A series of four remarkable books in which Nikola Tesla
presents, in his own words, through heretofore unpublished extended
interview, lecture, legal deposition and proposal discourse, his
accomplishments in the fields of high frequency alternating current power
systems engineering, telecommunications, X-ray/material-stream emanations,
and telemechanics.
Nikola Tesla On His Work
With Alternating Currents and Their Application to Wireless Telegraphy,
Telephony, and Transmission of Power
This is the
transcript of an extended three day interview of Nikola Tesla
conducted by his legal counsel in 1916 in preparation for expert testimony in
impending radio patent cases. In an account that was never intended for
publication, Tesla describes his pioneering investigations into the nature
of alternating currents as applied to wireless transmission. In a style
uniquely his own, he carefully traces his work from the first high
frequency alternators that were constructed at his Grand Street
laboratory in New York City, and their associated tuned circuits through the establishment
of his huge broadcasting facility, the mighty Wardenclyffe Plant, located
at Shoreham, Long Island. Among the variety of topics discussed are: high
frequency alternators, experiments with wireless telegraphy and telephony,
mechanical and electrical oscillators, the Colorado experiments, theory
and technique of energy transmission, the Long Island plant, and
arrangements for receiving. The previously untold story found within the
pages of this remarkable book has been described by the prominent Tesla
researcher James Corum as a "veritable Rosetta stone" for tracing the
technical thoughts of one of our most distinguished engineering
scientists. More
Nikola Tesla Lecture
Before the New York Academy of Sciences — April 6,
Following Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating
Currents. This book is the second in the four part Tesla Presents series
containing previously unavailable material on the pioneering work of
Nikola Tesla in field of radio frequency electrical engineering. While
first delivered under the title "On the Streams of Lenard and Roentgen
with Novel Apparatus for Their Use" the information presented in the
lecture goes far beyond this topic. In addition to his opening remarks on
X-ray discovery, a major portion of Tesla's commentary deals with the high
power radio-frequency resonant power supplies of his own design, used in conjunction with his
work. There are also clear descriptions of electro-mechanical stroboscopic instruments
that Tesla designed for the measurement
of frequency and phase. Other topics include wireless receiving
methods and the genesis of Tesla's 1937 particle beam tube. During the
talk Tesla had displayed approximately 120 drawings of specially
constructed vacuum tubes, many being of the Lenard type and also the
single-electrode type of his own design. Among the drawings are tubes used in his wireless communications experiments.
photographs of these images are among the 32 illustrations which fill out
this fine addition to the Tesla cannon. More
Nikola Tesla Guided
Weapons & Computer Technology
In this, the third book of the Tesla
Presents Series, engineer-historian Leland Anderson provides the
transcript of the 1902 U.S. Patent Interference investigation concerning
Tesla's System of Signaling. The document, "Nikola Tesla vs. Reginald A.
Fessenden," which is no longer on file at the U.S. Patent Office, contains
Tesla's own depositions as well as those of his closest and most trusted
associates, George Scherff and Fritz Lowenstein.
Included is material on the history of radio-controlled devices, the first
practical form of these being Tesla's radio-controlled
"telautomaton" — an
operational boat first demonstrated to the public at Madison Square Garden
in 1898. In addition to describing
Tesla's "individualization" techniques for obtaining secure
noninterferable radio communications—the patent is today recognized as
the fundamental AND logic gate, a critical element of every digital
computer—the interference record also reveals that essential features of the
spread-spectrum telecommunications techniques known as frequency-hopping and frequency-division
multiplexing have their roots in the resulting patents. Furthermore, there
are new disclosures by Tesla on the operation of his large high voltage
radio-frequency oscillators at both the Houston Street laboratory and the Colorado
experimental station. Rarely in the history of science do
we encounter such opportunities to gain deep insight into the fundamental
ideas and concepts of an esteemed scientist/inventor.
Nikola Tesla's Teleforce
& Telegeodynamics Proposals — Limited Edition
In the
1930s the
unorthodox inventor Nikola Tesla announced to the world a pair of novel inventions.
The first was "teleforce," a particle-beam projector which Tesla
intended to be used as an instrument of national defense. A year later,
in 1935, Tesla claimed a method of transmitting mechanical energy with minimal loss over any terrestrial
distance, providing a new means of communication and a technique for
the location of subterranean mineral deposits. He called this system
for mechanical power transmission "telegeodynamics." Here, these
two important papers, hidden for more than 60 years, are presented for the
first time. The underlying principles behind teleforce
and telegeodynamics are fully addressed. In addition to copies of the original
documents, typed on Tesla's official stationery, this work also includes
two Reader's Aid sections providing guidance through the more technical
aspects of each paper. The actual texts are followed by Commentary sections
which provide historical background and functional explanations of the two
devices. Significant newspaper articles and headline accounts are provided
to document the first mention of these proposals. A large Appendix
provides a wealth of related material and background information, followed
by a Bibliography section and Index. More
About the author
Leland I. Anderson is a technical writer and electrical
engineer who lives in Denver, Colorado.
His long-time interest in Nikola
Tesla took root in the early 1950s, and his activities since then have
resulted in his recognition as one of the world's foremost Tesla
His works include the monographs Priority in the Invention
of Radio, Tesla vs. Marconi and Ball Lightning & Tesla's
Electric Fireballs, and the books Nikola Tesla On His Work With
Alternating Currents, Nikola Tesla—Lecture Before the New York
Academy of Sciences, April 6, 1897, and Nikola Tesla's Teleforce
& Telegeodynamics Proposals.