Metrical Dimensional Relations Of The Aether

Metrical Dimensional Relations of the Aether

In order to establish the dimensional relations regarding the calculations of the Inductance of the magnetic field, and the Capacitance of the dielectric field, metrical dimensional relations must be applied to the Aether. It is however we really know very little of anything quantitive about this Aether. Names like J.J. Thomson, N. Tesla, G. Le-Bon, W. Crookes, and Mendelev, all have an important role in the Electrical Engineer’s understanding of the aether concept. The physical representation of the Aether as an ultra-fine gas has been qualitivly established, this gas relating to the “Pre Hydrogen Series” of the un-abridged Periodic Table of the Elements. In an analogous compliment is the Trans-Uranium Series of the currently known Periodic Table of the Elements.

This gaseous Aether is the seat of electrical phenomena thru the process of its polarization. This polarization gives rise to induction, which then gives rise to stored energy. Tesla gives a good presentation of his Aether ideas in his “Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency.” Given in previous chapters has been the Planck, Q, as the primary dimensional relation defining the “Polarized Aether”, this as an “Atom of Electricity”. It is however, from the views of J.J. Thomson, the Coulomb, psi, the total dielectric induction is the primary dimension defining the “Polarized Aether”. Thomson developed the “Aether Atom” ideas of M. Faraday into his “Electronic Corpuscle”, this the indivisible unit. One corpuscle terminate one one Faradic tube of force, and this quantified as one Coulomb. This corpuscle is NOT and electron, it is a constituent of what today is known as an electron. (Thomson relates 1000 corpuscles per electron) In this view, that taken by W. Crookes, J.J. Thomson, and N. Tesla, the cathode ray is not electrons, but in actuality corpuscles of the Aether. The lawyer like skill of today’s theoretical physicist (Pharisee) has erased this understanding from human memory, it is henceforth sealed by the Mystic Idol of Albert Einstein. If Einstein says no, then it is impossible. What a nice little package.

However, as Electrical Engineers we can give a “Flying Foxtrot” about Einstein, or about bar room fights over the constitution of the Aether. The City of Los Angeles wants its electricity and our job is to get it there intact. How to accomplish this begins with the understanding of Inductance and Capacitance. These represent the energy storage co-efficients of the electric field of induction, this induction in turn a property of the Aether. Magnetic Inductance is thus a dimensional relation for the magnetic properties of the Aether, and Dielectric Capacitance is thus a dimensional relation for the dielectric properties of the Aether. Inductance and Capacitance are thus the application of metrical dimensional relations to certain characteristics of the Aether.

For the magnetic induction the Aetheric relation is known as the magnetic “Permeability”, for the dielectric induction the Aetheric relation is known as the dielectric “Permittivity”. These two terms were so named by Oliver Heaviside. Here the Permeability is denoted as Mu, the Permittivity as Epsilon. These two relations represent the “Magnetic Inductivity” and the “Dielectric Inductivity”, respectively. This pair of dimensional relations, Mu and Epsilon, in conjunction with the metrical dimensional relations defined by the metallic-dielectric geometry bounding the electrified Aether, constitute the dimensional relations of Inductance and Capacitance. It is therefore the Inductance and the Capacitance, L and C are in, and of, themselves metrical dimensional relations. They consist of not substancive dimensions, they are not substantial, they are metrical.

The substancive dimensional relation of Dielectric Induction, psi, in Coulomb, is combined with the metrical relation of Capacitance, C, in Farad, giving rise to the compound dimensional relation of electro-static potential, e, in Volt.

 (1) 	Coulomb, Psi, substantial

	Farad, C, metrical

	Volt, e, compound, substantial and metrical.

The Farad “operates upon the Coulomb, giving rise to the Volt.

Likewise, the substancive dimensional relation of Magnetic Induction, Phi, in Weber is combined with the metrical dimensional relation of Inductance, L, in Henry, giving rise to the compound dimensional relation of magneto-motive force, I, in Ampere

 (2)	Weber, Phi, substantial

	Henry, L, metrical

	Ampere, I, compound, substantial and metrical

The Henry “operates” upon the Weber, giving rise to the Ampere.

The permittivity, as a factor of Capacitance, and the Permeability as a factor of Inductance represent aspects of the medium bounded by the metallic-dielectric geometry. Mu represents the magnetic aspect, Epsilon the dielectric aspect of this medium, be it Aether or 10-C oil. Here it should be noted that the electrical activity is contained solely within the Dielectric Medium, not within the metallic portion of the geometry which bounds it. Again, the basic theory of J.C. Maxwell.

The concept of gradients is here again evoked. These gradients,

 (3) 	Volt per Centimeter, d

 (4) 	Ampere per Centimeter, m

can be represented each in a pair of forms, these giving four gradients total. One form represents the gradient co-linear with the tubes of force themselves, these considered as circuits. The gradients here are in “series”. This condition exists within the “lumped” capacitors and inductors. These gradients constitute “Forces” within the Lines of Induction and can be considered longitudinal in nature.

The alternate form of gradient exists broadside to the tubes of force. Here the inductive forces appear as “fronts” and the gradients can be seen as in “parallel”. This condition exists along the span of the long distance A.C. transmission line. This is,

 (5) 	Volt per Span, d’

 (6) 	Ampere per Span, m’

Here the gradients exist perpendicular or transverse to the Lines of Induction.

Hence, as given, the dielectric gradients, d, and d’, as well as the magnetic gradients, m, and m’, can in general exist each as space quadrature pairs, and as such can represent versor magnitudes in space. See Space Versor part in “Theory of Wireless Power”, by E.P. Dollard. Here again basic electrical relations exist in the archetypal four polar form. The dielectric and the magnetic relations each can be expressed as a pair of versor sub-relations, or four relations total. It may be inferred that both the Inductance and the Capacitance each can be expressed in a pair of distinct forms. This is for (3) and (4) THE “Mutual” Capacitance in per Farad, and the “Mutual” Inductance in per Henry, respectively. For (5) and (6) it is the “Self” Capacitance, in Farad, and the “Self” Inductance, in Henry, respectively. Hereby the four co-efficients of induction,

 (I) The Electromagnetic co-efficients;

	(a) Self Inductance in Henry, L

	(b) Self Capacitance in Farad, C

 (II) The Magneto-Dielectric co-efficients;

	(a) Mutual Inductance, in Per Henry, M

	(b) Mutual Capacitance, in Per Farad, K

The co-efficient, M, may be called the “Enductance” and the co-efficient, K, may be called the “Elastance”. This four polar condition will be considered later on. In what follows will be in terms of the transverse electro-magnetic form, self Inductance and self Capacitance.

The Law of Magnetic Proportion is expressed by the dimensional relation,

 (7)	 Weber, or Ampere – Henry

And for the Law of Dielectric Proportion,

 (8) 	Coulomb, or Volt – Farad

The gradients of the Inductance and the Capacitance, are given as, for the magnetic,

 (9) 	Henry per Centimeter, or Mu,

And for the dielectric,

 (10) 	Farad per Centimeter, or Epsilon.

Hereby taking the Inductance gradient, Mu, and the Capacitance gradient, Epsilon, and substituting these into the Law of Magnetic Proportion and the Law of Dielectric Proportion, respectively, the product of the resulting magnetic and dielectric relations gives

 (11) 	Weber – Coulomb per Centimeter Square


	Volt – Ampere – Mu – Epsilon

Substituting the following relations

 (12)	Mu – Epsilon, or Gamma Square, (Metric)

 (13)	Weber – Coulomb, or Planck, (Substancive)

And substituting (12) and (13) into (12) gives

 (14)	Planck per Centimeter Square, or
	Volt – Ampere – Gamma Square

Since it is that

(15) Volt – Ampere equals Planck per Second Square

Substituting (15) into (14) and canceling the Plancks, produces the dimensional relation

 (16)	Per Centimeter Square


	Per Second Square – Gamma Square

Rearranging this relation, the product (11) gives the definitive metrical dimensional relation

 (17)	Gamma Square


	Second Square per Centimeter Square

Or thus

 (17a)	Gamma Square, or one over Velocity Square

And it has been determined that this velocity is the velocity of light. This is to say, the product of the Magnetic Permeability, Mu, and the Dielectric Permittivity, Epsilon, is one over the velocity of light square. This relation is the very foundation of the theory of Electro-Magnetic Wave Propagation thru the Aether, this in a transverse induction form. It is a T.E.M. bounded wave. Hence the product Mu – Epsilon is a fundamental metrical relation of the “Luminiferous Aether”, the carrier of light.

It must be remembered that here it is both Mu and Epsilon represent transverse relations only, and thus useful only in a Transverse Electro-Magnetic metallic-dielectric geometrical form.

Break, more to follow.