Kassakian, John G., Martin F. Schlecht, and George C. Verghese, Principles of Power Electronics, Addison-Wesley, 1991.
See Best Power Supply Books for more information.
Kazimierczuk, Marian, and Dariusz Czarkowski, Resonant Power Converters, Wiley, 1995. 481 p.
Designed to function as both a valuable professional reference, and a senior-to-graduate-level text for engineering courses. Topics include: Class D current-driven rectifiers; class D voltage-driven rectifiers; class E low dv/dt rectifiers; class E low di/dt rectifiers; class D series resonant inverter; class D parallel resonant inverter; class D series-parallel resonant inverter; class D CLL resonant inverter; class D zero-voltage-switching resonant inverter; class D current-source resonant inverter; phase-controlled resonant inverters; class E zero-voltage-switching resonant inverter; class E zero-current-switching resonant inverters; class D series resonant converter; class D parallel resonant converter; class D series-parallel resonant converter; class D CLL resonant converter; class E current-source resonant converters; Class D-E resonant converter; phase-controlled resonant converters.
Kazmierkowski, Marian P. (editor), Control in power electronics: selected problems, Amsterdam; New York: Academic Press, c 2002. x, 518 p.
Covering aspects of the study and use of electronic integrated circuits for the control and conversion of electrical energy. Topics include: Part I: PWM Converters: Topologies and Control; Power Electronic Converters; Resonant dc Link Converters; Fundamentals of the Matrix Converter Technology; Pulse Width Modulation Techniques for Three-Phase Voltage Source Converters; Part II: Motor Control; Control of PWM Inverter-Fed Induction Motors; Energy Optimal Control of Induction Motor Drives; Comparison of Torque Control Strategies Based on the Constant Power Loss Control System for PMSM; Modeling and Control of Synchronous Reluctance Machines; Direct Torque and Flux Control (DTFC) of ac Drives; Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Control in Power Electronics; Part III: Utilities Interface and Wind Turbine Systems; Control of Three-Phase PWM Rectifiers; Power Quality and Adjustable Speed Drives; Wind Turbine Systems, and Index.
Kenjo, Takashi, Power Electronics for the Microprocessor Age, Oxford University Press, 1990. 349 p.
This book covers various aspects of microprocessor-controlled power electronic drives and electrical machines. Topics include: computers, power electronics, and motors; solid-state devices as switch elements; converters and phase controllers; direct-current converters; servo-amplifiers; stepping-motor drive technology; inverters; brushless direct-current drives; general discussion of converters; and position control using direct-current motor.
Kervill, Gregg., Practical guide to the low voltage directive, Oxford ; Boston : Newnes, 1998. vii, 203 p.
Written for electrical and electronics engineers, equipment designers, standards and government organizations, MSc/MEng students, and academics. Topics include: What is the LVD?; What products are covered; What products are not covered; Scope of the General Safety Directive; What the LVD requires us to do; What are our options?; Role of the Enforcement Agencies; What is the CE Mark?; What is Self Declaration?; Self Declaration of EU manufactured products; Self Declaration of non-EU manufactured products; Overview of standards in the Official Journal to the European Communities; Project Phases and Safety Compliance Planning; Concept; Development; Detailed Design; Prototype; Pre-Production; Production; Installation/Commissioning; Maintenance and Repair; End of Life; Demonstrating compliance; Product Safety Reviews; Type Testing; Normal testing; Abnormal testing; Maintaining Compliance; Preparing a Product Description; Change Review; Purchasing controls; Manufacturing Audits; Manufacturing Tests; Feed-Back to, and Training of the Design Team; Development of new Standards; Using External Resources; Test Houses; Consultants; On-Line Help-desks; Information Technology; Trade Journals; and Multimedia.
Kilgenstein, Otmar, Switched-Mode Power Supplies in Practice, Wiley, 1996. 338 p. ISBN: 0471920045 Not yet in Library of Congress and must contact customer care to order from publisher (9/22/03)
A handbook on the theory and application of switched-mode power supplies. Presents all important established techniques and includes many detailed examples, using manufacturer's actual data sheets. Covers design and use of DC-to-DC power converter circuits, non-isolated DC-to-DC converters, IC controllers for switched-mode power converters, and isolated power converters. Also discusses the radio frequency interface and addresses electromagnetic compatibility problems. A special chapter examines characteristics, circuits, and peculiarities of many of the integrated drive circuits currently available. (Wiley) Topics include: Introduction and Selection of Different Types of Converters, Induction-Coupled Step-Down Converters (Forward Converters), Flyback Converters, Inductor-Coupled Step-Up Converter, Single-Ended Forward Converter for Mains Input, Push-Pull and Bridge Converters for Mains Operation, Flyback Converters for Mains Operation, Integrated Control Circuits, Interference Suppression and Protection Circuits, References, and Index.
Kiltie, O., Design Shortcuts and Procedures for Electronic Power Transformers and Inductors, (expanded second edition), Printed by the author, Ordean Kiltie, 2445 Fairfield - A 201, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46807, (219) 745-9139, 1981. 274 p.
In two parts. Part I contains material intended for the less experienced magnetics engineer and interested students who wish to progress rapidly to accomplish the more difficult designs encountered in the industry. Part II contains information needed for design. Topics in Part I include helpful magnetic information, magnetic losses and comments, coil winding, testing for leakage inductance, miscellaneous descriptions, and high voltage considerations. Topics in Part II include design suggestions, power transformers, power inductors, ferroresonant voltage regulating transformers, laminated core structures, high accuracy transformations, and self saturating power transformers. The book makes extensive use of fold-out tables (for example, properties of insulating materials) and graphs (for example, effective permeability vs flux density for various core materials) to provide shortcut methods for design.
Kislovski, Andre S., Introduction to Dynamic Analysis of Switching DC-DC Converters, BWV Engineering, Lochliweg 47, 3048 Bern, Switzerland, 1985, about 400 pages.
The goal of the book is to enable the reader rapidly to obtain a thorough and working understanding of the less known, but not less important aspects of the switching DC-DC converters and associated circuits, and the basics of the modern analytical methods for investigation of their dynamic behavior. It is intended to help diminish the enormous gap existing in the analysis-and-design oriented professional literature on the problems associated with the modern switching DC-DC converters, and make the reader capable of analyzing the dynamical behavior of the new cells and as a consequence, to render him apt to correctly size up the importance of different papers already published and of those which are yet to appear. Topics include a survey of the existing analysis methods; introduction to the extended injected-absorbed-current analysis method; elementary switching cells operating at constant frequency with duty ratio as controlled quantity; general small-amplitude, low-frequency analysis of switching regulators; state variables averaging method; multiple-loop switching power cells; multiple-loop switching power cells utilizing inductor voltage in a minor feedback loop; Cuk and SEPIC switching cells; analysis of selected switching power cells; free-running hysteretic converter; interconnection of a power source and switching regulator; feed-forward concept in switching regulators; parallel operation of switching regulators; selected analysis examples; high frequency extension of the linear cell model; influence of the base drive nature on the storage delay of a bipolar switching transistor; graphical-analytical presentation of transfer functions; and examples and problems.
Kislovski, Andre S., Richard Redl, and Nathan O. Sokal, Dynamic Analysis of Switching-Mode DC/DC Converters, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1991. 404 p. Van Nostrand Reinhold stopped selling the book in 1995, and assigned the copyright of the book to the three authors. The book was re-published by Design Automation, Inc. (author Sokal's employer), 4 Tyler Road, Lexington, MA 02420-2404, as follows: First printing, with additions and corrections, March 1996. Second printing, with more additions and corrections, October 1997. Third printing, with more additions and corrections, June 2003. Insertion of a correction at page 366, equation (A2-6), circa 2006. On request of a book owner, Design Automation, Inc. will send the correction for page 366 at no charge. These changed are not yet reflected in the Library of Congress Catalog. The desciption below is for the origninal 1991 printing.
The main goal of this book is to help the power-supply designer in the prediction of dynamic behavior by providing user-friendly analytical tools, concrete results of already-made analyses - tabulated for easy application by the reader, and examples of how to apply the tools provided in the book. Another goal of the book is to direct attention to, and give help in the dynamic analysis of some of the useful, but less-appreciated or less known, converter topologies, control methods, and power-system configurations. The preferred method of analysis is the method of injected-absorbed current; the other important one, state-variables averaging, is also discussed. The two methods are compared. The method of injected-absorbed current is favored for two reasons; (1) it provides more insight into the physical operation of the converter, and (2) the results lead directly to a compact and true general circuit model without any further manipulations. Topics include: introduction; survey of existing analysis methods; introduction to the injected-absorbed-current method of analysis; elementary converters operating at constant frequency with duty ratio as controlled quantity; general small-signal, low frequency analysis of switching regulators; state-variables-averaging method; multiple-loop switching power cells; elementary switching power cells with inductor current as controlled quantity; multiple-loop switching cells using inductor voltage in a minor feedback loop; special configurations; Cuk and SEPIC switching cells; analysis of power cells with duty-ratio control at variable frequency; free-running hysteretic regulator; application of linear analysis method; interconnection of power source and a switching regulator; feedforward in switching regulators; parallel operation of switching regulators; selected analytical approaches and applications, and future advances in analysis methods; selected analysis examples; high-frequency extensions of the linear cell model; graphical-analytical representation of transfer functions; examples and problems; and sources of technical information.
Krause, Paul C., Oleg Wasynczuk, and Scott D. Sudhoff, Analysis of electric machinery and drive systems, 2nd ed., New York: Wiley-IEEE Press, c 2002. xiv, 613 p. ISBN: 047114326X
Appropriate as a senior- and graduate-level text as well as a resource for electrical, mechanical, and systems engineers in the electric machinery and drives areas. Topics include: Preface, Basic Principles for Electric Machine Analysis, Direct-Current Machines, Reference-Frame Theory, Symmetrical Induction Machines, Synchronous Machines, Theory of Brushless dc Machines, Machine Equations in Operational Impedances and Time Constants, Linearized Machine Equations, Reduced-Order Machine Equations, Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical 2-Phase Induction Machines, Semicontrolled Bridge Converters, dc Machine Drives, Fully Controlled 3-Phase Bridge Converters, Induction Motor Drives, Brushless dc Motor Drives, Appendix: Trigonometric Relations, Constants and Conversion Factors, and Abbreviations.
Krein, Philip T., Elements of Power Electronics, New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. xviii, 766 p.
See Best Power Supply Books for more information.
Kularatna, Nihal, Power Electronics Design Handbook, Boston: Newnes, 1998. xix, 300 p.
Written for design engineers and technicians and electrical engineers. Topics include: Introduction, Power Semiconductors, DC to DC Converters, Off-the-Line Switchmode Power Supplies, Rechargeable Batteries and Their Management, Protection Systems for Low-Voltage, Low-Power Systems, Uninterruptable Power Supplies, Energy-Saving Lamps and Electronic Ballasts, Power Factor Correction and Harmonic Control, Power Integrated Circuits, Power Hybrids, and Intelligent Power Modules, and Index
Kularatna, Nihal, Modern component families and circuit block design, Boston: Newnes, c 2000. xvii, 452 p.
For upper-division undergraduate students and faculty involved in electronic design activities; professional design engineers; and two-year technical program students. Topics include: Voltage References and Voltage Regulators; Operational Amplifiers; Data Converters; Microprocessors and Microcontrollers; Digital Signal Processors; Optoisolators; Sensors; Nonlinear Devices; Rechargeable Batteries and Their Management; and Programmable Logic Devices.
Kusko, A., Computer Aided Design of Magnetic Circuits:, MIT Press, 1969.
Early application of computer-aided engineering to magnetics. Develops techniques for modeling magnetics that are more compatible with computer-aided design than conventional models. Topics include the air-gap reactor, computer design of reactors, leakage reactance transformers, regulating transformers, non-linear circuit operation, numerical design of regulating transformers, computer design of regulating transformers, and multiwinding transformers. Mathematical treatment is algebraic formulas and phasor diagrams. Example computer flow diagrams and FORTRAN equations are given. The author, Alexander Kusko, received the William E. Newell Award in 1980 for outstanding achievement in power electronics.
Kusko, A., Emergency-Standby Power Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1988.
The author, Alexander Kusko, received the William E. Newell Award in 1980 for outstanding achievement in power electronics.