Renewable Energy Discussion on various alternative energy, renewable energy, & free energy technologies. Also any discussion about the environment, global warming, and other related topics are welcome here. |
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Thank you UFO for starting this thread and sharing your work. I just finished replicating your circuit using Bob's schematic (thanks Bob,and everyone else who contributed), and got to see the blue neon dance around. A thing of beauty!
I'm still waiting to get 18ga wire but couldn't resist testing it with a coil that I had laying around. It got super hot real quick, but still worked! Tom |
I put the Bob's combination circuit together and blew 2 MOSFET's and the LM339 testing variables I think. Was pulling 3-5A since I ommited the LM317 due to was not recieving more than 100mA output and not til the 1.5A cuttoff. Also was only dropping 4V off and thus used the voltage regulator circuit in your original diagram now. That obtains 11.90V at 24V input or swap a resistor for 36V input. I have never used the LM339 circuit and would like any input from others doing Bob's combination circuit, or replication of UFO's circuit??? On the replication issue, I did ask what the preference was. And thus made a PWM circuit to replicate UFO's results while waiting on parts. I did make half UFO's original circuit one night and can add the LM317 and the MOSFET's to complete. That will be in about 2 weeks when more NTE2397 arrive. Or will add NPN transitors to test. MOV was 38VDC max and will have to grab a 12V replacement that runs from the 555 leg 4 to ground. The 555 timer works and since my results thus far with the LM339 is a triangle wave, not a sqaure was the results till stopped test due to the smell Again, any tips on utilizing the comparator as a PWM circuit would be great as I'm stumped on Bob's combination circuit where my error is??? UFO, then you get your YT clip **UPDATE** Using the NTE576 and the NTE587 have made the frequency lower that I obtain the Radiant. As low as 8Hz and the Radiant output is normally double that frequency. My set test is 20Hz input signal and 40-45Hz on the cold side of the diodes. This is perfect for me to investigate the properties of these plasma effects generated in the neons. Added 2xMJE3055T in parallel in place of the TIP122 (all NPN's) with a 47K from base to ground, 220 Ohm branch and the current dropped in half from 400mA to 200mA with more Radiant events. However, I may need to match them since Q1 obtains 155V at the collector at 12V input and Q2 obtains 5V less at 150V. The TIP122 obtains 160V at double the current draw as mentioned above. Added 2 neons in parallel and the plasma danced around both for the same input current BTW, reason I'm using NPN's is due to only have 2 x NTE2395 (none of the NTE2397 left) and the IRF740 stay on since they can not switch fast enough. Rds is 0.4 Ohms and way off the NTE specs. P.S - Thanks for your kinds words UFO but all I have done is observe the experiment and let the results that I replicate draw my conclusion. Therefore, capacitor or neon the Radiant event generated by the magnetic reasonance feedback has the same outcome, just at different frequencies. And since I know what frequency works in my set-up, this can be replicated first time, everytime when needed. My mates are getting growing more bold and will hold the output now while the plasma is generated in the neon Regards Zero |
When I finish this system according to your instructions posted here, what volts/Amps (watts) can I expect out? Why didn't you make a video of your system running the 7.5 hp motor... I would think that would be the crowning glory of your achievements to date (something you would be very proud of and be a huge encouragement to us all). Great job so far Larry |
Hello Larry and ALL
Hello Larry "Et Al", Quote:
I am gonna make a video much better than the one of System running the "Old" 5.0-7.5 HP Motor...I am going to be turning a nicely bigger Generator with a small Motor and miniature LiPo Batteries...How is that? Would that encourage You Larry? I am going to enjoy that video, and many more coming after, like you have no idea Larry, just imagining the faces of all the skeptics and pessimists, the critics, the non believers are going to have watching it and trying to debunk them... The thing is Larry, our time is limited to certain amount, and honestly I do not like to make crappy and bad filmed, cameras shaking videos...I enjoy making them nicely, with a nice music in the background...with text explaining details...with CAD and 3D Work defining circuits and behavior reasons of certain Geometry...but, all that takes incredible amount of hours to make...to render, to edit, to batch-render, to Texture, to bake...to create from scratch and to back it up by real models... But,that is the way I like to make videos... If you think I am "bluffing" about all this am writing here, I just ask you one thing....Be Patient...In the mean time, make your own system, and entertain yourself playing with it and checking results...and share them, good or bad experiences...it don't matter, we learn also from failures...and mistakes. I believe the "Science Field" that requires more work to be drastically changed...is not necessarily the Electronic Field, Our "Tronics Tech" has gotten to incredible developments and products...But We can not say the same about Electrodynamic Machinery...and here is precisely where I am going to be hitting really heavily...in a near Future... So cheer up and get to build it...and let me know... Warm Regards Ufopolitics Last edited by Ufopolitics : 05-26-2012 at 07:44 PM. |
Thanks for your kind response. Sorry if I seem impatient, but I have cancer so I don't know how much longer I have on this earth. I am cramming as much knowledge about the alternative energy subject that I can. Looking for something I can build. I would like to leave something behind that my family can use to make their lives easier. Meds and all it takes to keep me alive is eating up our budget so I don't have a lot of money to experimenting (as much as I love it). Please bare with me if I seem anxious at times. Again sorry. Regards Larry |
Hi @Ufo,
Their data are of great help to me, thank you very much. I think I have a partial success, not 100%. Are not the same symptoms, that is my concern. I have to investigate further. Quote:
IRF822DFI I Do not use. Preliminary tests only. SSS2N60B I use one rail with 3 units. Have 5 ohm in RDSon but work great in my setup. SSS2N60B pdf, SSS2N60B description, SSS2N60B datasheets, SSS2N60B view ::: ALLDATASHEET ::: SSP16N50C3 I use two rail 2x3 units. Have 0.28 ohm in RDSon, (NTE2397=0.55) SPP16N50C3_07 pdf, SPP16N50C3_07 description, SPP16N50C3_07 datasheets, SPP16N50C3_07 view ::: ALLDATASHEET ::: I think other specs are around NTE (TDon, Tr, TDoff, Tf,...) Another question: I have more trouble to light a bulb 12v/21w than another 220v/40w (both filament type). I think it is due to the initial impedance. Maybe? |
You didn't read the whole sentence I wrote I said "crowning glory of achievements to date". I agree it would be crazy to not have even bigger goal after that. I would be glad to get a 7.5 hp motor running then go for bigger and better. This might take years that I haven't got. Sounds like you are going to design your own motor and generator... hope you are better at it then Bedini and some of the others that have build toy motors that I've seen and be able to demo them in a closed loop circuit. Regards Larry |
Hi larry, cancer cures have also been suppressed.
Hemp, clark zapper, royal rife and many other natural and electrical methods exist. Only problem is, these other methods will not drain your budget and that is no good for the greedy ones and the eugenics people. It is up to each human to seek the truth, never believe anything you hear or see until you have thoroughly investigated for yourself with an open heart and mind. It is sad to say that most of the things we have been told or shown by media, school and so called experts and authorities has been half truths to outright lies. Good luck on your path. peace love light tyson |
Hi Tyson
I watch your videos (very well done). I know of many alternative cures for cancer. My wife and I have research it extensively. Kind of like developing alternative energy and experimenting. I have built Clark zappers for parasites for many people, but I don't know the frequency for colon cancer. I have also studied Royal Rife and would like to find his original chart of frequencies. I have a device called the Family Body Charger. It is a device that sends electrical frequency through you transmitting through a large vacuum tube and out a large steel plate you put your feet on as Rife's machine did, but don't know what frequency it uses. I need to test it and research so I can start using it, but I will only use Rife's frequencies as he watched the cancer cells die and recorded the frequency that did it. I am not spending any money on conventional cancer meds just supplements and foods that have been proven to cure cancer (organic of course). I know of the cover up of cures so the drug companies can make their billions of $. Also the new Obama care will be used by the government for population control. Many millions of people that dare to oppose the government will be refused medical treatments or subjected to unnecessary operations ending in death. Also the weak and old will be eliminated along with the mentally and physically impaired people. That's how they plan on cutting health care costs (get rid of people that use it). Any way thanks for your post it was appreciated. Regards Larry |
Wish you success
I'm sorry to hear that you have cancer As most of us have read or seen documentaries on Cancer cures and the Royal Rife machine is the most documented. (check Beaden's site for another) I have seen the frequency ranges for a few years ago and should be able to find on a back-up if you still have no luck. However, there was no duty cycle for the pulses and since reasonance plays a vital role we are still missing information. Plus gold is increasing in price to test with. Building a Radiant controller circuit to power a Motor or another load for your family is a great legacy to remember you by and I wish you the best of success. That you have been an engineer for years should give you a head start in controlling the Radiant oscillations to stabilize and not fluctuate. Happy experimenting mate Regards Zero |
Like you I am looking for the list, and came across this link.. rife frequency list Check it out, the list is incredibly long!! I hope this list can help, or at the very least be a step in the right direction. I wish you well.. Regards |
Hi Larry, this one is may interesting for you to read too.
Cancer Cause & Cure |
Hi Larry. Something here, worth considering...
Electric Fields Kill Tumors |
Thanks for your replies. You live in the antipodes (from Spain ) I also think my frequencies are too high, maybe they are harmonic, I'm a little lost. In general I get increased energy rising frequency. The neon requires very little power, so low frequency. To achieve a given brightness I can raise the dtc or increase the frequency. In my setup I have more efficiently when the dtc is low, even about 5%. |
I had a breakdown with a bad contact wire which raised the dtc to 100%. Quote:
I have also tried to charge a battery: Source is badly battery car (9.8v) Charge battery is discharged SLA 12v/7A (about 10.7v) Source drain current is about 570-600mA Charge drain current is about 270-290mA Time: About 12 hours Source bat drop to 9.6v Charge bat rise 15.22v (circuit on). 1 hour of rest 13.11v. Next day 12.65v. |
Ouch Larry, I am sorry to hear that!
Hello Larry, I have been out for the weekend, Ouch, I'm so sorry to hear you have cancer, but cheer up, there are many alternatives for it, and You've got the great knowledge about tronics, so building an oscillator with Rife Frequency will not be a big deal...and I see how many nice members here have been trying to help you and have posted very nice words of comfort also. There are some very good links and also some great info related to cancer on Thrive site/ Health... Warm regards Ufopolitcs |
36v test on 05-26-12
UFO et al,
I visited a friend of like mindedness and we ran the device on two identical banks of three 12v, 215Ah batteries in series (36v, 215Ah each bank). These are old sulfated marine batteries. Started with Bank A at 37.16v and Bank B at 36.8v. Ran the charging at 45Hz, 11%DC, 1.3A from 8:36pm until midnight (3.5 hrs). Banks were A= 36.1v, B= 39.8v. We adjusted the unit to 99.4Hz, 12.8%DC, 450mA and ran until 7:00am. Bank A= 36.22v, Bank B= 39.7 (the frequency had risen to 101Hz). Then I adjusted to 144Hz,20%DC, and 1.0A and ran till 9:47am. Bank A= 35.90v, BankB= 40.7v. Stopped and rested the batteries about half an hour (should be an hour, but...). We swapped the batteries and charged the opposite way (charging Bank A now). The banks had settled some in the rest period (Bank A= 36.6v, Bank B= 38.3v). Under load/charge (144Hz, 11%DC, 1.0A) they started at Bank A= 37.0v, Bank B= 37.2v. An hour later we adjusted to 144Hz, 20%DC, 1.0A and ran until 2:16pm (about 4 hours). Bank A=37.9v, Bank B= 32.35v. We stopped, rested them for 30 minutes (my bad), swapped then again and started charging Bank B with Bank as the Primary again. 144Hz, 20%DC, 650mA. It seemed odd that the same frequency and DC would draw a lesser amperage, but...). Starting at 2:50pm with Bank A= 37.31v under load, Bank B=33.49v being charged, at 3:27pm Bank A= 36.4v, Bank B= 38.8v, at 4:38pm Bank A= 36.0v, Bank B= 38.8v. We stopped (4:38pm) and rested the batteries until 7:00pm...Bank A= 36.8v, Bank B= 37.8v. Started with Bank A at 37.16v and Bank B at 36.8v. (= 73.96v combined) Ended with Bank A= 36.8v, Bank B= 37.8v. (= 74.6v combined) A slight increase of energy after over 20 hours of running drawing 1 amp much of the time. Batteries are getting conditioned/rejuvenated while powering the device themselves w/o outside input. We can charge back and forth forever and the batteries will just get stronger. I am going to run at this lower frequency and about 1 amp for a while and see just what it will do with my bigger batteries. At lower frequency the battery has more OFF time to resolve the incoming RE. This may be good while conditioning them. After their plates are remodeled into a crystalline matrix they will take the charge faster and have increased capacity. That's all for now. Take care and above all have fun! Bob |
Hi all you good people.
Thanks for the tips and well wishes. Truly this world is full of good people... wars are between governments and people have to pay the price. I found what I think will be a good sub for the nte mosfet. Check out the 2SK2837 by Toshiba. 500V 20A continues, 80A pulse RDsOn 0.21 Fast switching Repetitive Avalanche Rated I just bought 10 off E-bay for US$1.28 each with free shipping. If these work out it will be good for the project. I ran across something that is interesting to me. Any one heard of Colloidal Silver? Sounds like something I want to try. Regards All Larry |
Tom |
They have become a way of life. That is probably why promotional mobile phone holders are a hot item for businesses wanting to get a message across to their customers while also making the lives of the employees a bit more convenient.
good find. They are quite fast. I believe that the switching speed might be essential in order to disturbe HER and lure HER into the circuit. There are even faster FETs available: i.e. STP5NK100Z And drivers. But that will be a hint for later development. I will operate the FETs with dedicated drivers only. Cinan recommended FOD3180. I ordered them yesterday from US. BTW: I sent you a PM regading your health. rgds John Last edited by JohnStone : 05-28-2012 at 07:11 PM. |
Invoking Radiant
Hi all,
Ufo and all that has worked, Behavior of my circuit: When Freq and DTC are set the bulb lights up. Then turn off the circuit. Then turn on the circuit without touching anything, in my circuit the bulb lights like before. This is normal behavior? I think that does not correspond with the description of Ufo to invoke Radiant. |
Hi John
1000V is nice, but the continues current is only 3.5Amps and the RdsOn is 3.7 Ohms. Has good raise and fall times though. Regards Larry Quote:
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