FEET Foreword


This document is being submitted in memory of Stanley Meyer and Gerrit Stokreef. Stanley Meyer was a great tinkerer who dared to challenge the powers that were and paid for it with his life. Gerrit Stokreef was one of my neighbors in the place where I grew up. It was a very warm neighborhood filled with loving, honest people that all had to work hard to make a living. Gerrit was always there when you needed him, he just never said "No". He lent me his oscilloscope years ago. I hardly used it until after he passed away and he left it to me. Now I know he lost his fight to cancer because the powers that were didn't want us to use the cures invented by Royal Rife. But the rules of the game have changed now. The genie is out of the bottle folks and there is no way to put it back in there. May Stan's dream finally be realized and may there be peace on this planet, beacuse when there's no need for oil anymore, which will put the powers that were out of business, who in his right mind would ever fight a war again?

While studying various articles and discussions about Free Energy, it struck me that there were some striking similarities between a number of systems, notably those made by John Bedini as well as Stan Meyer's Water Fuel Cell. At some point, it occurred to me that there might be a common explanation behind these different systems, which all appear to be some form of (electrolytic) capacitor. In various discussions at the Energetic Forum I have made an attempt to formulate a theory to explain a number of phenomena that have been reported in relation to these systems. Since the relevant information has been scattered all over the forum, it is my intention that all that information be brought together and assembled here.

I hope that this information is helpful to those people that are better experimenters than I am, so that this technology will be further developed in the spirit of open source. I hope other engineers and scientists will study this article and the referenced material and make products that put this technology in the hands of the people of this planet, so disasters as in the Mexican Gulf will never have to happen again. I also hope that none of this will ever be patented, because this technology is worth the most when it is actually used, not when it is put behind bars because of greed and selfishness. Haven't we had enough of that by now?

Power to the people! (pun intended)