Męla nįmu ok margt hjala žį er rįšspakir rekkar fundusk. Siguršr kvaš: "Segšu mér, ef žś veizt, móšurbróšir! hvé mun Sigurši snśa ęvi?" |
They began to talk, and much to tell, when the sagacious men together met. Sigurd said: "Tell me, if thou knowest, my mother's brother! how will Sigurd's life fall out?" |
Siguršr kvaš: "Nś fęr mér ekka orš žatstu męltir, žvķ at žś fram of sér fylkir lengra, veiztu ofmikit angr Sigurši; žvķ žś, Grķpir, žat gerr-a segja." |
Sigurd said: "Now bring me grief the words thou speakest; for thou foreseest, king! much further; thou knowest of too great calamity to Sigurd; therefore thou, Gripir! wilt not utter it." |
Grķpir kvaš: "Nś skal Sigurši segja görva, alls žengill mik til žess neyšir; muntu vķst vita at vętki lżgr; dgr eitt er žér dauši ętlašr." |
Gripir Said: "To Sigurd I will now openly tell, since the chieftain me thereto compels: thou wilt surely find that I lie not. A certain day is for thy death decreed." |