TWP Nikola Tesla Photo Archive Description

Below are brief descriptions of the 7 volumes of the 750-photograph archive.  If you would like more detailed descriptions of any of the categories please use the Membership Application Form to contact us.

Tesla's Family
Portrait Photographs 1883-1896
Induction Motors & HF Alternators
Tesla's Columbian Exposition Exhibits
South Fifth Avenue Laboratory, New York City
East Houston Street Laboratory, New York City
Examples of Phosphorescent Illumination
Telautomaton (Tesla's remote controlled submarine)
Colorado Springs Laboratory, Colorado - Building and Apparatus

Colorado Springs - Magnifier Coil Discharge
Colorado Springs City
Niagara Falls, Edw. Dean Adams Station
East Houston Street Lab, 1901
Long Island Laboratory - "Wardenclyffe"
American Civic Alliance Dinner, 1910
Rocky Mountain Club Dinner, New York City, 1910
Tesla Splitting Earth & Building
IRE Second Banquet Dinner

Tesla's Office at 8 W. 40th Street, New York City
Static Eliminator & Tesla Turbines
Birthday Observance & Awards
Sculptural Work by Mastroviž
Entertaining Ziviž Brothers, Prize Fighters
Funeral & Aftermath
U.S.S. Nikola Tesla, Liberty Ship
Sava Kosanovic, U.S. Ambassador
Bust Installed at Vienna Technical Museum
Death Mask and Centennial in Belgrade
Tesla Public School, Chicago

Tesla Centennial, AIEE, Chicago
Sculptured Bust by Stevan Segviž
Painting of Tesla's Birthplace in Gospic (village of Smiljan), Croatia
Tesla Centennial at Franklin Institute
Experimental Station Marker, Colorado Springs
Plaque Installed at United Engineering Center
Tesla Corner, 40th Street & 6th Ave., New York City

Tesla Awards: Westinghouse, Goldman, Hall of Fame
R. Golka's Project Tesla
Busts at ITU, ITS, University of Pittsburgh, and Michigan
Exhibits at Buffalo, New York, and the Smithsonian
Installation of Monument at Niagara Falls
Initial IEEE Tesla Award
Creston-Nelson Electrical Substation Mosaic

Tesla's Birthplace Today - church, hills, falcon
Gospic & Karlovac schools
University of Belgrade - buildings, bust, Krsiniž
Tesla Reliefs (Zagreb?)
Buildings - Plaque in Zagreb, Tito's New Belgrade, Water Shot With Belgrade in Distance
    Tesla Museum, Belgrade - Building, Possessions, Instruments, Mestrovic Bust,
    Documents, Meeting Room, Archive Storage, Death Mask, Sphere with Tesla's Ashes
    Possessions Room, HF Alternator and Room, 3-Phase AC Room, Turbines
    HF Lighting Oscillator, Foot & Hand X-Ray Images, Telautomaton
Wireless (Colorado Springs & Long Island)
Plaque Installed at Hotel New Yorker, New York City
1983 Exhibition in Belgrade

Franklin Experimental Club, France, 1892
Tesla's Exhibit at Columbian Exposition
Electromechanical Oscillator
New York Oscillator, Tesla With Book in Chair
Electrical Review supplement photo
Colorado Springs Experimental Station, 8 Coils (CSN Phot. V, p. 326)
Houston Street Lab (from Electrical Experimenter, Mar. 1919, p. 774, fig. 1)
Small Tesla Turbine Rotor (Pyle National Co. Chicago 1917-18)
Small Tesla Turbine Assembled Without Case
Tesla Turbine With Housing Separated
Tesla Turbo Pump (American and British Manufacturing Company)
Tesla Turbo Pump (American and British Manufacturing Company)
Lab, Exhibit Side, Boat In Background, Ca. 1903 (Reversed)
Lab, Exhibit Side, Boat In Background, Ca. 1903
Lab, Exhibit Side, Boat In Foreground, Ca. 1903 (Reversed)
Lab, Exhibit Side, Boat In Foreground, Ca. 1903
Transmitter Side, HV High Current DC Machine & Transformers
Transmitter Side, HV DC Machine & Transformers, Close Up
Lab Interior Showing Opening to Circular Stairway & Machine
Transmitter Side, Side View Showing Ceiling Mounted Resonator
Tower With Pierce Arrow In Foreground
Tower Close Up from Inside
Tesla Bust, Fran Krsinic, Electrical Engineering Building, University of Belgrade
