Research Projects
For more detailed information on the individual projects follow the links.
Plasma Medicine
Non-Thermal Plasmas for Medical Applications
Our research is focusing on possible therapeutic applications of non thermal plasmas. The primary objective is the investigation as a
disinfectant for wounds and skin in general, and as a treatment modality for other skin diseases and conditions. The complexity of the plasma, which meets
with the complex biological target, entails a manifold of possible interactions and synergies. Accordingly, we have combined the expertise of biologists,
physicists and engineers to study plasma parameters, plasma chemistry and biochemistry.
Biophysics of Pulsed Electric Fields
Immediate Response Mechanisms
The first, immediate response of exposures of cells and tissues by electric fields or plasmas is determined by physical processes.
The often fast and brief mechanisms require diagnostic tools with temporal resolution shorter than the exposure, e.g. nanoseconds, and spatial resolutions
comparable to the exposed object, e.g. single cells. On a larger scale these single cells responses add up to changes of the physical properties of tissues.
The biophysical analyzes of these phenomena will be provided by our research.
Electric Breakdown in Liquids
Discharges in Water and Their Applications
Electrical discharges in liquids have been widely investigated for transient high voltage insulation and switching applications.
Despite extensive efforts, the mechanism of breakdown initiation and formation of streamers are not completely understood. Regardless, streamers in water
are an attractive means for water treatments. In our research we investigate both the physics of electrical breakdown in liquids and its possible applications.
Pulsed Power Engineering
Science and Technology of Short Electrical Pulses
The generation of discharges in water and the design of systems for exposures of cells and tissues to ultrahsort high voltage pulses,
requires a unique skill set known as Pulsed Power Engineering. With respect to application and the characteristic of the sample that needs to be exposed we
design generators, develop diagnostic methods, analyze and evaluate exposure conditions. We also study the changes of materials and material properties under
the often extreme conditions.