To add a little twist to your water research, try some of these excellent books!
On the Track of Water's Secret
by Hans Kronberger, Siegbert Lattacher (Photographer), Ann Dubsky (Translator), Lois Lammerhuber
List Price:
$14.95 Our Price: $14.95
Editorial Reviews
Book Description
Perhaps the only book of its kind, On the Track of Water's Secret is a journey into a realm where water actually has a "memory". Not only can this water retain information, but it can even transfer this information to larger bodies of water, benefiting all living creatures who come into contact with it. This "revitalized" water has the ability to break down calcium deposits in water, thereby softening it, possibly eliminating the need for water filters. It has also been shown to keep fruits and vegetables fresher longer, kill bacteria and aid in various health ailments for those who drink it or use it externally. The author backs up his claims with experiments, pictures and testimonials from the many people who have seen the benefits of "revitalized" water first-hand.
the Back Cover
years, frontier scientists and naturalists have been attempting to use the fact that water has a "memory" and is capable of transferring information, to restore our planet's water back to its original healthy, vital state. Such revitalized water has been shown to render many chemicals bio-inactive, to break down the calcium deposits and make water 'softer', to further revitalize larger bodies of water, and to be healthier for all living things...
Pyramid Power : The Millennium Science
by G. Patrick Flanagan, Nick Begich
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Our Price: $11.96 You Save:$2.99 (20%)
Expanding Knowledge, May 18, 2001 Review: This book is one of many products created by the genius of G. Patrick Flanagan for the betterment of the human race, the expansion of our awareness. It is laid out in a context of terse sayings for easy grasp and memory banking, begins by referring to the myriad approaches to total knowledge we've held onto through language and philosophy and scientific analysis and exploration throughout the ages. After one reading the mind has increased in its capacity to understand and intuit real knowledge. Patrick takes the reader step by step to his final conclusions via scientifically supported objective reasoning including photographs and diagrams. He transmits his own intelligence via the choice of language and ideas he focuses on--it warrants many readings or keeping for reference!
Towards a New Alchemy : The Millennium Science
by Nick, Dr Begich, Patrick Flanagan (Illustrator)
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Our Price: $11.96 You Save:$2.99 (20%)
Editorial Reviews
Midwest Book Review
The ancient works of alchemy are transformed from the oldest arts to leading edge science. Exchanging elements and energy into new orders of matter. Towards A New Alchemy: The Millennium Science transcends this present age into the next renaissance in thinking and science. The present state of technology will open the next millennium with incredible possibilities. with electronic telepathy, microclusters technology, computer to human communications, new breakthroughs in electro-medicine, the discovery of subtle energy in geometries, holographic sound projection and speed learning, English communication with U. S. Navy dolphins, new science directions for the future, and more! Towards A New Alchemy is page-by-page fascinating reading, a thought-provoking, visionary, and inspiring compilation. If you've heard of Patrick Flanagan, and know anything at all about his numerous accomplishments (from child progeny to adult genius), then you're probably curious about how he discovered such things as the Flanagan Neurophone and the ultimate unveiling of his most advanced discovery to date: the secret of superior health and longevity behind Hunza water, and how he has re-created it in the form of "Flanagan Microclusters". Anyone familiar with the revolutionary products called "Microhydrin", "Crystal Energy", or the Neurophone will be thrilled with the details given about these and other interests in Patrick's life.
Universal Laws Never Before Revealed : Keely's Secrets : Understanding and Using the Science of Sympathetic
Dale Pond, Nikola Tesla, John W. Keely
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$19.95 Our Price: $19.95
What is Sympathetic Vibratory Physics? It is the science of Harmony, of Oneness. It holds the concept that all comes from One Source, One Force.
It maintains that the fantastic array of things and activities throughout the universe are related in a simple manner. This simple basis of relativity is called vibration. It has been long recognized that everything in the universe vibrates. Thus, a study of vibrations is the study of the very foundation of Nature. For once we grasp the inner functioning of the vibratory Universal Creative Forces as they operate throughout the universe, then, and only then, can we correlate them into a comprehensive paradigm and bring them into practical modes of usefulness for the benefit of mankind. Unlike dogmatic, cold science, Sympathetic Vibratory Physics does not isolate one phenomena from another but accepts and shows the inter-connectivity between all things and forces. This interconnection between all things is vibration and related vibratory phenomena. To understand vibration we must develop a comprehensive organized science of vibration governed by laws and principles. Fortunately a great deal of this development work has already been done. We have a well developed science of music. Music is an organized art and science of vibrations found within the audible range of the infinite Electromagnetic Scale. A major segment of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics is therefore a study of music, its arithmetical and philosophical basis of development and how these may be applied to procedures for inventing new and useful devices and processes. Sympathetic Vibratory Physics focuses on the inner nature of vibratory phenomena. It is well known that vibratory activity contains within itself many differing characteristics and phenomena. These include: amplitude, velocity, mode, sympathy, number and periodicity. Each of these characteristics can be regarded as independent factors as they are generally considered in conventional solutions. However in order to have validity within an integral synapses they must be considered as parts of a whole. In a holistic paradigm each of these characteristics or components must be considered as being relative one to the others. This viewpoint is generally referred to as the Law of Relativity. No thing can be considered of and by itself as no thing in the Universe is isolated from interactions upon or by something else. The isolation of one phenomenon from all others is science's greatest mistake. Until this error in thinking and practice is corrected we will continue to experience deleterious effects of our scientific endeavors. Sympathetic Vibratory Physics gives us a broad field in which all things can be studied as relative parts of a comprehensive whole. Through the study of music and music development we have this relativistic paradigm. The fundamental principle of music is relativity. A simple frequency is nothing of and by itself. But relate that frequency to another and we instantly have two separate entities locked together by a fixed interval between them. This relationship is always expressed as a ratio or the relative values rigidly fixed in a given relationship known as an interval. Herein lies the hidden power of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics as developed by John Keely: A concordant waveform, composed of harmonic frequencies, tends to pull subatomic particles together. On the other hand discordant waveforms will tend to split or explode the particle or aggregate. A simple analogy is that of dynamite, a harmonious substance when at rest, one which is held together by the molecular and atomic component frequencies. The introduction of a strong introductory impulse from a dynamite cap destroys it's homogeneous integrity and the component subatomic particles are liberated from their bonds. Keely explained the relationship between matter and force thusly: "There is no dividing of matter and force into two distinct terms, as they both are ONE. FORCE is liberated matter.
Don't Drink The Water (without reading this book) The essential Guide to Our Contaminated Drinking Water and What You Can Do About It
by Lono Kahuna Kupua A'O, Lono Kahuna Kupua A'O, Lono A'O, Susan Tinkle (Editor), Thomas Grignon (Illustrator)
I just got finished reading this book in between classes, and all I can say is WOW! Be aware, and beware of your tap water. If these statistics are correct, then the EPA and the U.S. government are not concerned with protecting your right to clean water, and therefore, you must educate yourself in order to protect against degenerative disease. [ 1991-1992 EPA records showed that the nations water systems committed over 250,000 violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act, affecting more than 100 million Americans - and 10% of those exceeded the MCL (Max Contaminant Level) of the EPA. ]. This book is a great start finding out the truth of the matter. Toxins are everywhere! We all need to learn where they exist and remove them for our own and our children's sake. Someday, a high ranking official on TV may review this book, or a similar subject and try and spin these numbers a certain way to make it not sound so bad, but don't be fooled. Statistics seldom lie. Only politicians do. Politicians can come from any field, not just government. Politicians come from industry, medicine, lobby, and big business etc. Be a detective, and look for anything that doesn't make sense. "The Truth is Obvious, Everything Else is Questionable"
The Sierra Club Guide to Safe Drinking Water
by Scott Alan Lewis
List Price:
$10.00 Our Price: $10.00
Editorial Reviews Books on healthy, organic eating proliferate, but the topic of water isn't as popular. You can always buy bottled, but Lewis' takes on the issue in all its complexity. He describes the myriad contaminants, and lists city violations. He tells how to purify your water and the possible illnesses incurred if you don't. It's not a pretty story, but someone needs to tell it, and Lewis does the job well.From Booklist - For an incisive overview of water-quality concerns, it would be tough to beat this slim volume. Lewis not only enumerates the problems common to U.S. drinking water but also considers remedies ranging from home treatment to global strategies to preserve the total water supply in a healthy condition. Although its various appendixes and tables are impressive, the most attractive feature of the book is chapter 4, "The City List," a summary of all Safe Drinking Water Act violations reported by the EPA. Clearly and interestingly traces the causes and sources of drinking water contamination. Allows even the laxest of readers to quickly grasp the scope of the problem. Plenty of details on how to test your water and how to correct problems that have been detected. Unfortunately the drinking water supply across the US is not as clean as it should be to adequately protect the health of those who rely on it. Anyone who cares about there health should read, and use, this outstanding book.
Editorial Reviews Books on healthy, organic eating proliferate, but the topic of water isn't as popular. You can always buy bottled, but Lewis' takes on the issue in all its complexity. He describes the myriad contaminants, and lists city violations. He tells how to purify your water and the possible illnesses incurred if you don't. It's not a pretty story, but someone needs to tell it, and Lewis does the job well.From Booklist - For an incisive overview of water-quality concerns, it would be tough to beat this slim volume. Lewis not only enumerates the problems common to U.S. drinking water but also considers remedies ranging from home treatment to global strategies to preserve the total water supply in a healthy condition. Although its various appendixes and tables are impressive, the most attractive feature of the book is chapter 4, "The City List," a summary of all Safe Drinking Water Act violations reported by the EPA. Clearly and interestingly traces the causes and sources of drinking water contamination. Allows even the laxest of readers to quickly grasp the scope of the problem. Plenty of details on how to test your water and how to correct problems that have been detected. Unfortunately the drinking water supply across the US is not as clean as it should be to adequately protect the health of those who rely on it. Anyone who cares about there health should read, and use, this outstanding book.
The Healing Energies of Water
by Charlie Ryrie
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Our Price: $14.36 You Save:$3.59 (20%)
This valuable book points out lots of things that we maybe always knew as well as informing us about lots of new aspects such as the memory of water and how this affects all the water in the world and in our bodies. It links humans with a watery world in an intelligent way to give a fascinating overview of the whole subject of water, looking at traditional sacred views of water through conventional scientific analysis into esoteric or less well-known ones. And it gives lots of up to the minute information about healing with water, both through healthy drinking practices and bathing. It added a dimension to the overall learning of that modality that I would have missed without it. Just as we seem to be disconnected from our own bodies-and take them largely for granted, so have we lost what this book brings back to us. Information about water on many levels is presented in a beautiful and readable format. It makes some esoteric concepts very accessible and recreates a relationship to this element that creates an renewed appreciation for what it means to our lives.
The Water Vitalizer Plus water is Hexagonal Water.
Structure Water . powerful magnetic and infrared forces reduce the size of individual water clusters, creating Hexagonal Water for more rapid penetration into your body.
Increased Oxygen . turbulent forces create a visible vortex, increasing the amount of oxygen in your drinking water - up to 30%.
Add Minerals . a mineral core within the unit releases structure-making minerals during the vitalizing process to help structure the water and increase alkalinity
Add Energy . the resulting energy in Vitalized water is enough to begin to balance the organs of your body . within minutes after drinking
Water is a network of hydrogen-bonded molecules. It can form numerous structures, depending on how the individual molecules bond together. The most recent scientific findings indicate that biological organisms prefer the six-sided (hexagonal) ring-structure, found naturally in snow water. This Hexagonal Water forms a liquid crystalline lattice that is involved in cellular communication, intracellular water movement, enzyme function and many other metabolic processes. The amount of Hexagonal Water in the body has been correlated with aging. It has also been found to form the initial layer of water surrounding healthy cells. On the other hand, unorganized water has been described surrounding diseased and abnormal cells. Hexagonal Water is composed of six individual molecules of water, held together by common hydrogen bonds. This unique water structure is capable of rapid penetration within the cells of the body. Most tap water and bottled water is composed of large water conglomerates which are too large to move freely into the cells. It must be re-structured within the body to penetrate the cells (a time-consuming and energy-consuming process). For many years, Dr. Mu Shik Jhon has known that the regular consumption of Hexagonal Water could provide innumerable health benefits. However, during the last few years he has seen his work finally bear fruit with the development of technology like the Vitalizer Plus. The Water Vitalizer Plus uses the same principles Nature uses . far infrared energy, magnetic fields, vortexes and turbulence . to create an oxygen-rich, alkaline, energized and uniquely structured Hexagonal Water which has been associated with:greater energy, rapid hydration, heightened immune function, better nutrient absorption, longevity, weight loss, and greater metabolic efficiency.
the Wellness Filter!
This is the
Wellness Filter®,
and comes in various sizes to suit individual needs. In my humble opinion - it's the best on the market, today. Pricy, but well worth it. Again, this product is offered from (If you go to directly, you can even become an associate, an affiliate, or a partner-type program with them if you meet their strict company requirements). The pricing through is the best on the net, currently.
The Wellness Filter® offers you and your family a quality of water that Nature has provided to only a select few. By using natural purification processes in combination with advanced technology, the Wellness Filter® produces what many believe is the best drinking water on Earth. The Wellness Filter® not only removes harmful contaminants but it also enhances the water through a patented process that creates a quality of water beyond the reach of conventional water filters. Clean water plays a vital role in your health, fitness and appearance...and, what's more, you'll never have to change another filter, ever again! Based on the pioneering work of Viktor Schauberger.
- The "Wellness Filter" Line of Schauberger-based water filtration