I've been
working on a business venture that requires the use of a gasoline powered water pump.
colleague mentioned the "Tesla bladeless disk turbine" as an efficient and cost effective solution to my pumping problem.
I was wondering if you know of anyone that sells these pumps?
The only company that I know of which manufactures and sells Tesla disk pumps is
the Discflo Corporation. Here's their contact information:
Discflo Corporation
1817 John Towers Ave
El Cajon, CA 92020, USA.
Phone: (619) 596 3181
Toll-free: 1-800-DISCFLO
Fax: (619) 449 1990
Discflo offers a variety of Tesla disk pumps with hydraulic flow capacities from 2 to 10,000 GPM, with discharge pressures up to 1000+ ft.
total dynamic head (TDH). Their pump speeds are up to 3600 rpm, making them
compatible with many off-the-shelf gas engines. Alternatively, it looks like Discflo offers a diesel engine drive system.
Their website is located at
It should be noted that Tesla disk pumps are particularly well suited for difficult pumping situations where the fluid contains entrained air, suspended solids--either abrasive or sensitive to damage--or is highly viscous.
It's the absence of lifting surfaces allows these pumps to move fluids without
impingement on suspended solids. They also operate without creating excessive turbulence in the propelled fluid, approaching a condition of laminar flow.
This allows them to develop a non-pulsating output, providing the pump's driver system is non-pulsating.
While a Tesla pump can surely be used in an application that involves the moving of pure water with no concerns regarding the characteristics of the flow, a conventional bladed pump might be a more economical near term choice.
At the very least a bladed pump would be easier to acquire, and probably less expensive.
I would like to find a manufacturer of 1 to 5 h.p. steam driven Tesla
turbines that I could use to drive an electrical generator. Do you
have a company name and state offhand or even better a website?
The only commercial entity engaged in the manufacturer of turn-key Tesla
turbomachinery, of which I am aware, is the Discflo Corporation.
They specialize in pumps, but perhaps can refer you to someone that can
satisfy your requirements for a Tesla turbine. Their contact information
Discflo Corporation
1817 John Towers Ave
El Cajon, CA 92020
Max Gurth
Phone: (619) 596-3181
Toll-free: 1 (800) 347-2356 (DISCFLO)
Fax: (619) 449-1990
Here are a few companies who have specifically researched the Tesla
that you may wish to contact regarding your job.
Electric Power International / Entrivac
1421 Hemlock St.
Louisville, KY 40211
Sonny Entrican, Director of Manufacturing
(502) 772-1633, (502) 772-9711
Phoenix Navigation & Guidance Inc.
E10074 Co. Rd. H58
Munising, MI 49862
Ken Rieli, CEO
Phone: 1-906-387-4373
International Turbine and Power
931 Rumsey Avenue, PO Box 550
Cody, Wyoming 82414
Frank D Germano, President
Some additional links to help you in your search are located at http://www.tfcbooks.com/mainpage/links2.htm#turbomachinery.
Also, TEBA may be able to assist you.
Tesla Engine Builders Association
5464 N. Port Washington Road, #293
Milwaukee, WI 53217-4925
Jeff Hayes, President