Fisher, Marvin J., Power Electronics, PWS-Kent Pub. Co., 1991. 491p.
The objective of this textbook is to introduce the reader to the subject of power electronics, presenting the basic processes of efficient energy conversion by electronic means through the use of power semiconductor switches. Topics include: introduction; power diodes; thyristors; power transistor switches; phase-controlled rectifiers; ac-ac phase control; dc-dc converters; inverters; design considerations; piecewise linear circuit analysis; and semiconductor data.
Flanagan, William M., Handbook of Transformer And Design Application, McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed. (revision of 1986 Handbook of Transformer Application).
How-to's for designing transformer circuits are found in this revised guide, including audio, wideband, rectifier, power, inverter, and pulse transformers. (Publisher description)
Fluke, John C., Controlling Conducted Emissions by Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1991. 334p.
This book presents a useful way to 'design in' electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). The analytical tools presented enable the designer to address EMC considerations early in the design process. Power conversion engineers will find the enclosed information especially important because of the inherent conducted emissions problems in power conversion systems. Switching power supplies and computers are discussed in specific detail because of their proliferation and special considerations. Topics include designing for EMC, EMI spectrum, capacitor modeling, inductor modeling, balun modeling, filters, grounding electronic circuits, EMI analysis, EMC regulations, switch mode power supplies, transistor and diode packaging problems for EMI, circuit examples, computers and digital logic circuitry, what this analyses method is not, magnetic saturation modeling, and basic FFT.