ONE: The Nikola Tesla Bookstore - My personal favorites - Nikola Tesla Books
Nikola Tesla is a man misplaced by time. He belongs in the future. He wanted to bring free power to the World using superior technology, opposed to the current system we use, that HE designed. J. P. Morgan, Tesla's financer, pulled the plug on the project due to money considerations. The book presents several of Tesla's patents, and details a few of his major projects.
"May be the most important book yet on the mysterious wizard Nikola Tesla. Secret lost journals have been unearthed..." Book Description: SENSATIONAL DATA OBTAINED FROM THE INVENTOR'S MOST PRIVATE PAPERS AND KEPT UNDER WRAPS BY THE MILITARY AND BIG BUSINESS CONCERNS This book is for all those who feel that the military industrial complex is attempting to control our lives, our financial affairs and our belief structure. The evidence is overwhelming! Discredited in his time, Nikola Tesla was made out by business competitors and the government to be nothing more than a kook. Nonetheless, the same conspirators later duplicated -- and possibly even stole -- many of Tesla's most fabulous inventions which could soon change the course of history as well as our lives! EXPOSED. . . * Reverse Gravity. * Free Energy. * Contact With Hidden Dimensions. * Mysterious Signals From Space. * Earth Changes. * Freak Weather. * Electric Death Rays. * UFOS. * Particle Beam Weapons. Put into Top-Secret use by agents of the New World Order and the global political monetary elite, many of Tesla most powerful and potentially dangerous scientific discoveries are being turned against ordinary citizens in programs of behavior and physical modification. This is being done to influence our critical thinking and belief patterns to make us more susceptible to the mental commands of the Secret Government. One of the most recognizable of these sinister programs is the seeding of clouds with mind and body altering chemicals. These mysterious chemtrails (as they are called) have been widely seen and photographed as they criss-cross the sky in bewildering patterns. Tesla fought all his life against the "Evil Empire" which is emerging as a fire breathing dragon as we get pushed head first into the new millennium.
Well balanced view of Tesla's wireless power., January 5, 1999: While Peat does an excellent job at reporting of broadcast power from a critical standpoint, some very speculative statements are made about Tesla himself (e.g. He completely suppressed his own emotions in an attempt to use reasoning only) I had some objections to the reliability of part of the information presented. Peat offers allot of good information and the book is worth reading if your interested in Tesla and his works, particularly broadcast power.
F rom the Back Cover Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine...Tesla's Original Patents plus New Blueprints to Build your own Working Model... Now for the first time, the secrets of this machine are available to you... This new manual presents a new technology. It is based on sonic vibrations which can be produced by a comparatively simple apparatus - The Tesla Oscillator. In the oscillators or transmitters described in this book, a resonance effect can be observed. Resonance appears to be an ever-expanding, magnifying effect with these transmitters. Very little input energy is required to set the device in motion and build that motion to tremendous levels of usable energy. The principle employed is called "Amplitude Modulated Additive Synthesis" by music industry engineers. We have included a full chapter on vibration physics to explain what happens. Excerpt from the New York World - Telegram, July 11, 1935 - Nikola Tesla revealed that an earthquake which drew police and ambulances to the region of his laboratory at 48 E. Houston St., New York, in 1898, was the result of a little machine he was experimenting with at the time which "you could put in your overcoat pocket." The bewildered newspapermen pounced upon this as at least one thing they could understand and "the father of modern electricity" told what had happened as follows: "I was experimenting with vibrations. I had one of my machines going and I wanted to see if I could get it in tune with the vibration of the building. I put it up notch after notch. There was a peculiar cracking sound. "I asked my assistants where did the sound come from. They did not know. I put the machine up a few more notches. There was a louder cracking sound. I knew I was approaching the vibration of the steel building. I pushed the machine a little higher. "Suddenly all the heavy machinery in the place was flying around. I grabbed a hammer and broke the machine. The building would have been about our ears in another few minutes. Outside in the street there was pandemonium. "The police and ambulances arrived. I told my assistants to say nothing. We told the police it must have been an earthquake. That's all they ever knew about it." Some shrewd reporter asked Dr. Tesla at this point what he would need to destroy the Empire State Building and the doctor replied: "Vibration will do anything. It would only be necessary to step up the vibrations of the machine to fit the natural vibration of the building and the building would come crashing down. That's why soldiers break step crossing a bridge." His early experiments in vibration, he explained, led to his invention of his "earth vibrating" machine.
The Tesla Disc Turbine
"This book describes the concept of the Disc Turbine as originally patented by Nicola Tesla, and provides concept designs for modern versions of the engine, incorporating the Disc Turbine as a power unit for applications in Automobiles and Light Aircraft, and also give descriptions of the original Turbines and the prototype machines. It also provides designs for other machines operating on the principle of a disc turbine: an Air Compressor, an Air Motor, and a Vacuum Exhauster. The facility of the principle to operate in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction of rotation, in a single machine, using only a two-way valve, is described, and applications where this feature can be applied to advantage are suggested. Data is given on the performances attained by the original engines, together with stress and performance information. Finally, we give a design for a modernized version of the original turbine, to one half scale, complete with working drawings and manufacturing instructions to enable the model or experimental engineer to construct a fully operational engine, using such tools and equipment as are usually available to model makers. It should be apparent that this dry foreword written by the author sounds like the abstract of a paper published in a professional engineering journal. That's because the author IS an engineer who has a number of published papers. Cairns is no novice. He knows what he's talking about. Chapters include: Tesla's original machine * The Disc Turbine Operating Principle * The first experimental Turbine * The 9.75 in. Disc Prototype Turbine * Larger Turbines to 60 in. disc diameter * Future developments * Other Rotary Engines * The Automotive Disc Turbine * Air Compressor, Vacuum Pump, Air Motor, Light Aircraft Engines * The Dual Direction Facility * Stresses in the discs and performance calculations * Building a model Disc Turbine * Drawings for a model Disc Turbine* Since this is a 36 page "booklet" each "chapter" is necessarily short. But what you DO get is loaded with valuable information. Remember this is written by an engineer who is interested in getting results. The last nine pages are dedicated to the model with six pages of detailed, dimensioned drawings. The model described is approximately one half the size of the original Tesla unit, but uses present-day materials and techniques... Required machine tools are a lathe, with a 3.5" centre height, ideally with a milling attachment, and circular table, a bench drill, micrometer or vernier, and conventional hand tools (metric dimensions are used) From the testing section: "Run for no more than two minutes, stop, check the housing temperature. If cool to slightly warm, re-open the valve and continue running. At around 1.75 bar and 1.5 cfm, the turbine will attain a shaft speed of 20,000 R.P.M. At all times ensure a supply of oil to the bearings, and continually monitor the housing temperature. It should be noted that the prototype attained a speed of approximately 50,000 R.P.M. under no-load conditions; hence it is advised that a brake or dynometer be provided on the shaft."
This is quite literally my favorite of all of the Tesla Bios. It is loaded with info that is not only verifiable, but thoroughly enjoyable to read. FDG. Colorado Springs Notes 1899-1900 Nikola Tesla / Hardcover / Published 1978 (Special Order) Dr Nikola Tesla Complete Patents, by John Ratzlaff / Spiral-bound or hardcover/ Published 1983
281 pages; Editorial Reviews : Suspicion naturally arises when you read a promo line on a back cover that says, "This is the most important book concerning the Great Pyramid written in the last 20 years." In this case, however, it may be fact. In writing The Giza Power Plant, mechanical engineer Christopher Dunn reverse-engineered the Great Pyramid at Giza to discover its use. His startling conclusions blow the heck out of traditional Egyptology's rather silly notions that it was built with copper tools by a society that lacked the wheel. While revisionist pyramid studies are rife with ridiculous theories that give the topic a bad name, The Giza Power Plant takes into account existing fact and artifact without having to rely on un-provable assertions. A must-read for truth seekers who aren't afraid to consider the idea that Western culture of the 21st century may not be the pinnacle of human evolution and achievement. The author, Christopher Dunn ( , August 22, 1998. The Giza Power Plant comes of age. This work was started in September 1977 and will be of age when it becomes available for purchase. The book addresses the feasibility of the pyramids as tombs theory and presents hard evidence that proves that the ancient Egyptians were much more advanced than we have previously believed. So advanced, in fact, that they created stunning artifacts that we would have difficulty producing even today! The Giza Power Plant presents ample evidence that many stone artifacts found in Egypt could only have been produced using highly precise and sophisticated machine tools. The question then becomes, "what powered these machine tools and where is their power source?" To answer this question we delve into the Great Pyramid of Giza with a thorough analysis of its inner chambers, architectural and construction characteristics, anomalous substances, and unusual artifacts carelessly noted or closely scrutinized by researchers in the past. This analysis leads us to the conclusion that the Great Pyramid was actually built to serve as a machine. A machine that provided power to the civilization that built it and invested so much time and energy. How did it do this? By responding harmonically with the seismic energy contained within the Earth, the Great Pyramid became a coupled oscillator and drew energy through it and converted it to electromagnetic energy through the sophisticated use of acoustics and quartz-bearing rock.
Special Order: "The Secret of Nikola Tesla" is a film about a man that was so far beyond his time in the field of electronics that people today still haven't understood what impact his discoveries have on their lives today. Things in this world would be radically different if Tesla was allowed to complete his work. In this video, you will get a feel for the passion and incredible intellect that Tesla possessed. Don't be surprised if you get a little "peeved" after finding out that many of our world's problems have already been answered, but because of the "Almighty Dollar" our wellbeing has been neglected. Tesla foresaw all of it. This film is a must for everyone. We can learn from history, and this film details important little known facts. Though it is not perfect in it's portrayal, "The Secret of Nikola Tesla" stands as a landmark's well worth your time to view it.
Editorial Reviews: In Secrets of Cold War Technology, Gerry Vassilatos reveals that "Death Ray" technology has been secretly researched and developed since the turn of the century. Included are chapters on H. C. Vion, the developer of auroral energy receivers; Dr. Selim Lemstrom's pre-Tesla experiments; the early beam weapons of Grindell-Mathews; John Hettenger and his early beam power systems; Ulivi Turpain and others. Learn about Project Argus, Project Teak and Project Orange; EMP experiments back in the '60s; why the Air Force directed the construction of a huge ionospheric "backscatter" telemetry system across the Pacific just after World War II; why Raytheon has collected every patent relevant to HAARP over the past few years; and much more pertinent information on hidden Cold War technology.About the Author : Gerry Vassilatos is a high school science teacher who lives in New York City. He is the author of The Lost Science, another forthcoming book from Adventures Unlimited.
Dr. Nikola Tesla : Complete Patents
John T. Ratzlaff / Hardcover / Published 1981- All of Tesla's US and British and Canadian patents are listed, on either book, or CD-ROM. This is an invaluable tool for any serious study on Dr. Nikola Tesla.
Dr. Nikola Tesla Bibliography, by John T. Ratlaff, John T. Ratzlaff, Leland I. Anderson, (July 1995) Editorial Reviews Antique Wireless Association Bulletin, December 1980 "One of the best bibliographies I have seen on anyone... Every Tesla buff should have a copy... If anyone had doubts about Tesla's contribution to radio and electricity...this should satisfy them... First published in 1979, this is the second printing of an exhaustive annotated bibliography of writings by and about the inventor Nikola Tesla (1856-1943). The period covered is from 1884 through 1978 with approximately 3,000 citations arranged in chronological order. In compiling this edition, all earlier bibliographical efforts were merged, with both North American and European sources being cited. In addition to searching periodical directories and newspaper indexes, complete runs of 23 serials were examined for content; morgue files were examined for unindexed newspapers; Tesla's estate papers were examined for reference to obscure published articles; clipping files in major institutional and public libraries were examined. The end result is a major work that to this day serves as an aid to the user in following the sequence of Tesla's life, scientific discoveries, and accomplishments
Introducing Nikola Tesla Through Some of His Achievements: by John J. O'Neil / Paperback / Published 1992 (Special Order)
The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla - 1894 Thomas C. Martin / Paperback / Published 1997 Our Price: $39.00 (Special Order) Editorial Reviews; Book Description : This CD-ROM the most complete set of Tesla's Patents available to date! This set is truly unique in that it includes Canadian, Great Britain, as well as all his U.S. Patents, including one reissue. This edition includes... -Complete Patents include; abstracts, descriptions, text, drawings, and claims in .pdf format... you get the entire patents! -Acrobat Reader - Win95 or Mac -FBI files compiled on Tesla in .txt and .pdf formats -Biography on Tesla in .txt format -Tesla autobiography in .txt format -1943 Marconi vs. Tesla court case. -Lists of ALL his patents compiled chronologically in easy html format -Many articles on Tesla and his experiments -Formulas & calculators for building your own Tesla-coil projects -Photos of Tesla, The Tesla museum, coils & schematics -Short .avi and .mov movie files -Jammed packed with many more goodies!From the Publisher ; Collected and placed on CD-ROM by Internationally recognized alternative energy researcher Bruce A. Perreault, in pdf format. Nikola Tesla - Lectures, Patents, Articles Paperback / Published 1992, buy the Tesla Museum Staff,(Special Order)
THE NEW AGE VERSION OF TESLA'S LIFE, January 9, 2001 THIS BOOK IS ONE OF A KIND. . . I have been privileged to read many books on the life of Nikola Tesla. This is one of the few that delve into the unusual aspects of Tesla's life. The author -- a retired military intelligent officer -- did a background check an found out that Tesla had quite an unusual birth. He suggests that Nikola was actually a highly advanced space being who was reincarnated in an earthly body and left on the doorstep of the couple who raised him. We find that Tesla did have among his friends an inventor from Baltimore by the name of Otis T. Carr who in the l960s constructed his own anti gravity device which he claimed could fly to the moon. He supposed met Tesla many times in the hotel where Tesla lived during the last years of his life. We are treated to many insightful bits of information that have not been published elsewhere. This is a very readable book which anyone who is interested in Tesla's life -- and not so much technical information and patent information which can be found in hundred of other texts -- will find of great benefit. Exposes the most important alternative scientific advancements of our time utilizing free energy which was uncovered by Tesla and perhaps derived from other worldly sources. Nikola Tesla : Guided Weapons, Computer Technology & High Voltage Resonators (Tesla Presents Series, Pt. 3) Nikola Tesla, et al / Hardcover / Published 1998, This work, the third installment of the Tesla Presents series, is based upon legal records associated with the Nikola Tesla vs. Reginald A. Fessenden Patent Interference on the Fundamental AND-Gate logic circuit. While the U.S. Patent Office record is sufficiently important on the basis of its title alone, Tesla winning the claim to this invention, surprisingly the deposition contains heretofore unpublished disclosures by Tesla on the operation of his large high frequency resonators at both the Houston Street laboratory in New York and the Experimental Station in Colorado. Information is presented on what Tesla spoke of as the "art of individualization" for obtaining various levels of security in wireless transmissions. Also included is material on the history of radio-controlled devices, the first practical form of these being Tesla's radio-controlled "teleautomaton" - an operational boat first demonstrated to the public at Madison Square Garden in 1898. Excerpted from Nikola Tesla : Guided Weapons, Computer Technology & High Voltage Resonators (Tesla Presents Series, Pt. 3) by Nikola Tesla and Leland I. Anderson. Copyright © 1998. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. In his laboratory on South Fifth Avenue (now West Broadway) in New York City, Tesla began work in the 1890s on the construction of remote-controlled devices, or "telautomatons," as he referred to them. This work evolved from his investigations in 1893 of automatic mechanisms actuated from a distance. Tesla performed experiments with tuned devices (secondary-actuated) that would respond by induction to an oscillator primary coil running up and around the cove in the experimental area of the...(Tesla Presents Series, Pt. 3)
Book Description : In the tradition of The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla, The Anti-Gravity Handbook and The Free-Energy Device Handbook, science and UFO author David Hatcher Childress takes us into the incredible world of Nikola Tesla and his amazing inventions. Tesla's rare article "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy with Special Reference to the Harnessing of the Sun's Energy"-originally published in the June 1900 issue of The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine-was the master blueprint for his fantastic vision of the future, including wireless power, anti-gravity, free energy and highly advanced solar power. Also included are papers, patents and material collected on Tesla at the Colorado Springs Tesla Symposia, including papers on:*the secret history of wireless transmission*Tesla and the magnifying transmitter*design and construction of a half-wave Tesla coil*electrostatics: a key to free energy-Tesla's particle beam technology An eccentric visionary and one of the greatest scientific innovators, Tesla's created inventions that power today's world. What was his vision of tomorrow? Find out in The Tesla Papers! About the Author : David Hatcher Childress is an internationally known science, archeology and UFO writer. He has appeared on various television shows worldwide, including an NBC special on Atlantis, the NBC special Mysterious Origins of Man, Sightings and The Today Show. He is the author of more than 16 books, a number of which have been translated into foreign languages. He lives near Chicago.
Editorial Reviews: Book Description Nikola Tesla: Incredible Scientist, and article from the American Mercury, June 59; Illustrations of patents; Tesla stamps; Articles & pictures from the book Lightning in His Hands; Bibliography of books & articles on Tesla; Prodigal Genius.A Man's Story, not just the Science., June 1, 2001. Unlike the other review I read on this page I find this an Incredible Book. I first read it as a teen and was inspired by the story of an inventor who never has been truly admired by the mainstream. His rivalry with Edison, his failure in love and his unusual mental talents all combine to create an extraordinary story of a man who appears more like an Extraterrestrial than human. The book isn't full of pictures... because not many exist, but if you can aspire to your imagination and delve into O'Neill's description of this man you'll find it all amazing. I've come back to this book again and again... for the story and not necessarily the physics.
Editorial Reviews, July/August 1995, Vol. 32, No. 11/12: "Tesla's lecture of 1897 was never published in full. In this monograph..., Anderson has reconstructed the lecture from a partial typescript and from two articles by Tesla in the May 5 and August 11, 1997, issues of Electrical Review (N.Y.). Tesla begins by recounting his observations of emanations from dozens of differently designed Crooks tubes using a variety of powerful high frequency supplies of his own design... He provided evidence that Roentgen-rays were produced where the cathode rays first struck, e.g., the glass wall of the vacuum tube... In "The Hurtful Actions of Lenard and Roentgen Tubes," Tesla describes his own experiences with damage to the skin produced by both, and includes sensible advice for minimizing the damage. In addition to its historical interest, Tesla's presentation of experiments that revolutionized physical science provides a fascinating view of the analogies and metaphors guiding the thoughts of one important contributor to the revolution." Book Description : Following Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents, this book is the second in a three part Tesla Presents series offering the reader what has been, up until now, unavailable material on the pioneering work of Nikola Tesla in field of radio frequency electrical engineering. While first delivered under the title "On the Streams of Lenard and Roentgen with Novel Apparatus for Their Use" the information carried within the text of the lecture goes far beyond this topic.
Editorial Reviews : Society for the History of Technology, Antenna Newsletter, December 1992, page 3 : "This material provides both technical and anecdotal evidence on Tesla's experiments with and applications of wireless telegraphy and telephony. In addition to their new data, these transcripts also provide readers with a different sense of Tesla's personality. QST, March 1995, page 116 : "The subject of this book is a collection of Interviews conducted with Tesla by his legal counsel in 1916. The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. sought to trample all competition by patenting every device used in radio communication. Tesla was interviewed to document his prior work and accomplishments, and thus protect them from rapacious Marconi Co. Although the interview took place over seven days, the editor has assembled the transcript into a contiguous document... And what a document! Tesla well knew what fascinating work he was doing, and you can sense his enthusiasm as he describes apparatus capable of generating tens of thousands of volts and drawing sparks 135 feet long. Indeed, one of his goals was to broadcast energy through the air, rather than via wires... reduce the power and modulate the wave and you have radio...Nature, June 17, 1993, Vol. 363, page 592. : "The fledgling broadcast industry of the early 1900s was blighted by fierce patent litigations. Patents in this highly innovative field were often loosely formulated and most wireless systems contained devices whose patents were held by several inventors or Entrepreneurs. One of the most charismatic of these people was Nikola Tesla... This document, never intended for publication, is a transcript of a pre-hearing interview with Tesla by his legal counsel in 1916... Tesla gives a fascinating account of the stages that led him in the 1890s to attempt to transmit electrical power through the earth without the use of wires. Book Description : In this recently discovered transcript of a three day interview conducted in 1916, Nikola Tesla, using words and graphic illustrations, provides a step by step description of his remarkable accomplishments in the area of radio frequency engineering. In a style uniquely his own, Tesla carefully traces his work - from the first high frequency alternators constructed at his New York City Grand Street laboratory and their associated tuned circuits through the establishment of his huge broadcasting facility, the Wardenclyffe Plant, at Shoreham, Long Island. Among the variety of topics discussed are: high frequency alternators, experiments with wireless telegraphy and telephony, mechanical and electrical oscillators, the Colorado experiments, theory and technique of energy transmission, the Long Island plant, and arrangements for receiving. Seldom, in technical research, has such a treasure of descriptive commentary and historical documentation been discovered. The previously untold story found within the pages of this remarkable book has been described by the prominent Tesla researcher James Corum as a "veritable Rosetta stone" for tracing the technical thoughts of one of our most distinguished engineering scientists. Includes 61 photos and 42 line-art illustrations, many never before published. The Problem of Increasing Human Energy ~ Usually ships in 24 hours Nikola Tesla / Paperback / Published 1990 The Problem of Increasing Human Energy - 1900 Nikola Tesla / Paperback / Published 1997 (Special Order), by Nikola Tesla
Editorial Reviews Book Description:With more than 100 patents, electrical engineer Nikola Tesla rivaled Thomas Edison as one of our greatest scientists. This biography, notable for its anecdotal detail and extensive dialogue from original documents, reflects the author's thorough research. Often overlooked as a subject of study in primary schools, Tesla was a leader in electrical innovation whose inventions include the induction motor, alternating-current power transmission, and the radio. The author, Daniel Blair Stewart , September 2, 1999. TESLA AS WIZARD: When science and sorcery were one. My fascination with Tesla goes back to my childhood. As much as I had read about the development of alternating current or his experiments with giant Tesla coils, I still did not realize that he ruled a lost age of wonders, forgotten for nearly a century, but which demands our attention today. I chose to write an illustrated novel to fill in the blanks left by his biographers, to flesh out his eccentric personality and feed the eye visions of his wonders, created by his hand and made to live by... Prodigal Genius : The Life of Nikola Tesla John J. O'Neill / Paperback / Published 1994 (One of the BEST Tesla books of all time!) As far as Tesla biographies go, this one is usually ranked as better than others. You will often see references and quotes listed by John O'Neill in just about every Tesla literature that there is. For under $13.00, how can you go wrong? Selected Patent Wrappers from the National Archives Nikola Tesla / Spiral-bound / Published 1981 (Special Order) The Solution to Tesla's Secrets and the Soviet Tesla Weapons, Part I : Reference Articles for Solution to Tesla's Secrets, Part II T. E. Bearden / Spiral-bound / Published 1981
Tesla Said Nikola Tesla, John T. Ratzlaff (Compiler) / Paperback / Published 1984- THIS is the book you want to read if you are interested in knowing EXACTLY what Nikola Tesla "said," and not some "colored" version from inferior biographical authors...Ratzlaff has researched every known media for text and documents on the interviews, writings, publications, etc...and is THE source for information regarding everything pertinent to Dr. Nikola Tesla...highly recommended. |