Power Electronics Books - E

Abstracts of books starting with E in the SMPS Technology Knowledge Base of Switching-Mode Power Supply Design.

Eichenauer, Carl J., Power Electronics and RF Power Systems Analysis - Program Examples in BASIC and C, Prentice-Hall, 1993. 429 p. + computer disk.

System design and analysis of power electronics circuits. Includes 3 1/2 inch IBM-compatible floppy computer disk with 38 BASIC and C programs. Topics include introduction, single-phase power circuits, three-phase power circuits, long transmission lines, Fourier transformations, RF power-generating systems, transient analysis of power electronic systems, dc power sources and inverters, high-level pulsing techniques, analysis of an MTI system's performance capabilities, BASIC-to-C conversion, software operation, and program listings.

El-Hawary, Mohamed E., Principles of Electric Machines with Power Electronic Applications, Prentice-Hall, 1986. 739 p.

The book is designed mainly as an introduction to principles of electric machines and the closely related area of power electronics and adjustable speed drives. It is intended for students in electrical and other engineering disciplines as well as being useful as a reference and self-study guide for the professional dealing with this area. Topics include: introduction; principles of electromagnetism; transformers; electromechanical energy conversion principles; induction motors; synchronous machines; direct-current machines; fractional-horsepower ac motors; introduction to power semi-conductor devices and systems; power electronic systems; and adjustable-speed drives.

El-Hawary, Mohamed E., Principles of Electric Machines with Power Electronic Applications, 2nd ed., Wiley-IEEE Press, 2002. 496 p. ISBN: 0-471-20812-4 Not yet in Library of Congress (9/22/03)

An updated introduction to electric machines and adjustable speed drives. Provides a grounding in the principles of electric machines and the closely related area of power electronics and adjustable speed drives. Designed for both students and professionals seeking a foundation in the fundamental structure of modern-day electric power systems from a technical perspective, this guide has been completely revised and updated to cover. Topics include: The fundamental underpinnings of electromechanical energy conversion devices, Transformers Induction machines, Synchronous machines, DC machines, Power electronic components, systems, and their applications to adjustable speed drives Enhanced by numerous solved problems, sample examinations and test sets, and computer-based solutions assisted by MATLAB scripts, this new edition of Principles of Electric Machines with Power Electronic Applications serves equally well as a practical reference and a handy self-study guide to help engineers maintain their professional edge in this essential field.

Erickson, Robert W. and Dragan Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, 2nd ed.; Norwell, Mass.: Kluwer Academic, c 2001. xxi, 883 p. ISBN: 0792372700 (alk. paper); LCCN: 00052569

Selected as one of the best power supply design books. See Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Second Edition, R. W. Erickson, D. Maksimovic. Also see Link to publisher's description.

Erickson, Robert W., Fundamentals of Power Electronics, New York: Chapman & Hall, c 1997. xviii, 773 p. ISBN: 0412085410 (alk. paper), LCCN: 96038347

This books serves as a text book for introductory power electronics courses where the fundamentals of power electronics are defined, rigorously presented, and treated in sufficient depth so that students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to design practical power electronic systems. An additional goal was to contribute as a reference book for engineers who practice power electronics design. A second edition with the same goals but expanded topics is available. Topics include: introduction; converters in equilibrium; principles of steady-state converter analysis; steady-state equivalent circuit modeling, losses, and efficiency; switch realization; the discontinuous conduction mode; converter circuits; converter dynamics and control; ac equivalent circuit modeling; converter transfer functions; controller design; ac and dc equivalent circuit modeling of the discontinuous conduction mode; current programmed control; magnetics; basic magnetics theory; filter inductor design; transformer design; modern rectifiers and power system harmonics; power and harmonics in nonsinusoidal systems; line-commutated rectifiers; the ideal rectifier; low harmonic rectifier modeling and control; resonant converts; resonate conversion; quasi-resonant converters; RMS values of commonly-observed converter waveforms; magnetic design tables; and averaged switch modeling of a CCM SEPIC.

Webmaster and editor: Jerrold Foutz
Original: July 22 1996, revised November 20, 2003