Notes, etc.
Steinmetz wrote, already in the beginning of the twentieth century: page 13,14 :
The stress–energy tensor (sometimes stress–energy–momentum tensor or energy–momentum tensor) is a tensor quantity in physics that describes the density and flux of energy and momentum in spacetime, generalizing the stress tensor of Newtonian physics. It is an attribute of matter, radiation, and non-gravitational force fields. The stress–energy tensor is the source of the gravitational field in the Einstein field equations of general relativity, just as mass density is the source of such a field in Newtonian gravity.
stress == spanning
Longitudinal mode
"Time scales shorter than the round-trip time" actually means: faster.
Faster than light, in this case. In our model, these oscillations are not only predicted to exist in longitudinal lasers and optical fibres, but in "vacuum" as well.
“A longitudinal mode of a resonant cavity is a particular standing wave pattern formed by waves confined in the cavity. The longitudinal modes correspond to the wavelengths of the wave which are reinforced by constructive interference after many reflections from the cavity’s reflecting surfaces. All other wavelengths are suppressed by destructive interference.
A longitudinal mode pattern has its nodes located axially along the length of the cavity. Transverse modes, with nodes located perpendicular to the axis of the cavity, may also exist.
A common example of longitudinal modes are the light wavelengths produced by a laser. In the simplest case, the laser’s optical cavity is formed by two opposed plane (flat) mirrors surrounding the gain medium (a plane-parallel or Fabry–Pérot cavity). The allowed modes of the cavity are those where the mirror separation distance L is equal to an exact multiple of half the wavelength, λ.”
Ik zou toch zweren dat ik hier lees dat lasers met longitudinale golven werken en dat transversale modes wellicht ook zouden kunnen bestaan…
En als je dan even het ontwerp van een laser voor de geest haalt, dan heb je in feite daarmee ook een golfpijp, maar dan voor optische frequenties.
“The optical resonator is sometimes referred to as an “optical cavity”, but this is a misnomer: lasers use open resonators as opposed to the literal cavity that would be employed at microwave frequencies in a maser. The resonator typically consists of two mirrors between which a coherent beam of light travels in both directions, reflecting back on itself so that an average photon will pass through the gain medium repeatedly before it is emitted from the output aperture or lost to diffraction or absorption.”
Nu heb je bij een EM golfpijp dus een metalen wand, waarbij de aanwezigheid van een wisselend E-veld wervelstromen geinduceerd worden in de pijpwand en die vervolgens weer een magneetveld tot gevolg hebben. Maar bij een laser heb je alleen twee spiegels en dus geen pijpwand die middels inductie een magneetveld introduceert.
Kortom: longitudinale EM golven zijn wel degelijk aangetoond zonder dat de propagatie plaats vindt middels beweging van ladingsdragers, zij het dat dit in een golfpijp een TM mode is en dus geen zuivere “Tesla” LD golf. Het afwezig zijn van een metalen wand in een laser met daarbij de verwijzingen naar “longitudinale” mode wijzen er dan ook wel degelijk op dat we bij een laser te maken hebben met een zuivere longitudinale dielectrische golf, zo’n Tesla golf.
En als die inderdaad met pi/2 keer c propageren en daar is geen rekening mee gehouden bij optisch onderzoek, dan zou je verwachten dat er ergens een anomaliteit te vinden is die e.e.a. zou kunnen bevestigen.
Tesla's one wire transmission system and Wardenclyffe Tower
Do longitudinal faster-than-light waves exist?
To date, the vast majority of scientists and engineers would answer this question with a firm "No!", because Einstein's relativity theory predicts that it is impossible for any signal to propagate faster than the speed of light. It is taken for granted that this theory is correct and that the speed of light is constant across the Universe and virtually no one questions the validity of this theory, except a handful of dissidents such as myself. Needless to say, experimental proof of faster than light communication would rock the main stream scientific community, since it would prove beyond doubt that Einstein's famous theory is incorrect after all, as I theorized to be the case in 2011 based a/o on the excellent work of Dr. Charles Kenneth Thornhill.
However, having a dissident theory is one thing, having experimental evidence to support such a theory is another thing alltogether. Yet, such evidence does exist, ranging from experimental data from 1834 to the present time, including an article on "fast light" published in "Nature" in 2003 and data published by none less than Nikola Tesla. In other words: all we need is a "final blow" to show the world that Tesla got it right all these years after all.
Charles Wheatstone
The oldest data to my knowledge which suggests faster than light signal propagation is possible dates from 1834, when Sir Charles Wheatstone published "An Account of some Experiments to measure the Velocity of Electricity and the Duration of Electric Light".

A very interesting detail is how he measured the rotation speed of his mirror:
Fizeau and Foucault based their apparatus on Wheatstone's:
Faucoult was even more accurate:
So, how come that with essentially the same measuring method, one just gets "an interesting approximation" being more than 50% off, while the other comes within 1% of the actual value?
Let's do some calculations, based on the hypothesis that what Wheatstone acually measured, might have been a longitudinal dielectric wave instead of a transverse electromagnetic wave, the kinds of waves which normally propagate along our antennas.
The first question to answer would be the question of how fast such a longitudinal dielectric wave would propagate. In the literature, a relation between the propagation speeds of longitudinal versus transverse phenomena, the Poisson ratio, is described, which is the ratio of transverse contraction strain to longitudinal extension strain in the direction of stretching force. This has a theoretic value between -1 and 0.5. This article is more specific:
This means that if the medium, the aether, can be considered to be a perfectly isotropic elastic material, we would get a propagation speed for longitudinal waves of 1.73 (sqrt(3)) times the speed of a transverse wave trough the same medium, wich would be sqrt(3) times c in vacuum.
However, the propagation speed of electromagnetic waves around an antenna is less than the speed of light. We all know that when designing an antenna, we need to take a propagation factor of about 0.93 into account. So, if longitudinal wave phenomena exist which are capable of propagating along a wire with a velocity factor of 0.93, we would expect a propagation speed of about 1.73 * 0.93 * 186,282 = 299,709 miles per second.
This would mean that Wheatstone's measurement would be less than 4% off the expected value, a very reasonable result considering the margins of error achieved by Fizeau and Foucault who used essentially the same measuring technique, albeit to measure a different kind of signal. Considering this, it would definitely be interesting to repeat Wheatstone's experiment with modern equipment to see whether or not his 50% off actually was "a measuring error" or, in hindsight, should be regarded to be the first accurate measurement of the propagation speed of longitudinal dielectric waves.
Nikola Tesla
The next data comes from none less than Nikola Tesla, who basically invented the 20th century but somehow appears to have been mostly forgotten despite his numerous inventions involving electricity, including radio. For example, let's take a look at Wikipedia's page on the invention of radio:
How come we don't find Tesla in this list of names? After all, in 1943 the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Tesla's radio patent number 645,576 over Marconi's according to PBS:
In the MARCONI WIRELESS T. CO. OF AMERICA v. U.S., 320 U.S. 1 (1943) case, the US Supreme Court stated:
In Novevember, 1931 Hugo Gernsback described Tesla's view on a/o the propagation of radio signals in his Faster Than Light! article:
The fundamental distinction between Tesla's wireless power system and our current, electromagnetic based, radio technologies is that Tesla used electrostatic induction instead of electrodynamic induction:
Now consider the fact that Tesla was able to light electric lamps at a distance of three miles in 1893 using electrostatic induction and realize how difficult it is to do the same thing with electromagnetic induction, as NASA demonstrated in their Goldstone RADAR experiment from 1975:
So, while Tesla demonstrated in the late 1800s what can be done with electrostatic induction, this has all but been forgotten and there are virtually no practical applications of this powerfull wireless technology to be found on the planet anymore. The NASA demonstration is a typical illustration of the fact that no one even considers using electrostatic induction over electromagnetics these days.
Now let's continue with Gernsback:
In Tesla's own words:
As we saw, electrostatic induction is the key into understanding Tesla's technology. The electric field, or dielectric field, is governed by Coulomb's law:'s_law
Coulomb's law or Coulomb's inverse-square law is a law of physics describing the electrostatic interaction between electrically charged particles. This law was first published in 1785 by French physicist Charles Augustin de Coulomb and was essential to the development of the theory of electromagnetism. It is analogous to Newton's inverse-square law of universal gravitation. Coulomb's law can be used to derive Gauss's law, and vice versa. Coulomb's law has been tested heavily and all observations are consistent with the law.
The magnitude of the electric field can be derived from Coulomb's law. By choosing one of the point charges to be the source, and the other to be the test charge, it follows from Coulomb's law that the magnitude of the electric field created by a single source point charge at a certain distance from it in vacuum is given by ....
So, it is a well established scientific fact that the static electric field can propagate trough the vacuum. However, even though longitudinal dielectric waves are nothing but periodic variations of the electric field strength, these supposedly cannot propagate trough the vacuum because there are no free charge carriers in the vacuum.
Maxwell's equations lead to the prediction of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum, which are transverse (in that the electric fields and magnetic fields vary perpendicularly to the direction of propagation).[2] However, waves can exist in plasmas or confined spaces, called plasma waves, which can be longitudinal, transverse, or a mixture of both.[2][3] Plasma waves can also occur in force-free magnetic fields[citation needed]. In the early development of electromagnetism, there were some like Alexandru Proca (1897-1955) known for developing relativistic quantum field equations bearing his name (Proca's equations) for the massive, vector spin-1 mesons. In recent decades some extended electromagnetic theorists, such as Jean-Pierre Vigier and Bo Lehnert of the Swedish Royal Society, have used the Proca equation in an attempt to demonstrate photon mass [4] as a longitudinal electromagnetic component of Maxwell's equations, suggesting that longitudinal electromagnetic waves could exist in a Dirac polarized vacuum. After Heaviside's attempts to generalize Maxwell's equations, Heaviside came to the conclusion that electromagnetic waves were not to be found as longitudinal waves in "free space" or homogeneous media.[5] But Maxwell's equations do lead to the appearance of longitudinal waves under some circumstances, for example, in plasma waves or guided waves. Basically distinct from the "free-space" waves, such as those studied by Hertz in his UHF experiments, are Zenneck waves.[6] The longitudinal modes of a resonant cavity are the particular standing wave patterns formed by waves confined in a cavity. The longitudinal modes correspond to those wavelengths of the wave which are reinforced by constructive interference after many reflections from the cavity's reflecting surfaces. Recently, Haifeng Wang et al. proposed a method that can generate a longitudinal electromagnetic (light) wave in free space, and this wave can propagate without divergence for a few wavelengths.[7]
Creation of a needle of longitudinally polarized light in vacuum using binary optics
Haifeng Wang1, Luping Shi1, Boris Lukyanchuk1, Colin Sheppard3 & Chong Tow Chong1,2
Abstract Recently many ideas have been proposed for the use of a longitudinal field for particle acceleration, fluorescent imaging, second-harmonic generation and Raman spectroscopy. A few methods to enhance the longitudinal field component have been suggested, but all have insufficient optical efficiency and non-uniform axial field strength. Here we report a new method that permits the combination of very unusual properties of light in the focal region, permitting the creation of a 'pure' longitudinal light beam with subdiffraction beam size (0.43). This beam is non-diffracting; that is, it propagates without divergence over a long distance (of about 4) in free space. This is achieved by focusing a radially polarized Bessel–Gaussian beam with a combination of a binary-phase optical element and a high-numerical-aperture lens. This binary optics works as a special polarization filter enhancing the longitudinal component.
Waves in plasmas can be classified as electromagnetic or electrostatic according to whether or not there is an oscillating magnetic field. Applying Faraday's law of induction to plane waves, we find , implying that an electrostatic wave must be purely longitudinal. An electromagnetic wave, in contrast, must have a transverse component, but may also be partially longitudinal.
Eric Dollard (N6KPH)
Maar Eric Dollard heeft in de jaren 80 het e.e.a. van Tesla gerepliceerd en daar zijn video’s van:
Dollard bepaalt de propagatiesnelheid van longitudinale golven langs een coax kabel, waarbij de propagatiesnelheid vanwege het aanwezig zijn van het dielectricum in de kern voor beide soorten golven iets van 80% van die in vacuum of zo is, door middel van het meten van de resonantiefrequentie in de veschillende modes. Dit is ook beschreven in NASA’s “Advanced Energetics for Aeronautical Applications: Volume II” : VOL%20II.pdf
-:- The fundamental differences between “longitudinal electric waves” and what are commonly referred to as “electromagnetic waves” were first described by the inventor Dr. Nikola Tesla and the mathematician Dr. Charles P. Steinmetz approximately 100 years ago (Refs. 21 and 22).
Dr. Nikola Tesla invented the ac electric transmission system and its major components during the 1880s. At approximately 1890, Dr. Tesla began to investigate, write about, and demonstrate electric and electric transmission phenomena, which appeared unusual at that time and are very difficult to theoretically describe now based upon contemporary electric theory (Ref. 23). Over the years, investigators have claimed that Dr. Tesla was using a type of electric transmission referred to as longitudinal electric waves. It is to be understood that this claim (longitudinal electric waves) is applicable for the Tesla experimental phenomena replicated in the 1980s by a group of researchers in southern California who call themselves the Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (BSRF) (Refs. 17 and 24). These replications are described subsequently.
The BSRF researchers claimed that they have demonstrated that the wave propagation velocities of transverse waves and longitudinal waves are significantly different, even when they are produced by the same signal source.
The wave velocity of transverse waves was determined by measuring the frequency for which low-power radio waves directly coupled to the end of a conductor of known length produced a resonance condition that resulted in a maximum voltage measured at the “far” (nonsource) end of the conductor. Wave velocity was calculated as (resonant) frequency times wave length, which was equal to frequency times conductor length times four. (The factor of four is included because reflected energy and input energy result in a maximum output when the conductor length is one-quarter of the full [electric] wave length.) The wave velocity of longitudinal waves was determined in a very similar manner; however, the radio waves were capacitively (i.e., not directly) coupled to one end of a conductor equal in length to the conductor used for the transverse wave velocity measurement. As was done for transverse waves, wave velocity was calculated as (resonant) frequency times conductor length times four.
The results of these determinations were as follows:
– transverse wave velocity = 2.44 x 108 m/s = 0.81 x c; and – longitudinal wave velocity = 3.74 x 108 m/s = 1.25 x c.
The velocity of transverse waves in “free space” (i.e., not confined to a conductor or other physical material) has been measured to be 3.00 x 108 m/s, and this value is commonly referred to as “the velocity of light, c” (Ref. 25). -:-
Merk op dat de verhouding 1.25/0.81 = 1.54 dicht in de buurt zit van de theoretische 1.57.
Dollard claimt zelf ook een vergelijkbaar systeem gebouwd te hebben, zijn “Telluric system”, gebaseerd op het antenne systeem van Alexanderson:
I spoke with Eric today and he wanted me to send the following transmission to you regarding your moonbounce project. He thinks the moon bounce will be difficult (due to it not having been done before), and thinks it would be easier to take an already engineered approach such as sending a longitudinal signal through the Earth:
Any competent engineer should be able replicate the transmission of longitudinal waves through the ground. Moon bounce gives the most definite results, but there's no existing engineering information available regarding how to do it. The 160 HAM band coils are shown in the longitudinal wave Borderland videos- flat spirals. The construction techniques are shown. The Theory of Wireless Power has calculations for the solenoid coil. All you have to do is connect the neutral side of the coil with the ground system and excite the coil - with HAM rig. Eric already did this on 40 meters between Bolinas and Los Angeles. Picture a loaded vertical antenna, coil at the bottom, tower in the air, shorten the antenna, make the coil bigger, keep going to the limit, hence a resonant coil, and no antenna. In this condition the ground current will be maximum. Hereby is effected longitudinal transmission into the ground.
Ground Requirements: Need a really good ground - 120 wires in the ground in a 50 to 100 foot square. It's that simple, not that complicated. One coil transmits to the other through the ground, longitudinally with no antenna.
Note to Lamare from Eric Dollard-
Glad you like my complex algebra paper. The "square root of minus one" was taken away from the parrot here!
Philo Farnsworth started me on that project in 1980. He stated that I should develop a Steinmetz type of Versor (AC) operator adapted to hyperbolic rather than circular functions, hence a versor (I.C.) operator. Philo stated this as the "Holy Grail" of "Theoretical Electrical Engineering". He then started it off by giving me a book "Physics and Mathematics in Electrical Communication", Perine.
It took me 8 years until I finished "Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave". However note that the space versor part is not there , it is at the end of "Theory of Wireless Power". Fortunately The Dumpsters or Olin Bales of SwinePlanet did not get these. They were 8 years of hard work every day on my part.
The entire working Telluric system WAS working at Landers. There WAS your velocity greater than c. It was based upon a navy situation of transmitting direct to deep submerged submarines through water, and through the metal hull of the sub.
Anyway the Mojave Research Facility at 57474 Linn Road Landers, is in the hands of criminals. Our Navy is N.F.G. now.
Steinmetz sphere equations in the "Transient Phenomena" book may be of use. The 1920 edition has the right equations. I think your sphere should be driven by a self resonant coil, cut short to resonate with sphere capacity. Sphere capacity equal to coil self capacity is maximum sphere capacity allowed. Use my formula in "Theory of Wireless Power". No guesswork here, just basic high school math. Forget the physics of gobble-gook. For "Can" antennas if you want what is known as a Transverse Magnetic, TM waveguide mode. Here the dielectric is longitudinal along direction of propagation. See "Radio Engineer Handbook", Terman, and "Reference Data for Radio Engineers" I.T.T. published. Here your waveguide modes are presented. One in particular is very interesting as its lossed decrease with frequency but it is very hard to excite this mode. Check this out as it is directly regulated to your efforts in "moonbounce". Show modes on forum for others to see!
Also a "Tao" has his own great representation of the "Four Quadrant" "Eight Pole" representation on forum.
Meer info hier over: :
A global contest, who will be the first HAM radio operator to disprove Einstein? Will it be you?
We begin with the "Primary Circuit." It is a parallel resonant circuit. This exists in the dimension of time, it is space scalar. Hence no T.E.M., etc. Tim only in Neper-Radians per second. PER SECOND. It should be noted that no generalized analysis of this circuit even exists today, so where do YOU want to begin. I will tell you how, get a 1960's Radio Amateur's Handbook, and read it. Then make a 100 watt 80 meter transmitter. Then you can begin to understand Tesla. Throw all the Bearden, Corum, etc. , into the garbage, let the rats and crows have it.
The circuit I have shown is from the Colorado Springs Notes, read this for circuit values, these can be scaled. The reasoning here is that no resistance is wanted in the main tank circuit (L1,C1), it must be tight against leaks to assure maximum magnification factor. The Auxilary Circuit (L2,C2) is an impedance matching network to carry energy from the supply E.M.F. to the tank circuit M.M.F. The energy in L2 C2 refracts into L1 C1 so as not to disturb the primary M.M.F. This M.M.F. to be maximized to the highest possible magnitude.*
- See Nikola Tesla, "System of Concatenated Tuned Circuits", patent number unknown
Here is how the contest works. We learn how to make a "Crystal Set", just as everybody should. It is a "Rite of Passage". A crystal set is an A.M. radio that uses no battery, the magnification factor of its tank circuit powers the radio. Hence it can be seen that the A.M. broadcast station's transmitted energy is powering the crystal set, JUST AS TESLA ENVISIONED. Wow Mr. Wizard that is fantastic. Let's start today.
Break more to follow :
Babbitt's Concept of Faradays Contigous Particle of the Aether

Babbitt's Light and Color continued:
It should be noted however that Lamare is taking a most difficult path. His route lacks any definite engineering formulation but let me draw his attention to C.P. Steinmetz and the treatment of a related situation. It is found in “Theory and Calculation of Transient Electric Phenomena”, “Transients in Space” and section on “Velocity of Propagation of the Electric Field, Capacity of a Sphere”. When the one over c square and the 4*pi*10^-9 are eliminated, the velocity of propagation of the dielectric field is an independent variable. These relations were given by myself at the International Tesla Society in my lecture “Hysteresis of the Aether”. The P.E.E.E., QRM and Dis-infos were conspicuously absent from this presentation! I wonder why?
It is however, that the Telluric Transmission Networks of N. Tesla are completely engineer-able. This is also true for the U.S.N. Alexanderson systems of transmission. The Rogers U.S.N. system also should be noted. The Tesla “thru the Earth” radio has been rendered mere technical details by the writings of L.V. Bewely, Blume, Steinmetz, and Dollard. In particular note Bewely, “Traveling Waves on Transmission Systems,” chapter on single winding waves, and Dollard, “Condensed Introduction to the Tesla Transformer”, and “Theory of Wireless Power” section on coil Coil Calculations. The Tesla Magnifying Transmitter is now an engineer-able reality, this for any competent radio engineer. The 160 meter Ham Band, (1.8 – 2.0 Megacycle per sec.) is the perfect spot for our “International Contest.” My longitudinal videos show the construction of a “160 meter” flat spiral transformer. These medium wave frequencies along with large paths of transmission on a quadrant of the Earth make velocity determination possible. Note that Tesla’s drawing indicates that velocity depends on the cosecant of the latitudinal angle, it is infinity at the poles and luminal at the equator, if anyone ever bothered to look at the fine print. The pi over two is the effective velocity between the limits of c and infinity. There is no longer any excuse for not implementing Tesla Transmission on the Ham Bands, none!
Make Your Own Tesla Telluric Transmission System:
This post is in response to Kokomojo post #646
A good coil to use is the flat spiral shown on the “Tesla Longitudinal Electricity” video. It’s on the 160 meter HAM band. Remember that you must have a government license to transmit R.F. energy. The “primary” coil is the magnetizing coil. It connects with a constant potential, thus the few turns the better, one is best. Surface area is equal on all windings and also equal to the surface areaa on the condenser. Basically all component coilsand the condenser should be the same weight. Max magneto motive force (m.m.f.) is what we want here in the primary. The “extra” coil is the constant current, maximum potential is what we want here, on the sphere, sphere capacity small. It is important to note these coils are no longer to be thought of as just reactance coils, now they are transmission lines, and operate by the laws of transmission lines.
Hence given is the constant potential primary, a lumped LC circuit of very large b to a ratio ( a is the power factor and b is the induction factor- see Heaviside equation) , also there is the constant current extra coil, a distributed transmission structure in the form of a coil. Copper weight is the same. Also note b/a is the magnification factor of the circuit. Hereby, the “secondary coil” is a transmission structure connecting the constant current extra coil to the constant potential primary coil. Hence the “Secondary coil” has an impedance and is a quarter wave resonant so as to match the constant current coil to the constant potential coil. That is the radio engineers description of a Tesla Magnifying Transmitter. No new theories or mystical unknowns, a basic transmission line calculation only. Simple. But, you better have an A.M. braodcast station ground for this system to operate.
So let’s use an A.M. station as an example. 1600 on your A.M. dial. It has a quarter wave tower, a star ground plane consisting of 120 radial wires each a quarter wave long. A matching unit connects this to a 5 kw transmitter, the “alternator” of 1.6 megacycles AC.
Now lets shorten the tower, a “loading coil” must now go in series and resonate with the shortened tower. The ground current has increased. We keep doing this, shorter tower, bigger coil. Finally no tower, giant coil, high ground current. The coil is now resonant to it’s own internal electro-static capacity. The price to pay for the high ground current is an extreme potential, e, at the open end of the coil. This is why the “mushroom” hood, or just a sphere. This extreme potential energizes the Resla “Ray” Tube for atomic work, not radio work. The ground end of out “Loading Coil” is the output NOT the mushroom cap. No one gets this. So we have converted 1600 on your AM dial to a Tesla Telluric Broadcast. No hidden secrets, no profound mysteries, just simple A.C. Ohms Law and a HAM radio license. “Theory of Wireless Power” gives all the coil calculations for impedance and propagation time. but the “tables” have errors. The basic formula is ok. “Condensed Intro to Tesla Tesla Transformer” gives a more specific theoretical description of the Tesla Transmission structures, including impulse modes. This paper is more for the radio engineer. Tesla gives a complete description, with photos and calculations, of his system in “Colorado SpringsNotes.” Also the unit at my RCA laboratory is on the cover of “Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers.” No shortage of experimentally confirmed information on this topic, even by Tesla himself.
Remember the Soviet Scalar Conspiracy, The Tesla Howitzer, Tesla E.L.F. and control, Tesla Switch, Tesla this Tesla that. But Where is Tesla? Nikola Tesla curses the Soviet Scalar Xenophobes, the primary source of Tesla Dis-Information.
But out of the morass a golden dragonfly rose into the air, La-mare and his “The First Longitudinal Moon Bounce.” At this point I shifted my writings from rudimentary ideas to reproducible engineering with the “military minded” aim to initiate within this “Energetic Forum” the “First Tesla Telluric Transmission in history.” A perfect compliment to La-Mare’s efforts. The Objective:
(9) International Ham Radio Contest to disprove Einstien’s Theory.
Ultimately my primary objective is to continue my work started at Landers, that is;
(10a) Develop a superior submarine communications system for the United States Navy.
(10b) Adapt system principles to a system for Advance Seismic Warning (A.S.W.). This for the City of Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power.
These systems were completed at Landers by the way, in a completely engineerable form. The product of 30 years of work. (See pictures of the site on the American Marconi Website)
None of the work at Landers was ever intended to be released to the public, this station was for government use only. But the “Legal System” gave it to Bales. It has come to pass that it is being sold off a chunk at a time on e-bay. Homeland Security. Let’s Hope Israel gets some of it and turns it into weapons of mass destruction. Providence plays these jokes now and then.
For a basic description of my work at Landers see; “System for the Transmission and Reception of Telluric Waves”, E.P. Dollard. The engineering embodiment at Landers took the work of Tesla and Alexanderson to the next level, and being a Naval development, will not be demonstrated or discussed on my part. However, even the weak minded may have noticed that I am giving complete engineering instructions on Tesla’s Telluric Transmission System, as he envisioned it. I am speaking to what I suspect may be a “silent majority.” And I know that any competent radio engineer or experimenter can make a go of it. However what part of this silent majority has a malevolent intent (Iran let’s say)?
One thing is for certain, if you get close to a working system, or present it, the Good Ship Lucifer will P.E.E.E. on you. This is how Tesla’s work is obstructed, and the 21st Century American is well suited for this task. What else can he do?
Lamare Lunar Effort; Ideas:The longitudinal antennae ideas seem stuck in the mud. Seems everything is quasi E.M. “Electrical Soundwaves in the Aether”, Tesla. Only two ways I see; a form of open ended circular waveguide. One mode, hard to excite, is longitudinal. Please post circular waveguide mode chart (Frederich Terman)!! Another way is a tiny U.H.F. resonant coil, NOT A HELICAL RESONATOR. AN OPEN COIL NOT ENCLOSED IN A COAXIAL CYLINDER.For the circular waveguide the pipe is closed on one end, open at the other end. Open end may require mode stabilizer. The proper mode of excitation is extremely important! (Terman, Radio Engineers Handbook)For the resonant coil, a disk larger than coil diameter at current end, a disk smaller than coil diameter at voltage end. Ratio of disk diameters derived from coil impedance. Excite coil with small loop. As for the frequency; For the waveguide must be greater than 1000 Mc, for the coil must be less than 1000 Mc. These would be my first efforts to create electrical soundwaves in the aether. The longitudinal waves of my work involves Telluric Waves (submarines) and windings (transformers). Free space longitudinal waveforms may not have any relation to my (MK) waves From Radio Engineers Handbook: Tesla Coil geometric configuration: Lamare Dialogue:
It is great to find a point of discussion, the Energetic Forum has been very boring to me, like talking to my own echo. However bickering like that with Light Ship seems to be more what interests everyone, a good fight!When considering waves on coiled windings, leave out the electrons, let us forget them once and for all. They are for electronic devices (RG) NOT for electrical devices (LC). Forget the electrons, forget it!
It is generally considered that any wave must consist of a conjugate pair of energies, magnetic and dielectric let’s say. Only then an interaction between time and space is possible. As I have shown recently it is through the union of a conjugate pair (L and C) that the dimension of time is produced. The propagation constant is then equal to:
(1) Negative Gamma Square
Having a pair of imaginary roots, plus j Gamma and minus j Gamma
It is however that the JJ Thompson Longitudinal Dielectric Motions cannot have a periodic solution, there is one energy only, dielectric. This needs to be resolved.
There are four distinct forms of energy stored in a winding, Magnetic Pair:
L, Leakage Inductance, Henry M, Mutual Inductance, per Henry
Dielectric Pair:
C, Leakage Capacitance, Farad K, Mutual Capacitance, per Farad
The Magnetic Distribution along the coil axis is given by
(2) Epsilon to the square root of LM power. It is an exponential curve along the axis.
The Dielectric Distribution along the coil axis is given by
(3) Epsilon to the square root of CK power. It too is an exponential curve along the axis.
LM an CK are time scalars hence it can be seen that these initial distributions at t = 0 give rise to complex energy exchanges because of the exponential space distributions. We have now a fourth order differential in space and time. Alice lands in Wonderland. Forget Maxwell, forget the Corums, dead ends, forget them once and for all!!
Break, more to follow
Lamare Discourse Continued:
Continuing with the four energy co-efficients:LC, this gives the space scalar frequencies of oscillation, having no distribution in space, only in time (dot product)
MK, this gives the “Tesla Vector” normal to the coil windings, a counter-velocity in per centimeters per second. (axial product)
L/K this gives the clockwise “Poynting Vector” around the circumference of the coil windings, a velocity in centimeters per second (cross product)
C/M, this gives the counter-clockwise “Poynting Vector” around the circumference of the coil windings, a velocity in centimeters per second (cross product)
(4) Hence (LC + MK(k^2)) + k(L/K – C/M)
(5) a +kb
The Heaviside relation for the dimension of space. For the condition of balance,
(6) L/K = C/M
The T.E.M. component vanishes and the “Poynting Vectors” cancel out. The resistance of the coil also cancels out giving rise to a very great magnification factor, as well as a pure longitudinal wave, a “Tesla Coil”.
Forget the Corums, the Bewelly-Dollard Theory has made them obsolete. Also it is my own belief that we have outgrown Maxwell. The path started by Tesla, Through Steinmetz and Alexanderson, to L.V. Bewelly has taken us far beyond the primordial physics interpretation of J.C. Maxwell. Leyden Jars and scales have grown to giant substation transformers and high speed oscilloscopes. We are entering a brave new world of electricity, electricity without electrons.
Repeat picture Post of The Oscillating Current Transformer section… found here Internal Obstruction and Superficial Conduction (Heaviside EM Theory):
Critique of Tom Bearden & Albert Einstein:
All I can say from an engineers standpoint is that Tom Bearden and Albert Einstein have done more to damage the understanding of electricity, particularly as it relates to Tesla, than any other humans on the planet. Personally, Tom Bearden’s assertions of Soviet Scalar lunacy, is a direct slap in the face of my eight years of RCA and Sonoma State College research. What more can I say?
There seems to be considerable confusion regarding the Alexanderson Network as a high frequency antenna for radio communications. I constructed the first version of such a network at the “Camp David” Installation on 450 Overlook, Bolinas, CA. This was done from 1990 to 1994. This installation was obliterated by the County of Marin as a service to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Pictures of the Alexanderson network, or array, can be found in the “Barbera Boxer Report” by E.P. Dollard. Camp David, named after its owner David Franklin, was conceived as a civil defense facility for the Town of Bolinas. The Camp David antenna is a dual log-periodic Alexanderson network for high frequency radio communications. Hence forth it will be called the “Bolinas Antenna”. The Bolinas Antenna suited the needs of both Bolinas radio stations KPH and NMC. The “group” did not like this idea so the Bolinas antenna is no more. But the principles are not gone, they exist as mathematical certainties and established engineering formula. The Bolinas antenna is constructed upon two primary engineering considerations: The first is the use of counter-spatial, or reactive, elements, as found in the distributed networks of Tesla and the lumped networks of Alexanderson. The second is the use of a log-periodic sequence of elements as developed thru U.S. Air Force research contracts. The union of these two conditions give rise to a broad bandwidth structure along with “Non Maxwellian” transmission capability. Niether Tesla nor Alexanderson produced such a network, both were very much Single Frequency structures.
The primary objective in the development of the Bolinas Antenna was for telluric transmission and reception in the range of 80 to 40 meters, a one octave band. The Bolinas Antenna consisted of a pair of vertical networks in phase conjunction. The neutral connected directly into the San Andreas Fault line. The log-periodic construction allowed the Bolinas Antenna to also be utilized as an electro-magnetic radiator up to 30 megacycles per second. The compact size and the broadband characteristics make this antenna useful for confined shipboard installations. The theory and design as well as construction details will be developed here.
(II) The counter-spatial, or reactive, transmission network theory is already given in “System for the Transmission and reception of Telluric Electric Waves” by E.P. Dollard. This aspect will therefore not be repeated here. The log-periodic concept will however be developed in the following: Considerable detail on the log-periodic antenna can be found in “The Multi-Wave Oscillator Handbook”, by Tom Brown. A U.S. Psychotronics Assn. Video on the M.W.O. Also exists on “YouTube”. Here can be found the details of my U.H.F. M.W.O. Antenna. Its range was from 300 Mc/sec to 1000 Mc/sec. A “faster than light” speed was expected, but as usual it was time for the “rat to run” so the antenna project vanished to the winds. Be we can rest assured that someone profited from it.
The log-periodic antenna grew out of U.S. AirForce research contracts with the objective of developing a “frequency independent” antenna. The tactical H.F. Radio, and the U.H.F. Spread spectrum systems under development could not operate without such an antenna structure. Unexpectedly here electricity meets with Fibonacci. The log-periodic antennae were found to project themselves into a virtual antenna beyond the physical bounds of their apex. This is analogous to the “plant-archetype” of Rudolf Steiner.
The generalized Alexanderson multiple loaded array is shown in Fig (8). Reactance arms Z and Suceptance arms Y can be of any form and here are symbolized as simple resistors for simplicity. It can be seen that the Alexanderson loading is in many ways the same as the telephone line loading. It is however the loaded cable pair is a terminated transmission line, whereas the “Alexanderson Line” is open ended, or a stub line, and thus in itself is a reactance arm with only one set of terminals. Further it is that the twisted pair has no external electric field, whereas the objective in the Alexanderson Line is a totally external electric field. This is a dielectric field carrying a displacement current. The AETHER is the output of the Alexanderson Line, whereas a TELEHONE is the output of the loaded pair. The Alexanderson system is operated in the geo-physical critical frequency band around 20 kilocycles per second, (this is in the V.L.F. Range, 3kc to 30kc). This band is a convergence between Telluric Frequencies and Atmospheric Frequencies, and it shifts days before large seismic events. See “Vril Compendium”, “Military V.L.F. Radio”, by Vassilatos. This is an important area of research. (Landers)
(3) In this final section the log-periodic, the golden ratio, and the Alexanderson, principles are all united into the “Bolinas Antenna”. Also in this final section the Earth connection requirements for the telluric systems here described are given. Finally the general application of engineerable telluric transmission systems is considered. “So let the pots and pans go black and let us begin the work”. (Oliver Heaviside).
(4) The system developed by Tesla as well as the system developed by Alexanderson are both distinctly single frequency arrangements (this is what we seek to overcome). These telluric systems involve resonance or in general employ the cancellation of reactance by a conjugate suceptance. This condition can only exist at one frequency, or in some cases (Tesla), this one frequency along with its odd order harmonics. The adulteration of the Tesla system by Marconi led to very high magnification factors that prohibited high speed keying. Moreover this magnification did not contribute to the transmission process. In an effort initiated by the U.S. Navy, the Alexanderson aerial developments were applied to the Marconi aerials at station KET in Bolinas, California, and at station WII in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Thru sequential loading and subdivision of these Marconi aerials, Alexanderson redirected the energy of the aerials into the transmission process. This multiple tuned circuit configuration accordingly broadened the modulation bandwidth of the system.
(5) Because the Alexanderson aerial is a sequentially loaded transmission network the log-periodic principle can directly be applied. The resulting structure is shown in Fig-1. This is developed for 5 logarithmic periods. In table-1 is a specific set of dimensions for operation in the high frequency band. The fundamental frequency is 7100 kilocycles per second. This aerial is a slow wave broadband vertical co-linear log-periodic array for both telluric and ionospheric applications. A suitable ground plane is required for its operation, the minimum is 80 wires in a radial configuration. Each wire is 18 gauge or larger and 20 feet or longer. (1600 feet of wire). This should be buried in a watered garden plot. The roots of plants are excellent connections to the Earth. Construction details for a “plumbing” version is shown in Figs-2&3. This is not something one is likely to see in QST magazine. The foremost application of this Aerial-Earth structure is operation in locations where height is a prohibitive restriction.
(6) The Earth connection in telluric systems is of difficult and costly construction, and here exists little room for compromise. The series impedance must be extremely low, and ohm or less. As for the Tesla system the “roots” of Wardenclyff attest to this. The Earth connection at Bolinas is 750 thousand square feet, with plates out to sea! The systems of Tesla and Alexanderson possess very low radiation resistance losses and this gives rise to very large Earth currents. These currents must find their way to the system neutral without opposition. In a complimentary manner very high potentials are developed at the conjugate aerial terminals of these telluric systems. The large currents and high potentials both serve as principle obstacle in the attainment of effective telluric transmission and reception. It should be noted there the meaning of high potentials and large currents. In a receiving system transforming one micro-watt a potential of one volt is a very high voltage and a current of one milli-ampere is a large current. If the same system is transforming 100 watts the potential is now 10 kilo-volts and the current is now 10 amperes. Therefore receiving systems are required to have a “copper investment” similar to that of a transmitting system in order to be effective in its transforming ability.
The bane of large neutral currents is any form of back E.M.F. The primary sources of back E.M.F. are resistance and reactance, giving rise to an effective SERIES IMPEDANCE, this impedance between neutral and ground. Hence a common ground rod in the dirt is no more than a series resistor, and likewise, the connecting wire is now a series reactive parasitic antenna. In common “grounding” it is indeed resistance and reactance are abundant. Moreover these only burden the neutral of the telluric transmission system. In contra-distinction, the bane of a high terminal potential is conductance and suceptance, these giving rise to an effective SHUNT ADMITTANCE. Corona, lousy insulation, and even nearby objects all act to burden the terminal potential. The suppression of spark discharges becomes a primary obstacle in situations involving considerable power. The burdens on the system give rise to detuning effects and resulting off resonance conditions.
(7) The dimensional relation of impedance is here the principle transmission impairment. This dimensional relation can hereby be neutralized thru the employment of a conjugate dimensional relation, admittance. Impedance is the versor combination of the molecular resistance in ohms and of the magnetic field reactance in Henry per second. These are the sources of back E.M.F. Admittance is the versor combination of these molecular conductance in Siemens and dielectric suceptance in farad per second. Under ideal circumstances these two dimensional relations cancel each other, this giving a node of zero E.M.F. at the system neutral. This removes the burden upon the transmission system. Here the transmission characteristics of the Earth become part of the process. Except that power due to energy transmission, this node is a point of zero power flow. (See “Impulses, Waves, and Discharges” page 114, compound circuits).
Because of the difficulty and expense of constructing a suitable Earth terminal it is best to find one already in existence. Most low frequency radio navigation stations are long gone but in many locations the ground systems are still intact. These sites are optimum for the development of telluric transmission systems. It should be noted that the entire 100 Kc/sec Loran system has been recently shut down making possible the development of a naval telluric transmission system. Also there exists numerous abandoned ground systems left behind by A.M. broadcasting stations. It is possible to share existing grounds with active on air stations in some applications.
(9) Following the successful experimental efforts at Camp David in Bolinas, California the objective was thereafter the implementation of an operating telluric transmission system at the nearby R.C.A. – Marconi radio transmission facility, station KPH. KPH was a commercial ship to shore communications service. Ships in water of course are optimum Earth connections. KPH Bolinas held license to its original low frequency allocation of 126 kilocycles per second. To help facilitate this effort the Alexanderson KET grounding network was found to be intact as well as its connecting points on the still standing shunt coil bases. And further, the self resonant frequency of the Alexanderson shunt (M) coils was near to 126 Kc/sec. With these important factors in place the plan was the utilization of a replicated shunt coil standing on, and grounded to, the existing base. By the addition of a primary resonator, this shunt coil would operate as a Tesla mode resonant transformer producing strong telluric currents at the licensed frequency of 126 Kc/sec. It was a good idea but KPH was put out of operation and I was locked out by the “Greenie”S.S. Here existed one practical telluric transmission application, this as non-Maxwellian ship to shore communication. Nein!
(10) The crystal radio initiative in all probability will develop into a powerful A.M. broadcast “DX” receiving tool for which I will receive nothing. A.M. broadcasting exists on low frequency allocations in some countries, but in general the allocations are in a portion of the medium frequency band. It is important to note that the amateur radio service is allocated one medium frequency band from 1800 to 2000 Kc/sec. Here experimental A.M. telluric transmissions can take place. This could possibly lead to a commercial A.M. broadcast station.
(11) The largest kilo-volt-ampere user of telluric transmission systems is the United States Navy. This is for secure submarine communication in the very low frequency band of 20 to 30 Kc/sec. The most prominent station is in Jim Creek, Washington (State), operating near 25 Kc/sec. This station delivers 2000 kilowatts into an aerial strung between mountain peaks. This station is the epitome of the Einstein-Marconi follies, perpetuated by minds such as the Corums, T. Grotz and the I.E.E.E. Gang in general. The result is an enormous electric bill and for what, ineffective communication below the “skin depth” of sea water. Is “the group” so all mighty that even the U.S. Navy is denied the technology of Nikola Tesla?
(12) Telluric transmission systems could take many forms from hobby toys to powerful military communication systems. The properly designed system requires no energy delivery into electro-magnetic radiation losses, greatly reducing the energy requirements. Also it is that telluric currents propagate deep into the telluric medium regardless of the depth. Finally, in all probability it would be found that the attenuation & delay encountered in propagation would be very much less than those encountered in an equivalent electro-magnetic system.
It will take the works of engineers, not physicists to develop working telluric transmission systems. The physics trained engineer will be of no use, he is the enemy. Ultimately the effort falls in the lap of amateur radio. The opposition to the initiative will of course be the emerging totalitarianism of State Science (S.S.).
Herewith closes the topic of Telluric Transmission. All the required preliminary engineering material has been presented. “Tesla” societies, the American Radio Relay League, Bearden/Puharich Zealots, and P.E.E.E. trolls no longer have any meaning and any further reference to, or by them can only be considered pathological. The effort toward development will be your own initiative.
73 DE N6KPH :
Crystal Sets Gone Wild
For the diagram shown the coil dimensions are missing, number of turns, etc. A good ground is essential for these kinds of devices. 16 Ground rods in a 10 to 20 foot radius circle, connected to a single ground rod at the center(17th rod), this connection being 10 gauge wire. Dry sand or rock will not ground, so this requires 80, each 14 gauge wires in a 30 foot diameter circle in a star radial configuration, to a center terminal. Without these groundings a Tesla Transformer cannot properly operate, but some "HI-Z" sets may.
The objective here is to scale the "Crystal Set", a step at a time, into a Tesla Transformer for the reception of medium wave band, 300 - 3000 kilocycle A.M. broadcasts. No license is required for this and the broadcast station provides the power.
And this objective cooperates with the primary objective. That is; Who will be the first ham to disprove Einstein's theory? An International contest, but who will sponsor it, Iran maybe?
We have the good fortune in the "Crystal Set Initiative" that, in theory at least, a quarter wave A.M. broadcast tower, and its 120 quarter wave ground radials, must emit a pair of waves as shown by Tesla in his basic diagrams.

Hence it can be seen that a pair of waves are engendered by this transmission system. (Tower and Star Radials). One wave, Hertzian, is the over ground wave, the other wave, Telluric, is the under ground wave. These two waves arrive at the point of reception in their own distinct time frames, giving rise to a difference in phase. Hence, multiple rings of interference patterns are produced. Since the Hertzian portion, over ground, time frame is based upon the velocity of light, then the Telluric portion, under ground, time frame gives the Telluric velocity. Two crystal sets, one over ground, one under ground, and a basic oscilloscope , that simple. I have done this at Landers.
Concluding, a Tesla Magnification Transformer, properly proportioned can, in theory, actually draw power from a local 50 kW station. Several hundred watts of power reception is likely. This would prove Tesla once and for all. No antenna, just a good ground, and a nice and bright 100 watt light bulb.
This would overturn physics more than any billion dollar C.E.R.N. project. A ham radio operator overturns Einstein for 100 bucks. What a concept.
Tesla, "The True Wireless"
Tesla, "System of Concatenated Tuned Circuits"
Dollard, "System for the Transmission and Reception of Telluric Electric Waves"
A.R.R.L. "Radio Amatuers Handbook". Chapter "H.F. Transmitters, & Tank Circuits"
73 DE N6 KPH
Wesley Monstein

Adolph & Erich Erdmann
Perhaps the most concrete design I found which could be built upon is the design by the Erdmann brothers, which would have to be scaled down for the 23cm band:,%20the%20Revolutionary%20Radio%20Antenna%20that%20Conquers%20Space.pdf
Some more referenence material on "faster than light" phenomena:
Paul Stowe
What I see in Stowe's work is the idea of defining an ideal super-fluid in terms of Newtonian physics and then working out how this connects a/o electro-magnetism and gravity. Now I am an electrical engineer and have studied a/o the work of Eric Dollard and various free energy systems, most notably the car on water by Stan Meyer. One of the most intriguing theoretic controversy that came forward is the question whether or not longitudinal electric waves can propagate trough the vacuum. This is claimed to be the case by Eric Dollard and I believe this to be true.
What I see wrong with the current EM model of main stream science is that it sees "charge carriers" as being the cause for EM fields to exist, while charge carriers are particles, which are also waves according to the wave-particle duality principle. Now supposedly EM waves can propagate trough the vacuum, because they are particles, but longitudinal waves cannot, because they supposedly need free charge carriers to be present in order to be able to propagate. To me, it is clear that a deeper cause must be present for EM waves to exist, and that is why I am a proponent of an aether theory.
One problem that comes forth is that longitudinal waves are pure pressure waves and do not have a magnetic component. Now you need some kind of momentum in order to be able to propagate a wave, which in the normal EM case is the magnetic component. For the longitudinal case, we have no concept for the momentum part. Now when you go to the aether concept of Stowe, you have a super fluid, wherein the magnetic field is defined as the rotation of the fluid. So, within current EM theory, only the rotational part of the aether momentum is modelled. The non-rotational part, which is also present, is totally ignored. With Stowe's version, we do not have that problem and thus have a foundation for extending the current understanding of the EM field, such that longitudinal waves can be described.
Then, his statement that "gravity = Grad E" is also intriguing, because it offers an understanding of the experiments conducted by T.T. Brown. By integrating gravity into the model like this, we get a complete aether theory, which also resolves the problem around whether or not we have an "entrained" aether or not. (see Cantrell: ).
So, to me, conceptually Stowe's theory solves a lot of problems we have with current EM theory, because the wave-particle duality principle all but demands gravity to be an integral part of EM theory. There may be many rough edges and many refinements may be needed, but to me the conceptual foundation appears to be rock-solid.
Nu zou je op zich best een theorie kunnen maken waarbij je de ruimte fysische eigenschappen toedicht, maar
dan moet je dus wel zorgen voor een zodanige beschrijving dat aan de wet van energiebehoud en dus “actie = -reactie” voldaan wordt. Doe je dat niet, dan kom je vroeg of laat in de problemen. En dat blijkt dan ook wel: -:- Donkere materie wordt verondersteld te bestaan om de waargenomen baanbeweging van verre sterren en afgeplatte spiraalvormige sterrenstelsels (zoals ons eigen Melkwegstelsel) te verklaren op een wijze die zowel consistent is met de zwaartekrachttheorie als met de relativiteitstheorie. De zichtbare materie in deze sterrenstelsels heeft namelijk niet genoeg massa om de bewegingssnelheid van de sterrenstelsels in hun baan om het gemeenschappelijk zwaartepunt te kunnen verklaren. Om de bewegingssnelheid met de bestaande zwaartekrachttheorie en de relativiteitstheorie te kunnen verklaren, veronderstellen astronomen dat er extra materie aanwezig is die tot dusverre niet gedetecteerd kan worden. -:- Das dus weer zo’n typisch staaltje van pseudo-wetenschap. Een halfbakken concept introduceren volgens het “klok en klepel” principe en dan vervolgens iets “veronderstellen te bestaan” om te verhullen dat je eigenlijk geen idee hebt hoe de klepel nu eigenlijk in de klok gehangen zou moeten worden. Kortom: Tesla stelt dat de ruimte per definitie leeg is en dus geen fysische eigenschappen kan hebben, omdat je anders ultimo in de problemen komt met de wet behoud van energie. Ik stel (nu) dat de ruimte niet per definitie als leeg gedefinieerd moet worden, maar als men haar fysische eigenschappen wil toedichten, dan dient dat wel zodanig te gebeuren dat aan de fundamentele actie = -reactie wet en dus energiebehoud wordt voldaan. En uiteindelijk is het dan zo dat het verschil tussen een lege ruimte gevuld met een aether en een correct gedefinieerde ruimte met een aantal fysische eigenschappen een kwestie van smaak is. En tot noch toe valt het aether gevulde lege ruimte concept bij mij uitstekend in de smaak. :)
Nu zou je op zich best een theorie kunnen maken waarbij je de ruimte fysische eigenschappen toedicht, maar
dan moet je dus wel zorgen voor een zodanige beschrijving dat aan de wet van energiebehoud en dus “actie = -reactie” voldaan wordt. Doe je dat niet, dan kom je vroeg of laat in de problemen.
En dat blijkt dan ook
wel: -:- Donkere materie wordt verondersteld te bestaan om de waargenomen baanbeweging van verre sterren en afgeplatte spiraalvormige sterrenstelsels (zoals ons eigen Melkwegstelsel) te verklaren op een wijze die zowel consistent is met de zwaartekrachttheorie als met de relativiteitstheorie. De zichtbare materie in deze sterrenstelsels heeft namelijk niet genoeg massa om de bewegingssnelheid van de sterrenstelsels in hun baan om het gemeenschappelijk zwaartepunt te kunnen verklaren. Om de bewegingssnelheid met de bestaande zwaartekrachttheorie en de relativiteitstheorie te kunnen verklaren, veronderstellen astronomen dat er extra materie aanwezig is die tot dusverre niet gedetecteerd kan worden. -:- Das dus weer zo’n typisch staaltje van pseudo-wetenschap. Een halfbakken concept introduceren volgens het “klok en klepel” principe en dan vervolgens iets “veronderstellen te bestaan” om te verhullen dat je eigenlijk geen idee hebt hoe de klepel nu eigenlijk in de klok gehangen zou moeten worden. Kortom: Tesla stelt dat de ruimte per definitie leeg is en dus geen fysische eigenschappen kan hebben, omdat je anders ultimo in de problemen komt met de wet behoud van energie. Ik stel (nu) dat de ruimte niet per definitie als leeg gedefinieerd moet worden, maar als men haar fysische eigenschappen wil toedichten, dan dient dat wel zodanig te gebeuren dat aan de fundamentele actie = -reactie wet en dus energiebehoud wordt voldaan. En uiteindelijk is het dan zo dat het verschil tussen een lege ruimte gevuld met een aether en een correct gedefinieerde ruimte met een aantal fysische eigenschappen een kwestie van smaak is. En tot noch toe valt het aether gevulde lege ruimte concept bij mij uitstekend in de smaak. :)
Fundamentele punt van discussie komt neer op deze vraag:
) Zijn de Maxwell vergelijkingen correct?
Mijn stelling is dat dat niet het geval is, omdat ze in essentie zeggen dat het electromagnetische veld veroorzaakt wordt door een electromagnetisch verschijnsel. Want deeltjes zijn EM golven volgens golf-deeltje dualiteitsprincipe. Thornhill, een wiskundige met een niet-onaardig CV, beschrijft precies wat er mis is met de Lorentztransformatie en het invariant maken van de Maxwell vergelijkingen en waarom je dat probleem niet hebt met de stroom en ladingsloze variant van de Maxwell vergelijkingen. Dan heb je dus twee redenen waarom de stroom en ladingsloze Maxwell vergelijkingen superieur zijn aan de huidige versies waarbij de oorzaak van de velden verondersteld wordt in stroom en lading te liggen: 1) Je bent van de inconsistentie in oorzaak en gevolg af; 2) je hebt je invariantie probleem opgelost zonder die gekke Lorentz transformatie nodig te hebben. Gevolg van deze aanpak is tevens dat longitudinale dielectrische (electro-”statische”) golven ineens theoretisch mogelijk zijn. En die propageren dan in theorie met een snelheid van pi/2 keer de lichtsnelheid (zie boven). En laten die snelheden nu net gemeten zijn door Wheatstone en Tesla, toch ook heren met beiden een respectabele staat van dienst. Daar heb je dan dus twee experimenten die niet verklaard kunnen worden met noch de huidige Maxwell vergelijkingen noch Einstein. Terwijl er slechts één experiment in tegenspraak is met een veronderstelde eigenschap van een aether theorie, het Michelson-Morley experiment. En dat is dan ook nog weerlegd door Miller (zie boven). Vervolgens is er nog een argument en dat is de veronderstelde absoluut constante lichtsnelheid in vacuum, welke vereist wordt door de Lorentz transformatie. Zo ik boven al betoogd heb, is er in het Godsganselijke Universum geen absoluut vacuum te vinden, waar zich EN geen materie EN geen EM golven bevinden. De stelling dat de lichtsnelheid constant is in de ruimte, is dan ook absoluut onhoudbaar (zie boven). En dat is dan ook experimenteel vast gesteld (zie boven, Dr. Cantrell). Met andere woorden: De relativiteitstheorie van Einstein heeft geen poot om op te staan. Er zijn verschillende metingen mee in tegenspraak. Er is echter slechts één experimenteel resultaat dat slechts één aspect van een ether theorie lijkt te weerleggen. En dat experiment is dus ook nog eens dubieus, want Miller komt met heel andere resultaten. Arend Lammertink
Martin, “De Lorentztransformatie bevat een correctie op de Galileotransformatie. Dankzij die correctie is de lichtsnelheid hetzelfde in ieder inertiaalsysteem en zijn ook de Maxwellvergelijkingen hetzelfde in elk inertiaalsysteem.” Het punt is dat de Lorentztransformatie een correctie is op een probleem dat veroorzaakt wordt door het feit dat er in de Maxwell vergelijkingen een cirkel redenatie zit. Lees met dat in het achterhoofd Thornhill er maar eens op na: Laat ik de essentie nog iets beter formuleren: 1) De enige echte en fundamentele basis voor Einstein relativiteit is de Lorentz transformatie. 2) Het enige experiment dat *een* aspect van de aether theorie falsificeert is het Michelson-Morley experiment. En met element 2 hebben we een verklaring voor de Pioneer anomalie. Arend Lammertink
“Met andere woorden, puur het constant zijn van c in alle richtingen levert de lorentztranformaties. Vervolgens constateert men dat deze transformaties de maxwellvergelijkingen onveranderd laten – dat is een cadeautje.”
In ieder geval zijn we het er over eens dat het constant zijn van c één op één gekoppeld is aan de Lorentz transformatie. Wat Thornhill eigenlijk zegt is dat de Maxwell vergelijkingen *zonder* lading of stroom (belangrijk detail) overeen komen met de vergelijkingen waarmee je geluidsgolven beschrijft. En daar kun je gewoon de aloude Galilei transformatie voor gebruiken.
Met andere woorden: als je kunt aantonen dat er een fout in de Maxwell vergelijkingen zit die maken dat je precies dat element van “lading of stroom” uit de Maxwell vergelijkingen zou moeten strepen, *dan* kom je in de situatie die Thornhill beschrijft:
a) het overbodig zijn van de Lorentz transformatie, omdat de stroom- en ladingloze Maxwell vergelijkingen getransformeerd kunnen worden met de Galilei transformatie;
b) wiskundig gezien komen de stroomloze Maxwell vergelijkingen overeen met de standaard golfvergelijkingen waarmee golven in vloeistoffen en gassen beschreven worden. En dan wordt je dus geconfronteerd met één set vergelijkingen (met verschillende parameters) die met een verschillende transformatie behandeld moeten worden.
Ik betoog dan vervolgens aan te kunnen tonen dat inderdaad precies die fout in de Maxwell vergelijkingen zit en dat de stroom- en ladingloze Maxwell vergelijkingen correct zijn. De redenering daarbij is de volgende:
1) Stroom en lading zijn eigenschappen die exclusief aan deeltjes gekoppeld worden. Er is geen situatie waarbij stroom of lading voor kan komen die niet gekoppeld is aan ofwel de aanwezigheid ofwel de beweging van deeltjes.
2) Deeltjes zijn een electromagnetisch golfverschijnsel volgens het deeltje-golf dualiteitsprincipe en de Quantum Mechanica.
Conslusie hiervan: de Maxwell vergelijkingen waarbij stroom en lading gezien wordt als zijnde de veroorzaker van de EM velden, stellen in essentie het volgende:
Electromagnetische velden en golven worden veroorzaakt door een electromagnetisch golfverschijnsel.
Nu is er een inmiddels oude programmeurs grapje:
“In order to understand recursion, we must first understand recursion”.
En dat is hier dus van toepassing.
Met andere woorden: De Maxwell vergelijkingen mét stroom/lading zijn recursief gedefinieerd c.q. introduceren een cirkelredenering die er niet in hoort.
En neem van mij aan: recursief programmeren is een PITA. ;)
Welnu, als je die recursiviteit die er niet in hoort er uit haalt, dan houd je dus in essentie de standaard golfvergelijkingen over, vervalt de noodzaak voor de Lorentz transformatie en daarmee staat de hele relativiteitstheorie op wankelen.
Vraag is dan of e.e.a. op basis van experimenteel bewijs gestaafd kan worden. En het antwoord is: ja.
Meest belangrijke argumenten zijn de longitudinale golven c.q. de propagatie van het electro”statische” veld, waarvan de propagatiesnelheid op twee onafhankele manier is gemeten en die ver (ca 1.57 keer) boven de lichtsnelheid ligt:
1) Tesla; 2) Wheatstone
Nu kun je opvoeren dat Wheatstone mogelijk een enorme meetfout heeft gemaakt, maar een afwijking van bijna 60% t.o.v. de lichtsnelheid is wel veel en zeker als je bedenkt dat hij met zijn 288.000 mijl per seconde binnen 2% (!) van de theoretische pi/2 keer c (= 292.463 mijl/sec) zit, dan lijkt mij dat je toch minstens het experiment zult moeten herhalen voordat je het afschrijft op grond van “meetonnauwkeurigheid”.
En dan heb je dus ook nog Tesla… Arend Lammertink
Nog iets meer over die krommingstensor en energie-impuls tensor. Ik kende dat dus niet en dus zocht ik het ff op. Nadat ik al een schot voor de boeg genomen had en mijn nek dus in potentie in een strop had gestoken…
Enniewee, deze wiskundige begrippen zijn dus in principe valide en hierbij wordt in essentie een ander soort coördinaten stelsel gedefinieerd met de daarbij behorende wiskundige gereedschappen: -:- De krommingstensor geeft de mate aan, waarin een oppervlak of hogerdimensionale ruimte meetkundig verschilt van een euclidische ruimte (“vlakke ruimte”). Typische stellingen uit de euclidische meetkunde, die niet langer opgaan in gekromde ruimten, zijn:
De som van de hoeken van een driehoek bedraagt 180 graden (pi radialen); De oppervlakte van een sfeer (boloppervlak) is 4 maal pi maal het kwadraat van de straal.
En de energie-impuls tensor (whatever it may be) wordt keurig gedefinieerd voor o.a. ideale vloeistoffen en het EM veld: -:- Voorbeelden Ideale vloeistof
Voor een vloeistof in thermodynamisch evenwicht, heeft de energie-impuls-tensor de vorm
T^{alpha beta} , = (rho + {p over c^2})u^{alpha}u^{beta} + p g^{alpha beta}
waarin rho de energiedichtheid is, en p de hydrostatische druk, en u^{alpha} de viersnelheid. De tensor g^{alpha beta} tot slot, staat voor de inverse metriek.
De energie-impuls-tensor voor een elektromagnetisch veld (zonder ladingsdragers) is gegeven door
T^{mu nu} (x) = frac{1}{mu_0} left( F^{mu alpha} g_{alpha beta} F^{nu beta} – frac{1}{4} g^{mu nu} F_{delta gamma} F^{delta gamma} right)
waarbij F_{mu nu} de elektromagnetische veldtensor voorstelt. -:-
Bijzonder opmerkelijk dat men hier rekent met het EM veld *zonder* ladingsdragers. En ik ga er van uit dat de wiskundigen hun werk gedaan hebben en aldus kun je er van uit gaan dat met deze wiskundige benadering keurig aan de energie-wetten voldaan wordt, zowel bij de benadering van (ideale) vloeistoffen als bij het EM veld *zonder* ladingsdragers.
Voor het zwaartekrachtveld, ligt de situatie net even anders:
-:- De meetkundige interpretatie van de zwaartekracht houdt in dat in ieder punt van de tijd-ruimte lokale inertiaalstelsels geconstrueerd kunnen worden, en dat de onderlinge versnelling van naburige inertiaalsystemen ten opzichte van elkaar het gevolg zijn van de kromming van de tijd-ruimte. Ieder object in vrije val volgt in de tijd-ruimte een baan die zuiver geometrisch bepaald is, en die een extreme waarde vertegenwoordigt van de eigentijd langs de wereldlijn; in meetkundige taal is de baan van het object een geodetische lijn. De zwaartekracht is vanuit dit gezichtspunt in zekere zin een schijnkracht: de onderlinge versnellingen van objecten zijn geen gevolg van krachten maar van de meetkundige eigenschappen van de tijd-ruimte. De meetkundige structuur zelf wordt bepaald door de verdeling van materie en straling in ruimte en tijd. -:-
En daar gaat het dus mis. We hebben nu ineens een schijnkracht en komen met versnellingen, etc. die verondersteld worden het gevolg zijn van “meetkundige eigenschappen van de tijd-ruimte”.
En daar heb je dus wel degelijk een schending van de wet van behoud van energie.
Keurig onder het tappijt gemoffeld, maar toch. Arend Lammertink Arend Lammertink
Het punt is dat juist de frequentie gelijk blijft. Net zo als je dat hebt bij golven in zee. Daar is de propagatiesnelheid afhankelijk van de diepte van het water. Hoe dieper, hoe groter de voortplantingssnelheid. En als het dus ondieper wordt, zoals aan de kust, dan krijg je daar een lagere voortplantingssnelheid. De golftoppen komen dan dichter bij elkaar. Lagere voortplantingssnelheid, kleinere golflengte. Een interessant daarbij is het breken van golven op de kust. Op de plaatsen waar je de golftoppen hebt, is het water dieper en daar heb je dan lokaal een hogere voortplantingssnelheid dan in de golfdalen, waar het ondieper is. En daardoor hellen op een gegeven moment de golftoppen over en breekt de golf: -:- De snelheid van ondiep water golven neemt toe met de waterdiepte. Onder de op van de golf is de waterdiepte groter dan onder het golfdal. De golftop gaat dus sneller dan het golfdal. Het gevolg is dat de voorkant van de golf steeds steiler wordt, totdat de top het dal heeft ingehaald. Het inhalen van het dal door de top heet “breken”. De top zal dan meestal letterlijk over het dal heen vallen en voor het golfdal op het wateroppervlak vallen. -:- Surfers gebruiken dat fenomeen ook (bekend van TV)… Maar goed, wat ik dus postuleer is dat er, net als bijvoorbeeld bij aardbevingen, twee soorten golven bestaan in de aether, of eigenlijk drie: 1. Far field EM golven -> golf-deeltje dualiteit 2. Near field EM golven -> transversale oppervlakte golven 3. Longidutindale dielectrische golven. En niet als je bij aardbevingen je de S en de P waves hebt (een longitudinale dieptegolf en een transversale oppervlaktegolf), die zich met een verschillende snelheid voortplanten maar veroorzaakt worden door één en dezelfde bron en dus dezelfde frequentie hebben, kun je dus wel degelijk verschillende propagatiemodes hebben door hetzelfde medium, met dezelfde frequentie maar met een verschillende voortplantingssnelheid en dus verschillende golflengte. Dat de ene propagatie mode over kan gaan op de andere, bijvoorbeeld bij reflectie op een scherm, is evidident. Anders hadden we ook geen verschil tussen het near field en het far field bij antennes. Met andere woorden bij reflectie op een scherm *kan* het zo zijn dat een invallende snelle longitudinale golf met frequentie f en golflengte (pi/2 * c)/f gereflecteerd wordt als een EM golf met frequentie f en golflengte c/f. En dat is dan de golf die je ziet. Met andere woorden: verschillende golflengte, verschillende voorplantingssnelheid; zelfde frequentie, zelfde kleur. Arend Lammertink
”Maar hier is een ander punt: in de radioastronomie wordt tegenwoordig gewerkt met combinaties van radiotelescopen met een enorme gezamenlijke oppervlakte die op gigantische onderlinge afstanden staan. Dat zou toch niet zinvol zijn als de fotonen van de radiostraling maar 100 maal zo groot waren als de golflengte? Dan zouden radiofrequente fotonen die op een spiegel ergens vielen, toch ongecorreleerd zijn met gelijksoortige fotonen die op een spiegel een half continent verderop zouden vallen? Trefwoorden: LOFAR, VLBI, one square kilometer array …” Interessant punt. Ik was net aan het nadenken over wat je zei over die lasers met individuele fotonen die ofwel op de ene ofwel de andere detector terecht komen. Mijn hypothese, die ik goed onderbouwd acht, is dus dat er eigenlijk drie soorten EM golven zijn: 1) longitudinale golven (pi/2 x c) 2) transversale oppervlakte golven (near field bij RF antennes) 3) een enorm scala aan vortex structuren, van eenvoudige “balletjes” tot electronen rond een kern en complexe moleculen aan toe. OK. In de ruimte hebben we dan alleen 1 en 3, waarbij 1 dus pi/2 keer zo snel propagaeert dan 3. De vraag is dan wellicht uiteindelijk: kan 3 ontstaan door interferentie en/of heterodyning van longitudinale golven al dan niet ten gevolge van (zeer) kleine random variaties in de bron frequentie(s)? Als dat het geval is, dan zou je de situatie hebben dat detecteerbare licht fotonen schijnbaar random op de ene of de andere detector terecht komen, terwijl de feitelijke interferentie een verschijnsel is dat het gevolg is van longitudinale golven die er wel zijn maar je niet kunt detecteren. Eén van de meest eenvoudige vortex structuren die er zijn is de vortex ring, zoals op deze afbeelding onder water te zien is:
Het zou goed kunnen dat EM golven meer deze vorm hebben en de diameter van de ring steeds groter wordt en de golf zich op die manier voort plant, terwijl licht fotonen een meer complexe structuur heeft zoals een molecuul, waar je toch ook duidelijk een afmeting aan kunt toedichten. Bovengenoemde vraag komt dan in essentie neer op de vraag: kunnen (zichtbare) ruimtelijke patronen ontstaan ten gevolge van resonerende longitudinale golven? In het geval van geluid is het antwoord op die vraag in ieder geval: ja. Zie de filmpjes van Jenny waar ik in mijn Einstein artikel aan refereerde: -:- Subsequently, the work of Hans Jenny is very interesting. He published a number of breathtaking videos which show what you can do with sound waves, e.g. in a bowl of water (parts 1, 2 en 3). He shows that many kinds of geometric shapes can be formed using standing sound waves in the fluid, whereby matter flows together naturally to certain areas and stays away from other areas. And that’s also what happens in the ether. So, gravity is simply an electrostatic phenomenon caused by longitudinal standing waves in the ether, which determines the geometry of the solar system, our galaxy, and so on. Everything is connected to everything through these standing waves. -:-
“Het meeste van wat Lammertink schrijft lijkt me onzin (longitudinale em golven zijn nooit aangetoond) maar ik weet niet voldoende van EM-theorie.”
“Some applications of lasers depend on a beam whose output power is constant over time. Such a laser is known as continuous wave (CW). Many types of lasers can be made to operate in continuous wave mode to satisfy such an application. Many of these lasers actually lase in several longitudinal modes at the same time, and beats between the slightly different optical frequencies of those oscillations will in fact produce amplitude variations on time scales shorter than the round-trip time (the reciprocal of the frequency spacing between modes), typically a few nanoseconds or less.”
“A longitudinal mode of a resonant cavity is a particular standing wave pattern formed by waves confined in the cavity. The longitudinal modes correspond to the wavelengths of the wave which are reinforced by constructive interference after many reflections from the cavity’s reflecting surfaces. All other wavelengths are suppressed by destructive interference.
A longitudinal mode pattern has its nodes located axially along the length of the cavity. Transverse modes, with nodes located perpendicular to the axis of the cavity, may also exist.
A common example of longitudinal modes are the light wavelengths produced by a laser. In the simplest case, the laser’s optical cavity is formed by two opposed plane (flat) mirrors surrounding the gain medium (a plane-parallel or Fabry–Pérot cavity). The allowed modes of the cavity are those where the mirror separation distance L is equal to an exact multiple of half the wavelength, λ.”
Ik zou toch zweren dat ik hier lees dat lasers met longitudinale golven werken en dat transversale modes wellicht ook zouden kunnen bestaan…
En als je dan even het ontwerp van een laser voor de geest haalt, dan heb je in feite daarmee ook een golfpijp, maar dan voor optische frequenties.
“The optical resonator is sometimes referred to as an “optical cavity”, but this is a misnomer: lasers use open resonators as opposed to the literal cavity that would be employed at microwave frequencies in a maser. The resonator typically consists of two mirrors between which a coherent beam of light travels in both directions, reflecting back on itself so that an average photon will pass through the gain medium repeatedly before it is emitted from the output aperture or lost to diffraction or absorption.”
Nu heb je bij een EM golfpijp dus een metalen wand, waarbij de aanwezigheid van een wisselend E-veld wervelstromen geinduceerd worden in de pijpwand en die vervolgens weer een magneetveld tot gevolg hebben. Maar bij een laser heb je alleen twee spiegels en dus geen pijpwand die middels inductie een magneetveld introduceert.
Kortom: longitudinale EM golven zijn wel degelijk aangetoond zonder dat de propagatie plaats vindt middels beweging van ladingsdragers, zij het dat dit in een golfpijp een TM mode is en dus geen zuivere “Tesla” LD golf. Het afwezig zijn van een metalen wand in een laser met daarbij de verwijzingen naar “longitudinale” mode wijzen er dan ook wel degelijk op dat we bij een laser te maken hebben met een zuivere longitudinale dielectrische golf, zo’n Tesla golf.
En als die inderdaad met pi/2 keer c propageren en daar is geen rekening mee gehouden bij optisch onderzoek, dan zou je verwachten dat er ergens een anomaliteit te vinden is die e.e.a. zou kunnen bevestigen.!/pjvanerp Pepijn van Erp
Volgens mij moet je dat handboek toch maar eens goed lezen: vanaf blz 251 Het zijn, als ik het goed begrijp, niet de EM golven zelf die longitudinaal bewegen. Als de verhouding tussen golflengte, hoek van inval en dikte van de ‘pijp’ goed zijn, onstaat een resulterend veld, dat zich longitudinaal door de ‘pijp’ beweegt.
He realized perfectly well that science lost the connection to intuition and imagination, which he even called sacred:
And not only that, he also understood our place and the place of our consciousness within the Universe perfectly well:

Do you guys realize how Einstein essentially says here that the Universe c.q. our consciousness is holographic in Nature and how nicely this connects to the idea that time and space are illusions created by our collective consciousness? Do you also realize that if this is true and we are intimately connected to the whole, that our consciousness *does* have the power to understand what space and time is? You see, if the Universe is holographic in Nature, then there can be no other way than that every part of the whole, including our consciousness, contains *all* information contained within the whole. After all, that is what makes a hologram a hologram.
This also means that the information which ultimately causes whatever we observe "out there" to be there, also exists "within" us, or our consciousness? As above, so below.....
So, one could say that whatever we observe "out there" is a *reflection* of our state of mind, our consciousness.
Five years after completing his first paper, Maxwell began publishing his second, which appeared in four parts during 1861 and 1862. In contrast to the earlier paper, the second is very difficult to read. The main idea of the paper was to account for electro- magnetic phenomena “on the hypothesis of the mag- netic field being occupied with innumerable vor- tices of revolving matter, their axes coinciding with the direction of the magnetic force at every point of the field,” as we read in JM on page 489. Maxwell gave an explicit example of such an in- tricate group of vortices in a diagram reproduced here as figure 3, which he explained in detail on page 477 of JM in the following passage:

Let AB, Plate VIII., p. 488, fig. 2, represent a current of electricity in the direction from A to B . Let the large spaces above and below AB represent the vortices, and let the small circles separating the vortices represent the layers of particles placed between them, which in our hy- pothesis represent electricity. Now let an electric current from left to right commence in AB . The row of vortices gh above AB will be set in mo- tion in the opposite direction to that of a watch. (We shall call this direction +, and that of a watch –.) We shall suppose the row of vortices kl still at rest, then the layer of particles between these rows will be acted on by the row gh on their lower sides, and will be at rest above. If they are free to move, they will rotate in the negative direction, and will at the same time move from right to left, or in the opposite direction from the current, and so form an induced electric current.