The Joe Energy Cell

Theory and Construction

Page One I Page Two

Joe Cell Construction:

Joe Cell Construction Plans: Click on thumbnails to and save.


Joe Cell Parts List:

Here's a great link - and this webpage has all the parts needed to build a Joe Cell - and how-to books...enjoy.

How to Run Your Car on just Water alone?! Click below - Here's the blueprints. Note: this version is NOT the Joe Cell...for links directly to the website featuring this fascinating article - "A Water Fueled Car":
and for individual images on the construction diagrams:
1.)  and
Compliments - Source: Carl Cella, PO Box 8101 (4176-X), San Luis Obispo, CA 93409-0001, USA. Originally published in "Iron Feather Journal" No. 13, PO Box 1905, Boulder, CO 80306, USA, and in "Psychedelic Illuminations VIII", Fall/Winter 1995/96, PO Box 3186, Fullerton, CA 92634, USA). Note: Carl Cella, you may or may not remember is from the Hard Rock band "Rampage."


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