Discontinuous Conduction Mode
- 11. Current Programmed Control
- III. Magnetics
- 12. Basic Magnetics Theory
- 13. Filter Inductor Design
- 14. Transformer Design
- IV. Modern Rectifiers and Power System Harmonics
- 15. Power and Harmonics in Nonsinusoidal Systems
- 16. Line-Commutated Rectifiers
- 17. The Ideal Rectifier
- 18. Low Harmonic Rectifier Modeling and Control
- V. Resonant Converters
- 19. Resonant Conversion
- 20. Quasi-Resonant Converters
- Appendices
- 1. RMS Values of Commonly-Observed Converter Waveforms
- 2. Magnetics Design Tables
- 3. Averaged Switch Modeling of a CCM SEPIC
Power Electronics : Converters, Applications, and Design by Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland (Contributor), William P. Robbins (Contributor) Paperback - 824 pages 2nd edition (January 1995) John Wiley & Sons ISBN: 0471584088 Dimensions (in inches): 1.78 x 10.25 x 7.32
Synopsis (The publisher, John Wiley & Sons)
Cohesive presentation of power electronics fundamentals for applications and design in the power range of 500 kW or less. Describes a variety of practical and emerging power electronic converters made feasible by the new generation of power semiconductor devices. This revised edition includes an expanded discussion of diode rectifiers and thyristor converters as well as new chapters on heat sinks, magnetic components which present a step-by-step design approach and a computer simulation of power electronics which introduces numerical techniques and commonly used simulation packages such as PSpice, MATLAB and EMTP. Contains a significantly expanded set of end-of-chapter problems.
Booknews, Inc. , April 1, 1995
A cohesive presentation of power electronics fundamentals for applications and design in the power range of 500 kW or less, where a huge market exists and where the demand for power electronics engineers is likely to be. This revised edition (1st ed., 1989) adds an introductory chapter to provide a review of basic electrical and magnetic circuit concepts; a chapter that describes the role of compute simulations in power electronics; a new chapter on the design of inductors and transformers that describes concepts for step-by-step design procedures; and a new chapter on heat sinks. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Switchmode Power Supply Handbook by Keith H. Billings Hardcover (July 1989) McGraw Hill Text ISBN: 0070053308 Dimensions (in inches): 1.64 x 9.27 x 6.43
Book Description
This is one of the most straightforward treatments of switchmode power supply design available. Using explicit design examples throughout, the book covers everything from simple system explanations to circuit design and evaluation techniques.
Booknews, Inc. , September 1, 1989
Descriptions of techniques in common use today, together with explanations of the latest developments in the field. Addresses how to specify power supply requirements to ensure a system design that is cost-effective and reliable, and presents coverage of such topics as transformer design, choke design, input filters, RFI control, snubber circuits, and thermal design. Includes examples and nomograms. Acidic paper. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
From the Back Cover
The bestselling reference--packed with essential new material! The leading hands-on guide in this rapidly expanding area of electronics, Keith Billing's revision of the Switchmode Power Supply Handbook brings additional state-of-the-art techniques and developments to engineers at all levels. Offering sound working knowledge of the latest in topologies and clear, step-by-step approaches to component decisions, this handbook gives power supply designers practical, solutions-oriented design guidance, free of unnecessarily complicated mathematical derivations and theory. The Handbook features many new fully worked examples, as well as numerous nomograms--everything you need to design today's smaller, faster, and cooler systems. Turn to the new Part 4, and you'll find cutting-edge design expertise on: electronic ballast; power factor correction. In addition, the previously updated parts 1-3 still provide fully applicable sections on: thermal management techniques; transformers, chokes, input filters, EMI control, converters, snubber circuits, auxiliary systems, and much more. --This text refers to the hardcover edition of this title.
Power Supply Cookbook by Marty Brown Paperback - 248 pages (August 1997) Butterworth-Heinemann (Trd) ISBN: 075067010X Dimensions (in inches): 0.57 x 9.95 x 7.03
Electrical Power Distribution and Transmission by Luces M. Faulkenberry, Walter Coffer (Contributor) Hardcover - 582 pages (January 1996) Prentice Hall College Div ISBN: 0132499479 Dimensions (in inches): 1.33 x 9.50 x 7.67
Written in a down-to-earth, easy-to-understand manner, Electrical Power Distribution and Transmission is a state-of-the-art book that offers readers a practical orientation and introduction to electrical power distribution and transmission. Outstanding features, which have been widely applauded, include real-world aspects of the field (readers are exposed to theory and practice they will use in their careers); organized into three easy to understand sections, including History, Electrical Power Distribution, and Electrical Power Transmission; thorough coverage of subject concepts; and offers up-to-date material with historical perspective. This comprehensive book is appropriate for courses in electrical power distribution and/or transmission. Readers will find previous courses in dc/ac circuits, algebra, and trigonometry to be a plus.
The publisher, Prentice-Hall Career & Technology
Written in a down-to-earth, easy to understand manner, this state-of-the-art text offers students a practical orientation and introduction to electrical power distribution and transmission.
Booknews, Inc. , November 1, 1996
A practical introduction to electrical power distribution and transmission, explaining theory and real-world aspects in three sections on history of the field, distribution, and transmission. Features chapter exercises and questions, with material on three-phase phasors, transformers, substations, system construction, and fault calculations. Includes b&w photos. Assumes previous courses in dc/ac circuits, algebra, and trigonometry, and a familiarity with basic polyphase circuits and rotating electrical machines is helpful. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
From the Back Cover
KEY BENEFIT: Written in a down-to-earth, easy to understand manner, this state-of-the-art book offers a practical orientation and introduction to electrical power distribution and transmission. KEY TOPICS: Considers real-world aspects of the field, coupling theory and practice that readers can readily apply to their jobs. MARKET: Ideal reference for technicians, technologists, and engineers in the power field.
Elements of Power Electronics (Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering) by Philip T. Krein Hardcover (February 1998) Oxford Univ Press ISBN: 0195117018 Dimensions (in inches): 1.59 x 9.61 x 7.77
Introduction to Modern Power Electronics by Andrzej M. Trzynadlowski, Stanislaw Legowski Hardcover - 433 pages (April 1998) John Wiley & Sons ISBN: 0471153036 Dimensions (in inches): 1.01 x 9.50 x 6.35
The publisher, John Wiley & Sons
This book is an introductory presentation of power electronics fundamentals. The book will be primarily focused on medium and high power conversion, and it will stress electronic converters. Converters are important because they process electric power for a great variety of applications, such as electric drive systems, uninterruptable power supply systems, heating and lighting control and many others.
An Introduction to Power Electronics by B. M. Bird, K. G. King (Contributor), D. A. G. Pedder (Contributor) Paperback - 392 pages 2nd edition (November 1992) John Wiley & Sons ISBN: 0471926175 Dimensions (in inches): 0.93 x 9.70 x 7.45
Booknews, Inc. , October 1, 1993
A text for college students, and a reference for practicing engineers, steers a course between a purely theoretical treatment of power electronics and a simple technician's manual. Covers a wide range of power converter circuits. Updated from the 1983 edition to incorporate the many developments in the field. Highly illustrated. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.