Patent Number |
Application Date |
Title |
9,089 |
Mar. 15, 1912* |
Mejoras en medios de propulsión por fluido |
13,596 |
Oct. 15, 1896* |
An improved method of and apparatus for producing and regulating electric currents of high frequency |
14,798 | Nov. 25, 1897* | Improvements in methods and systems for the transmission of electrical energy and apparatus for use therein |
20,211 | Dec. 15, 1910 | Improvement in fluid propulsion and fluid propelled mechanism |
94,940 | May 19, 1891 | Procédé et appareil perfectionnés pour produir de la force électrique et l'utiliser pour l'éclairage |
108,594 | Feb. 17, 1894 | Perfectionnements dans les machines a mouvement de va-et-vient et dans méchanisms on dispositifs destinés à en régler la période |
108,595 | Feb. 17, 1894 | Perfectionnements dans les moyens et appareils propres à produire des courant électrique de période déterminée |
123,665 | Sept. 22, 1896 | Perfectionnements relatifs à la production, ou réglage et à l'utilisation des courants électriques de grande fréquence et aux appareils employés à cet effet |
131,524 | Oct. 26, 1897 | Perfectionnements dans les systémes de transmission de l'énergie électrique et dans les appareils employés à cet effet |
136,606 | July 4, 1898 | Perfectionnements aux côntroleurs de circuits électriques |
140,489 | Jan 30, 1899 | Perfectionnements dans les procede et les appareils de réglage pour les méchanisms des bàtements flottants ou des véhicules en marche |
151,563 | Aug. 14, 1900 | Perfectionnements à l'isolement des conducteurs électriques |
157,668 | July 17, 1901 | Perfectionnements à la transmission de l'énergie électrique |
158,088 | Aug. 8, 1901 | Perfectionnements à la transmission de l'énergie électrique |
229,701 | Oct. 19, 1910 | Perfectionnements concernant la propulsion fluide |
286,983 | May 22, 1920 | Perfectionnements aux fontaines |
298,511 | Sept. 3,1921 | Perfectionnements aux paratonnerres |
298,512 | Sept. 3,1921 | Conduit faisant fonction de valve |
302,317 | Mar. 23, 1922 | Perfectionnements aux turbines actionées par la vapeur ou des gaz |
302,318 | Mar. 23, 1922 | Procédé et appareil pour la production d'un vide éléve |
302,319 | Mar. 23, 1922 | Procédé et appareil pour I'utilisation de la vapeur comme force motrice |
302,320 | Mar. 23, 1922 | Procédé et appareil pour economique de I'énergie de la vapeur au moyen de turbines |
302,321 | Mar. 23, 1922 | Perfectionnements aux procédés et machines pour obtention de force motrice par les turbines à fluids élastiques |
302,824 | Apr. 3,1922 | Procédé et appareil pour transports aeriens |
305,851 | Sept. 2, 1922 | Procédé et appareil pour equilibrer les piéces tournantes des machines |
2,882 | Aug. 14, 1899 | Methodo e apparetho para mechanismos de regular navios ou vehiculos em movemento |
6,435 | Dec. 20, 1910 | Aperfeiçomentos em propulsao por meio de fluido |
24,033 | Apr. 29, 1886 | Improvements in Dynamo Electric Machines |
24,338 | June 18, 1886 | Electric arc Lamp |
29,537 | May 1, 1888 | Improvements in Methods of and Apparatus for the Electrical Transmission of Power |
30,172 | May 1, 1888 | Improvements in Methods of and Apparatus for Converting and Distributing Electric Currents |
33,317 | Dec. 19, 1889 | Improvements in Methods and Apparatus for Converting Alternating into Direct Currents |
135,174 | Nov. 22, 1910 | Improvements in Fluid Propulsion |
142,352 | Feb. 12, 1909 | Improvement in the Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy Through the Natural Mediums |
[See Dr. Nikola Tesla — Complete Patents on CD ROM] |
1,433 | Oct. 24, 1911 | Mejoras en medios de propulsión por fluido |
4,094 | Aug. 8, 1901 | Fremgangsmaade til ved Hjaelp af Afkøling at isolere elektriske Ledninger |
31,663 | Apr. 3, 1923 | Flyvemaskine |
31,737 | Mar. 31, 1923 | Fremgangsmaade og Apparat til Omdannelse af Varmeenergi til mekanisk Energi |
190,332 | May 1, 1888 | Perfectionnements dans les procédés et appareils pour transformer et distribuer les courants électriques |
190,333 | May 1, 1888 | Perfectionnements dans le mode de transmission de la force ar I'électricité |
213,556 | May 19, 1891 | Procédé et appareil perfectionnés pour produire de la force électrique et l'utiliser our l'éclairage |
214,718 | July 7, 1891 | Perfectionnements dans les moteurs electroma neti ues à courants alternatifs |
236,356 | Feb. 17, 1894 | Perfectionnements dans les machines a mouvement de va-et-vient et dans mecanismes ou dispositifs destines a en re ler la periode |
236,357 | Feb. 17, 1894 | Perfectionnements dans les moyens et appareils propres à produire des courants electiques de periode determinee |
259,940 | 22.09.1896 | Perfectionnements relatifs à la production, au reglage et à I'utilisation des courants electriques de grande fre uence et aux a areils em 10 es à cet effet |
271,641 | 29.10.1897 | Perfectionnements dans les systemes de transmission de I'energie electrique et dans les appareils employes à cet effet |
279,362 | 01.07.1898 | Perfectionnements aux controleurs de circuits electriques |
284,352 | 24.12.1898 | Perfectionnements dans le procede et les appareils de reglage pour les mechanismes des batiments flottants ou des vehicules en marche |
303,025 | 14.08.1900 | Perfectionnements à I'isolement des conducteurs electriques |
311,629 | 10.06.1901 | Perfectionnments a I'utilisation des variations ou chargements d'etat electriques ou d'ordres vibratoires similaires transmis à travers les milieux naturels, et appareils pour leur mise à execution |
312,783 | 17.07.1901 | Perfectionnements à la transmission de I'energie electrique |
313,188 | 02.08.1901 | Perfectionnements à la transmission de I'energie electrique |
354,791 | 18.08.1905 | Perfectionnements à la transmission de I'energie electrique |
421,543 | 17.10.1910 | Procede et appareils pour la production et I'utilisation de la force motrice au moyen de fluides |
515,388 | 11.05.1920 | Perfectionnements aux fontaines |
540,616 | 03.09.1921 | Conduite faisant fonction de valve |
540,617 | 03.09.1921 | Perfectionnements aux paratonnerres |
541,112 | 15.09.1921 | Perfectionnements aux turbines actionees par la vapeur ou des gaz |
541,113 | 15.09.1921 | Procede et appareil pour equilibrer les pieces tournantes des machines |
549,259 | 23.03.1922 | Procede et appareil pour economique de I'energie de la vapeur au moven de turbines |
549,260 | 23.03.1922 | Procede et appareil pour I'utilisation de la vapeur comme force motrice |
549,261 | 23.03.1922 | Procede et appareil pour la production d'un eleve |
549,516 | 30.03.1922 | Perfectionnements aux procédés et machines pour obtention de force motrice par les turbines à fluides élastiaues |
549,628 | 01.04.1922 | Procédé et appareil pour transports aériens |
47,012 | Apr. 30, 1888 | Schaltung eines Transformators und des zugehorigen Elektricitatserzeugers |
47,885 | Apr. 30, 1888 | Verbindung der Drahtspulen bei Elektricitatserzeugern mit denen von Motoren. |
58,774 | Dec. 2, 1889 | Feldmagnetanordnung fur Wechselstromkraftmaschnine. |
66,802 | Dec. 2, 1889 | Wechselstromtreibmascnine mit auf eine in sich geschlossene Ankerwickelung wirkenden Haupt- und Hulfs-Feldmagneten. |
73,080 | May 20, 1891 | Verfahren zur Erzeugung elektrischen Lichtes |
84,335 | Aug. 29, 1893 | Durch Dampf oder Druckluft betriebenes. geradlinig schwingendes Pendel |
87,269 | Aug. 29, 1893 | Vorrcihtung zur Erzeugung elektrischer Strome von gleichbleibender Schwingungszahl |
93,255 | Sept. 22, 1896 | Stromkreisregler fur die Umwandlung von Stromen geringer Wechselzahl in solche von hoher Wechselzahl mittels Kondensatorentladungen |
99,173 | Sept. 22, 1896 | Einrichtung zur Erzielung von Stromen hoher Frequenz aus Gleichstromen durch Kondenzatorentladungen |
109,865 | June 19, 1898 | Stromunterbrecher mit flussi em Leiter |
110,049 | June 19, 1898 | Stromunterbrecher mit flussi em Leiter |
110,050 | June 19, 1898 | Stromunterbrecher mit flussi em Leiter |
136,841 | July 10, 1901 | Verfahren zur Erzeu un elektrischer Schwlngungen |
139,464 | June 20, 1901 | Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Nutzbarmachung von aus der Ferne durch den Ather oder die Erde oder beide gesandten elektrischen Im ulsen oder Schwin un en |
139,465 | June 20, 1901 | Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Nutzbarmachung von aus der Ferne durch den Ather oder die Erde oder beide gesandten Im ulsen oder Schwingungen |
139,466 | June 20, 1901 | Verfahren zur Nutzbarmachung
von aus der Ferne durch den Äther gesandten Einwirkungen Method of Utilizing Effects Sent from a Distance by the Ether |
142,842 | Nov. 8, 1898 | zur Fernsteuerung von |
143,453 | July 23, 1901 | Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur
sicheren Übertrangung einer Nachricht auf einem bestimmten Empfänger
mittles elektrischer Impulse oder Schwingungen verschiedener
Method and Apparatus to the certain Transmission of a message on a certain receiver mittles of electric impulses or oscillation of different state |
1,877 | Feb. 2, 1886 | Improvements in Electric Lamps |
2,801 | Apr. 14, 1894 | Improvements in Reciprocating Engines and Means for Regulating the Period of the same |
2,812 | Mar. 10, 1894 | Improvements in Methods of and Apparatus for the Generation of Electric Currents of Defined Period |
2,975 | Mar. 2, 1887 | Improvements in Dynamo Electric Machines |
6,481 | May 1, 1888 | Improvements relating to the Electrical Transmission of Power and to Apparatus therefor |
6,502 | May 1, 1888 | Improvements relating to the Generation and Distribution of Electric Currents and to Apparatus therefor |
6,527 | July 12, 1889 | Improvements relating to Electro-motors |
8,200 | Apr 17, 1905 | Improvements relating to the Transmission of Electrical Energy |
8,575 | May 19, 1891 | Improved Methods of and Apparatus for Generating and Utilizing Electric Energy for Lighting Purposes |
11,293 | June 1, 1901 | Improvements relating to the Utilization of Electromagnetic, Light, or other like Radiations Effects or Disturbances transmitted through the Natural Media and to Apparatus therefor |
11,473 | July 6, 1891 | Improvements in Alternating Current Electro-magnetic Motors |
12,866 | June 8, 1898 | Improvements in Electrical Circuit Controllers |
13,563 | July 3, 1901 | Improvements in, and relating to, the Transmission of Electrical Energy |
14,550 | Aug. 14, 1900 | Improvements relating to the Insulation of Electric Conductors |
14,579 | July 17, 1901 | Improvements in and relating to the Transmission of Electrical Energy |
16,709 | Oct. 22, 1889 | Improvements relating to the Conversion of Alternating into Direct Electric Currents |
19,420 | Dec. 3, 1889 | Improvements in Alternating Current Electro-magnetic Motors |
19,426 | Dec. 3, 1889 | Improvements in the Construction and Mode of Operating Alternating Current Motors |
20,981 | Sept. 22, 1896 | Improvements to the production, regulation and utilization of electric currents of high frequency, and apparatus therefor |
24,421 | Oct. 21, 1897 | Improvements in systems for the transmission of electrical energy and apparatus for use therein |
26,371 | Dec. 13, 1898 | Improvements in the method of and apparatus for controlling the mechanism of floating vessels or moving vehicles |
24,001 | Oct. 17, 1910 | Improved method of imparting energy to or deriving energy from a fluid and apparatus for use therein |
174,544 | Apr. 1, 1921 | Improvements in methods of and apparatus for the generation of power by elastic fluid turbines |
179,043 | Mar. 24, 1921 | Improved process and apparatus for production of high vacua |
185,446 | Apr. 4, 1921 | Method of and apparatus for aerial transportation |
186,082 | Mar. 24, 1921 | Improvements in the construction of steam and gas turbines |
186,083 | Mar. 24, 1921 | Improved method of and apparatus for the economic transportation of energy of steam turbines |
186,084 | Mar. 24, 1921 | Improved process of and apparatus for deriving motive power from steam |
186,799 | Sept. 2, 1921 | Process for and apparatus for balancing rotating machine parts |
[See Dr. Nikola Tesla — Complete Patents on CD ROM] |
11,230 | 27.10.1897 | Eljaras es berendezes elektromos enerQia atvitelere |
15,067 | 27.06.1898 | Berendezes aramkoroknek gyors egymasutanban valo megszakitasara es zarasara |
20,897 | 14.08.1900 | Eljaras elektromos vezetekek sziQetelesere |
24,076 | 13.07.1901 | Ujitas az elektromos energia tavkozlesere szolgalo eljarason es berendezesen |
24,842 | 07.11.1898 | Eljaras es berendezes jarmuveknek tavolrol valo hajtasara es kormanyzasara |
25,869 | 23.07.1901 | Ujitasok villamos energia tavkozleseben |
54,937 | 21.10.1909 | Eljaras es gep energianak folyadekokra valo atvitelere es azokrol valo levetelere |
640 |
Mar. 2, 1894 |
Improvements in Fluid Propulsion |
35,836 | 02.03.1894 | Perfectionnements dans les machines a mouvement de va-et-vient et dans mecanismes ou dispositifs destines a en re fer la periode |
35,837 | 02.03.1894 | Percentionnements dans les moyens et appareils propres a produire des courants electiques de periode determinee |
42,615 | 22.09.1896 | Perfectionnements relatifs a la production, au reglage et a I'utilisation des courants electriques de grande fre uence et aux a areils em 10 es a cet effet |
47,334 | 28.02.1898 | Perfezionamenti nei sistemi di transmissione del I'ener ia elettrica e relativi a arecchi |
48,461 | 18.06.1898 | Perfezionamenti nei re olatori del circuito elettrico |
50,371 | 17.01.1899 | Perfectionnements dans le procede et les appareils de reglage pour les mechanismes des batiments flottants ou des vehicules en marche |
56,676 | 14.08.1900 | Perfectionnements a I'isolement des conducteurs electriques |
60,679 | Aug. 8, 1901 | Perfectionnements a la transmission de I'energie electrique |
76,685 | 18.04.1905 | Perfectionnement a la transmission de I'energie electrique |
112,767 | 20.10.1910 | Perfezionamenti nella ro ulsione a fluido |
208,594 | 31.03.1922 | Perfectionnements aux procede et machines pour obtention de force motrice par les turbines a fluides elastiques |
21883 |
Dec. 28, 1912 |
Fluid Propulsion |
11,079 |
Oct. 18, 1910 |
Una maquina que puede ser empleada como bomba turbina o compresora |
6,972 | Oct. 16, 1896 | Improvements in Methods of and Apparatus for Producing, Regulating and Utilizing Electric Currents of High Frequency |
8,019 | Mar. 5, 1898 | Improvements in systems for the transmission of electrical enery and apparatus for use therein |
28,852 |
Dec. 8, 1910 |
Improvements in fluid propulsion |
9,847 | Aug. 14, 1900 | Isolation af elektriske ledere |
22,689 | Nov. 25, 1910 | Fremgangsmaate og apparat til utvikling og overf~ring av energi ved hjrelp av vreske -eller gasformige drivmedier |
38,426 | Apr. 1, 1922 | Fremgangsmaate og apparat til frembringelse av mekanisk ved h.rel av turbiner for elastisk fluidum |
651 |
Dec. 15, 1910 |
Improvements in fluid propulsion |
4,656 | Oct. 18, 1897 | |
7,692 | Aug. 1, 1900 | |
10,188 | Oct. 26, 1898 | |
11,535 | July 16, 1901 |
23,742 | Jan. 31, 1899 | Mejoras en el sistema de gobierno del mecanisimo de recipientes ó barcos flotantes ó vehiculos móviles por medio de los aparatos que se describen |
26,430 | Aug. 14, 1900 | Mejoras en el aislamiento de conductores eléctricos |
26,801 | Nov. 6, 1900 | Mejoras en el aislamiento de conductores eléctricos |
49,122 | Oct. 21, 1910 | Mejoras introducidas en los motores actuados por fluido |
81,244 | March 31, 1922 | Un procedimiento, con su aparato correspondiente para la obtención de fuerza motriz por medio de turbinas de fluidos elásticos. |
81,253 | March 4, 1922 | Un método, con su aparato correspondiente para transportes aéreos. |
15,542 | Oct. 26, 1897 | Installation pour la transmission d'energie electrique |
18,652 | Jan. 20, 1899 | Installation pour commander la marche des machines d'un vehicule automobile d'un point eloigne du vehicule |
22,213 | Aug. 14, 1900 | Installation d'isolation de conducteurs electriaues |
54,375 | Nov. 15, 1910 | Machine rotative pouvant travailler comme pompe, ventilateur, moteur, etc. |
12,969 | Aug. 14, 1900 | satt att isolera elektriska konduktorer |
38,545 | Nov. 23, 1910 | Rotationsmaskin |
60,297 | Nov. 23, 1910 | Satt och apparat for att utbalansera roterande maskindelar |
60,428 | Mar. 31, 1922 | Anordning vid turbinaggregat med anordning for backgang |
593 |
Dec. 2, 1910* |
Improvements in Fluid Propulsion |
335,786 | Mar. 30, 1885 | Electric Arc Lamp |
334,823 | May 6, 1885 | Commentator for Dynamo Electric Machines |
336,961 | May 18, 1885 | Regulator for Dynamo Electric Machines |
336,962 | June 1, 1885 | Regulator for Dynamo Electric Machines |
335,787 | July 13, 1886 | Electric Arc Lamp |
350,954 | Jan. 14, 1886 | Regulator for Dynamo Electric Machines |
396,121 | Mar. 30, 1886 | Thermo Magnetic Motor |
359,748 | Dec. 1, 1886 | Dynamo Electric Machine |
382,845 | Apr. 30, 1887 | Commutator for Dynamo Electric Machines |
428,057 | May 26, 1887 | Pyromagneto Electric Generator |
381,968 | Oct. 12, 1887 | Electro Magnetic Motor |
382,280 | Oct. 12, 1887 | Electrical Transmission of Power |
381,969 | Nov. 30, 1887 | Electro Magnetic Motor |
382,279 | Nov. 30, 1887 | Electro Magnetic Motor |
382,281 | Nov. 30, 1887 | Electrical Transmission of Power |
381,970 | Dec. 23, 1887 | System of Electrical Distribution |
382,282 | Dec. 23, 1887 | Method of Converting and Distributing Electric Currents |
390,413 | Apr. 10, 1888 | System of Electrical Distribution |
390,414 | Apr. 23, 1888 | Dynamo Electric Machine |
390,820 | Apr. 24, 1888 | Regulator for Alternate Current Motors |
390,721 | Apr. 28, 1888 | Dynamo Electric Machine |
390,415 | May 15, 1888 | Dynamo Electric Machine or Motor |
487,796 | May 15, 1888 | System of Electrical Transmission of Power |
511,915 | May 15, 1888 | Electrical Transmission of Power |
555,190 | May 15, 1888 | Alternating Motor |
524,426 | Oct. 20, 1888 | Electromagnetic Motor |
511,559 | Dec. 8, 1888 | Electrical Transmission of Power |
511,560 | Dec. 8, 1888 | System of Electrical Power Transmission |
405,858 | Jan. 8, 1889 | Electro Magnetic Motor |
401,520 | Feb. 18, 1889 | Method of Operating Electro Magnetic Motors |
405,859 | Mar. 14, 1889 | Method of Electrical Power Transmission |
406,968 | Mar. 23, 1889 | Dynamo Electric Machine |
459,772 | Apr. 6, 1889 | Electro Magnetic Motor |
416,191 | May 20, 1889 | Electro Magnetic Motor |
416,192 | May 20, 1889 | Method of Operating Electro Magnetic Motors |
416,193 | May 20, 1889 | Electro Magnetic Motor |
416,194 | May 20, 1889 | Electric Motor |
416,195 | May 20, 1889 | Electro Magnetic Motor |
418,248 | May 20, 1889 | Electro Magnetic Motor |
424,036 | May 20, 1889 | Electro Magnetic Motor |
445,207 | May 20, 1889 | Electro Magnetic Motor |
413,353 | June 12, 1889 | Method of Obtaining Direct from Alternating Currents |
417,794 | June 28, 1889 | Armature for Electric Machines |
433,700 | Mar. 26, 1890 | Alternating Current Electro Magnetic Motor |
433,701 | Mar. 26, 1890 | Alternating Current Motor |
433,702 | Mar. 26, 1890 | Electrical Transformer or Induction Device |
433,703 | Apr. 4, 1890 | Electro Magnetic Motor |
447,920 | Oct. 1, 1890 | Method of Operating Arc Lamps |
447,921 | Nov. 15, 1890 | Alternating Electric Current Generator |
455,067 | Jan. 27, 1891 | Electro Magnetic Motor |
462,418 | Feb. 4, 1891 | Method of and Apparatus for Electrical Conversion and Distribution |
455,068 | Mar. 27, 1891 | Electrical Meter |
454,622 | Apr. 25, 1891 | System of Electric Lighting |
455,069 | May 14, 1891 | Electric Incandescent Lamp |
464,666 | July 3, 1891 | Electro Magnetic Motor |
464,667 | Aug. 1, 1891 | Electrical Condenser |
514,167 | Jan. 2, 1892 | Electrical Conductor |
514,170 | Jan. 2, 1892 | Incandescent Electric Light |
514,972 | Jan. 2, 1892 | Electric Railway System |
512,340 | July 7, 1893 | Coil for Electro Magnets |
514,168 | Aug. 2, 1893 | Means for Generating Electric Currents |
511,916 | Aug. 19, 1893 | Electric Generator |
514,169 | Aug. 19, 1893 | Reciprocating Engine |
514,973 | Dec. 15, 1893 | Electrical Meter |
517,900 | Dec. 29, 1893 | Steam Engine |
568,176 | Apr. 22, 1896 | Apparatus for Producing Electrical Currents of High Frequency and Potential |
567,818 | June 17, 1896 | Electrical Condenser |
568,177 | June 17, 1896 | Apparatus for Producing Ozone |
568,178 | June 20, 1896 | Method of Regulating Apparatus for Producing Electric Currents of High Frequency |
568,179 | July 6, 1896 | Method of and Apparatus for Producing Currents of High Frequency |
568,180 | July 9, 1896 | Apparatus for Producing Electrical Currents of High Frequency |
577,670 | Sept. 3, 1896 | Apparatus for Producing Electric Currents of High Frequency |
583,953 | Oct. 19, 1896 | Apparatus for Producing Currents of High Frequency |
577,671 | Nov. 5, 1896 | Manufacture of Electrical Condensers, Coils and Similar Devices |
609,250 | Feb. 17, 1897 | Electrical Igniter for Gas Engines |
593,138 | Mar. 20, 1897 | Electrical Transformer |
609,251 | June 3, 1897 | Electric Circuit Controller |
645,576 | Sept. 2, 1897 | System of Transmission of Electrical Energy |
649,621 | Sept. 2, 1897 | Apparatus for Transmission of Electrical Energy |
609,245 | Dec. 2, 1897 | Electrical Circuit Controller |
611,719 | Dec. 10, 1897 | Electrical Circuit Controller |
609,246 | Feb. 28, 1898 | Electric Circuit Controller |
609,247 | March 12, 1898 | Electric Circuit Controller |
609,248 | March 12, 1898 | Electric Circuit Controller |
609,249 | March 12, 1898 | Electric Circuit Controller |
613,735 | Apr. 19, 1898 | Electric Circuit Controller |
613,809 | July 1, 1898 | Method of and Apparatus for Controlling Mechanism of Moving Vehicle or Vehicles |
685,955 | June 24, 1899 | Apparatus for Utilizing Effects Transmitted From A Distance To A Receiving Device Through Natural Media |
685,953 | June 24, 1899 | Method of Intensifying and Utilizing Effects Transmitted Through Natural Media |
685,954 | Aug. 1, 1899 | Method of Utilizing Effects Transmitted through Natural Media |
685,956 | Aug. 1, 1899 | Apparatus for Utilizing Effects Transmitted through Natural Media |
685,012 | Mar. 21, 1900 | Means for Increasing the Intensity of Electrical Oscillations |
787,412 | May 16, 1900 | Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy through the Natural Mediums |
655,838 | June 15, 1900 | Method of Insulating Electric Conductors |
723,188 | July 16, 1900 | Method of Signaling |
725,605 | July 16, 1900 | System of Signaling |
11,865 | Sept. 21, 1900 | Method of Insulating Electric Conductors (reissue of No. 655,938) |
685,957 | March 21, 1901 | Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy |
685,958 | March 21, 1901 | Method of Utilizing of Radiant Energy |
1,119,732 | Jan. 18, 1902 | Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy |
1,061,142 | Oct. 21, 1909 | Fluid Propulsion |
1,061,206 | Oct. 21, 1909 | Turbine |
1,113,716 | Oct. 28, 1913 | Fountain |
1,209,359 | May 29, 1914 | Speed Indicator |
1,329,559 | Feb. 21, 1916 | Valvular Conduit |
1,266,175 | May 6, 1916 | Lightning Protector |
1,274,816 | Dec. 18, 1916 | Speed Indicator |
1,314,718 | Dec. 18, 1916 | Ship's Log |
1,365,547 | Dec. 18, 1916 | Flow Meter |
1,402,025 | Dec. 18, 1916 | Frequency Meter |
1,655,113 | Sept. 9, 1921 | Method of Aerial Transportation |
1,655,114 | Oct. 4, 1927 | Apparatus for Aerial Transportation |
[See Dr. Nikola Tesla — Complete Patents on CD ROM] |
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* Patent date. See Total Number of Patents, Worldwide for a numerical list of Tesla's patents. Have some additional data for the 'Tesla Worldwide Patents List' ?, please contact TFCBooks. |
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