Rune: | Rune name: | Magical meaning: | Sound: |
Fehu | Cattle, Wealth | F (or V) | |
Uruz | Aurochs (ancient ox), Strenght, Power | U | |
Žurisaz | Thorn, Giant, Troll, Evil | Ž ("TH" sound) | |
Ansuz | a God, Divinity, Signal, Message | A | |
Raišo | Riding, Travel, Thunar's wagon, the 4 Elements | R | |
Kenaz | a Torch, Spirit, Fire, Opening | K | |
Gebo | Gift, Sacrifice, Partnership | G | |
Wunjo | Glory, Joy, Good fortune | W (or V) | |
Hagalaz | Hail, Protection, Disruption, Elemental power | H | |
Naušiz | Need, Destiny, Necessity, Pain, Storms | N | |
Isa | Ice, Death, Standstill, Blockade | I | |
Jera | Year, Good harvest, Fertility | J (or Y) | |
Eihwaz | Tree, Yew, Defence, Connection | Ļ, IJ, JI (combination sound of I and J) | |
Peržro | Dice cup, Stone, Earth, Secrets | P | |
Algiz | Elk, Protection | Z | |
Sowilo | the Sun, Victory, Good fortune, Wisdom, Life | S | |
Tiwaz | the god Tiwaz/Tyr, Justice, Victory, Self-sacrifice, World order, Warriors | T | |
Berkano | Growth, Rebirth | B | |
Ehwaz | Horse, Movement, Progress | E | |
Mannaz | Man, Mankind, Husband, Self | M | |
Laguz | Woman, Water, Flow, Moon, Night | L | |
Ingwaz | Fertility, Sexuality, New beginnings | NG sound (like in "bring") | |
Ožala | Ancestral property, Inheritance, Freedom | O | |
Dagaz | Day, Rising | D |
vindgameiši į nętr allar nķu, geiri undašr ok gefinn Óšni, sjalfur sjalfum mér, į Žeim meiši er manngi veit hvers af rótum renn. Viš hleifi mik sęldu né viš hornigi, nżsta ek nišr, nam eg upp rśnar, ępandi nam, fell ek aftr Žašan. Fimbulljóš nķu nam ek af inum fręgja syni BölŽorns, Bestlu föšur, ok ek drykk of gat ins dżra mjašar, ausin Óšreri. Žį nam ek fręvask ok fróšr vera ok vaxa ok vel hafask, orš mér af orši oršs leitaši, verk mér af verki verks leitaši. Rśnar munt Žś finna ok rįšna stafi, mjök stóra stafi, mjök stinna stafi, er fįši fimbulŽulr ok geršu ginnregin ok reist Hroftr rögna. Ódinn meš įsum en fyr alfum Dįinn, Dvalinn ok dvergum fyrir, Įsvišr jötnum fyrir, ek reist sjalfr sumar. Veistu hvé rista skal? Veistu hvé rįša skal? Veistu hvé fįa skal? Veistu hvé freista skal? Veistu hvé bišja skal? Veistu hvé blóta skal? Veistu hvé senda skal? Veistu hvé sóa skal? |
on a wind-rocked tree, nine whole nights, with a spear wounded, and to Odin offered, myself to myself; on that tree, of which no one knows from what root it springs. Bread no one gave me, nor a horn of drink, downward I peered, to runes applied myself, wailing learnt them, then fell down thence. Potent songs nine from the famed son I learned of Bölthorn, Bestla's sire, and a draught obtained of the precious mead, drawn from Odhręrir. Then I began to bear fruit, and to know many things, to grow and well thrive: word by word I sought out words, fact by fact I sought out facts. Runes thou wilt find, and explained characters, very large characters, very potent characters, which the great speaker depicted, and the high powers formed, and the powers' prince graved: Odin among the Ęsir, but among the Alfar, Dįin, and Dvalin for the dwarfs, Įsvid for the Jötuns: some I myself graved. Knowest thou how to grave them? knowest thou how to expound them? knowest thou how to depict them? knowest thou how to prove them? knowest thou how to pray? knowest thou how to offer? knowest thou how to send? knowest thou how to consume? |