TWO: The Viktor Schauberger bookstore - Books relating to Viktor Schauberger, the "water wizard"
Reviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: This book started it all! Callum Coats basically brought to "light" the resurgence of interest in Viktor Schauberger's theories. This is truly a brilliant work. Water as a carrier of vital energy information, trees as bio-condensers of energy between the deep earth and the sun, how self-cleansing rivers nourish the landscape, how the future of the earth depends on the replanting of natural forests, revolutionary agricultural implements, free energy heater-coolers, jet engines and gravity defying machines invented by Schauberger in the 30's and 40's, home power's pretty much all here. It was a hard book for me to put down once I started reading, and I go back to it continually for reference. This book pretty much sums up Schauberger's work, which Coats then compartmentalized and expanded in the "Eco-Technology" series with four other books. I would highly advise getting this book, first, and reading it thoroughly, before moving on to the series, as it is a fascinating preface into discovering who Viktor Schauberger WAS, and learning just how far-reaching his theories were, and applicable to us, today. FDG.
Reviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: This is the first book of the "Eco-Technology" series, and as so, gives you the foundation of the theories presented by Viktor Schauberger, and amplified by Callum Coats. It DOES contain quite allot of previous information written in Living Energies (Coat's first Schauberger book), however, the discussion and the text is much more thoroughly covered. The substance of water, water supply, deep-sea water, the consequences of drinking purely mechanically treated water, notes on the secrets of water, high-frequency water, the pulsation and healing power of water, river regulation, groundwater tables, temperature and movement of water...notice my use of the word WATER. Yes, this book is about water, but, by reading it, just wait until you discover what you DID NOT know about "water". It is a very good start, and as I said, a foundation for understanding the theories of Viktor Schauberger. FDG.
O ur Senseless Toil, May 23, 2001: Reviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: I had to use a title from one of the books' opening chapters. This book is going to annoy some people. Callum Coats presents Viktor Schauberger's theories in a modern light. The laws of Nature, Questions for Science, Nature as Teacher, the fish-eagle, the swing, the trout, the ox, dancing logs and stones, the Genesis of water, the coming bio-technical age, the secret of the egg form...these are elucidated...then comes the fun stuff... the age-old secret of the atom, implosive breathing, life-force and animated breathing, is there perpetual motion (?), organic syntheses, the false world view, the mechanical equivalent of heat, plasmolytic motion; this volume gives tremendous insight into what is happening in the world, today, and practical solutions on HOW we may yet save our world. Most telling is Schauberger's inane gut feelings on the powers at work in the environment, and living water. Hey, it's only volume two of the series. Get all four, and see how these books will influence YOU to change the way we look at the earth . FDG
R eviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: If you are in any way interested in the environment, then this book will appeal to you. This is the third book in the highly acclaimed "Eco-Technology" series by Callum Coats. Not only does the book delve into what man is doing to harm the environment, it also offers "fresh" ideas on what we can and should DO about it. I can't believe "Green Peace" or some other pro-environmental group doesn't have this book as part of their by-laws! Fascinating. Of coarse, the entire book is based on the revolutionary work of Viktor Schauberger. This one, if you are into farming, just have a back-yard garden, or are a hard core pro-earth person, will keep you reading till the end...and want to read the entire series. A very well written and inspiring book. A different view of natural phenomena, the influence of temperature and water movement, forestry, agriculture, the energy industry, the dying forest, timber and water in the building industry, soil fertilization, increased! Again, whether you are just into learning what's happening to the earth, and why, or you are serious about trying to DO something to stop the damage already done, this book will open your eyes. FDG
Reviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: This book, being the fourth and last of the Eco-Technology series, is an incredible finish. Naturally, all of the book deals with Viktor Schauberger, and his theories on living water, and the environment. This book, however, goes deeper into the actual inventions than the previous ones. It contains almost all of Schauberger's patent information, most of which, even though "lost" originally, is now amplified and explained by Callum Coats. The Trout Motor, the Repulsine, and the rest of Viktor's inventions fall in place like a well stacked deck of cards. You could very easily build these wonderful engines, yourself (with some help from a good machine shop, of coarse!). If you have waited for the conclusion of the series, your wait will be well worth the time. I highly suggest you pick up this copy. FDG
The Newest Book out on Viktor Schauberger, and it is simply amazing!
Alick Bartholomew has done a fantastic job in the writing of this book. While the few other books on Schauberger, most notably the books Living Energies, and the Eco-Technology series from Callum Coats, and of course, Olof Alexanderson's Living Water (the original pioneer) dissect Schauberger's work...Alick puts it in simple, easy to read and understand words. Many times I found that Coats' literal translation from German to English a bit much to take. Bartholomew takes all of Schauberger's conceptual ideas, and breaks them down into a series of (shall we say) modern English, comprehendible, and brilliant formats. The work is quite simply excellent. There were a number of times when I read through Callum Coats writings and was left with an unmistakable feeling of "what the heck did I just read...!" Not so with Bartholomew's writing. Chapters include: Schauberger's Vision; Different Kinds of Energy; Attraction & Repulsion of Opposites; Nature's Patterns & Shapes; Energy Production; Motion, Key to Balance; Atmosphere/Electricity; The Nature of Water; Hydrological Cycle; Formation of Springs; How Rivers Flow; Supplying Water; The Role of the Forests; Tree Metabolism; Soil Fertility and Cultivation; Organic Cultivation; The Energy Revolution; Harnessing Implosion Power; Viktor Schauberger & Society and more. I am not trying in any way to detract from buying one of Coats' books — they are a wealth of information, and the work is simply outstanding. What Bartholomew has done with HIS book, is put it in language that anyone can easily understand and comprehend in its entirety. The book is very well written, the illustrations are excellent, and all-in-all, it's probably the best book to start with in your exploration of Viktor Schauberger.
E ditorial Reviews: The research of Callum Coats takes us on a journey through the life and inventions of Austrian ecologist Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958). Now, for the first time, you can view the evidence in this detailed, three-hour illustrated lecture presentation on this two video set. Viktor Schauberger was a genius whose ideas were far ahead of his time. He worked as a "forest-master" in the Austrian Alps when they were still a true wilderness. This experience was to influence his entire life's work. Schauberger prophesied the environmental crises we are seeing today, predicting that unless we start to cherish rather than exploit our world, we would surely destroy ourselves. He demonstrated how deforestation would deplete the world of water, causing deserts and climatic chaos. Asked about our technology, "How else should it be done?" His answer was "exactly in the opposite way that it is done today!" His maxim: "Comprehend and Copy Nature!" From his precise observations of the processes of Nature, Schauberger pioneered a completely new understanding of the nature of water as the most important life-giving and energy-empowered substance on the planet. This led him to develop a radical new science which flew in the face of conventional scientific thinking but which, today, is being increasingly recognized for its highly-relevant implications for civilization. Viktor Schauberger might have made a career as a brilliant inventor. Forced, for a time, to develop radical new forms of propulsion for the Third Reich, he went on to work on devices utilizing the principles of implosion - hundreds of times more powerful than conventional power sources. Even in the weeks just before his death, US government and commercial interests were exerting pressure on him to reveal his secrets. Schauberger's deep insights in the special properties of water and nature hold immense implications for future technology and ecology. On VHS tape, two tapes.
Book Description
Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: What is Sympathetic Vibratory Physics? It is the science of Harmony, of Oneness. It holds the concept that all comes from One Source, One Force. It maintains that the fantastic array of things and activities throughout the universe are related in a simple manner. This simple basis of relativity is called vibration. It has been long recognized that everything in the universe vibrates. Thus, a study of vibrations is the study of the very foundation of Nature. For once we grasp the inner functioning of the vibratory Universal Creative Forces as they operate throughout the universe, then, and only then, can we correlate them into a comprehensive paradigm and bring them into practical modes of usefulness for the benefit of mankind. Unlike dogmatic, cold science, Sympathetic Vibratory Physics does not isolate one phenomena from another but accepts and shows the inter-connectivity between all things and forces. This interconnection between all things is vibration and related vibratory phenomena. To understand vibration we must develop a comprehensive organized science of vibration governed by laws and principles. Fortunately a great deal of this development work has already been done. We have a well developed science of music. Music is an organized art and science of vibrations found within the audible range of the infinite Electromagnetic Scale . A major segment of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics is therefore a study of music, its arithmetical and philosophical basis of development and how these may be applied to procedures for inventing new and useful devices and processes. Sympathetic Vibratory Physics focuses on the inner nature of vibratory phenomena. It is well known that vibratory activity contains within itself many differing characteristics and phenomena. These include: amplitude, velocity, mode, sympathy, number and periodicity. Sympathetic Vibratory Physics gives us a broad field in which all things can be studied as relative parts of a comprehensive whole. Through the study of music and music development we have this relativistic paradigm. The fundamental principle of music is relativity. A simple frequency is nothing of and by itself. But relate that frequency to another and we instantly have two separate entities locked together by a fixed interval between them. This relationship is always expressed as a ratio or the relative values rigidly fixed in a given relationship known as an interval. Herein lies the hidden power of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics as developed by John Keely : A concordant waveform, composed of harmonic frequencies, tends to pull subatomic particles together. On the other hand discordant waveforms will tend to split or explode the particle or aggregate. A simple analogy is that of dynamite, a harmonious substance when at rest, one which is held together by the molecular and atomic component frequencies. The introduction of a strong introductory impulse from a dynamite cap destroys it's homogeneous integrity and the component subatomic particles are liberated from their bonds. Keely explained the relationship between matter and force thusly: "There is no dividing of matter and force into two distinct terms, as they both are ONE. FORCE is liberated matter.
*As complimentary reading, and to further your studies, I suggest these books, by the brilliant Walter Russell...
Two Products That I Endorse are the "Electron 3 & 4 Living Water Machine" and the "Wellness Filter Line":
When vapor turns to rain, it passes through temperature gradients where the temperature is continually changing with oxygen. This process stretches and contracts the H bonds that hold the molecules together...this creates ENERGY! Plant diseases are caused by viruses and bacteria, and our method of autoclaving them, using INTENSE HEAT, DESTROYS THEM (NOT just boiling).
The research chemist and others spent thousands of dollars on every product on the market, and ONLY OUR METHOD prevented the diseases in plants and caused incredible growth by just dropping plant buds in the water. Root growth 2 1/2 inches long compared to 1/8 of an inch in any of the others during the same time frame...even compared to water with nutrients added to the it!! This test was REPEATED over a period of three YEARS there is no mistake!. The BOTTOM LINE is that today's ordinary water is DEAD! Why would ANYBODY want to use DEAD water, and yet most people do! If you can afford the rather steep price of their units, it is well (no pun intended!) worth the price, from personal use, on my end.
the Wellness Filter!
This is the
Wellness Filter®,
and comes in various sizes to suit individual needs. In my humble opinion - it's the best on the market, today. Pricy, but well worth it. Again, this product is offered through For website info, use either their link - or
The Wellness Filter® offers you and your family a quality of water that Nature has provided to only a select few. By using natural purification processes in combination with advanced technology, the Wellness Filter® produces what many believe is the best drinking water on Earth. The Wellness Filter® not only removes harmful contaminants but it also enhances the water through a patented process that creates a quality of water beyond the reach of conventional water filters. Clean water plays a vital role in your health, fitness and appearance..." Trust me - this is the most amazing filter/purifying and water energizer currently available. Pricy? Yes...but, how can you put a price on clean, vortex energized, quality drinking water. They say, "we are what we eat"...I counter; we are what we DRINK.
- The "Wellness Filter" Line of Schauberger-based water filtration -
- The "Wellness Filter" Line of Schauberger-based water filtration -
" The Wellness Filter® offers you and your family a quality of water that Nature has provided to only a select few. By using natural purification processes in combination with advanced technology, the Wellness Filter® produces what many believe is the best drinking water on Earth. The Wellness Filter® not only removes harmful contaminants but it also enhances the water through a patented process that creates a quality of water beyond the reach of conventional water filters. Clean water plays a vital role in your health, fitness and appearance..." Trust me - this is the most amazing filter/purifying and water energizer currently available. Pricy? Yes...but, how can you put a price on clean, vortex energized, quality drinking water. They say, "we are what we eat"...I counter; we are what we DRINK.
- The "Wellness Filter" Line of Schauberger-based water filtration -
- The "Wellness Filter" Line of Schauberger-based water filtration -