Power Electronics Books - L

Abstracts of books starting with L in the SMPS Technology Knowledge Base of Switching-Mode Power Supply Design.

Lander, Cyril W., Power Electronics, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1987. 415 p.

Introductory text for British final year B. Sc. students. Topics include rectification, conversion, inverters, frequency conversion, applications, harmonics, dc machine control, ac machine control, and protection. Many design examples are given. Mathematical treatment is at the calculus level.

Larson, Boyd., Power Control Electronics, Prentice-Hall, 1983. 164 p.

This text is intended to be used in a two-year, post-high school, electronics servicing program for courses traditionally called industrial electronics. Topics include: introduction to electronic power control; single-phase power rectifiers; three-phase rectifiers; special diodes; transistors; thyristor devices; SCR characteristics and anode ratings; SCR gate ratings and extending SCR ratings; SCR phase-control circuits; three-phase SCR control; electronic inverters; zero-voltage switching; static switching and electronic time delays; and triac/diac circuits.

Lee, R., L. Wilson, and C. E. Carter, Transformers and Circuits, 3rd edition, Wiley, 1988. 480 p.

The purpose of the book is to provide a reference book on the design of transformers for electronic apparatus and to furnish electronic equipment designers with an understanding of the effects of transformer characteristics on electronic circuits. Topics include transformer fundamentals; transformer construction, materials, and ratings; rectifier transformers and inductors; rectifier performance; amplifier transformers; amplifier circuits; higher-frequency transformers; saturable magnetic circuits; high voltage; pulse and video transformers; pulse circuits; inverter transformers; inverter circuits; and other magnetic devices.

Lee, Yim-Shu, Computer-Aided Analysis and Design of Switch-Mode Power Supplies, Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY, 1993.

Intended as a reference and a text book. Topics include: switch-mode power supply fundamentals, low-frequency behavior models of square-wave power converters, analysis of square-wave power converters, power converters with transformer isolation, voltage-mode and current-mode controlled switching regulators, cycle-by-cycle simulation of power converter circuits, simulation of low-frequency behaviors of converters, computer-aided design of converters and regulators, high-frequency quasi-resonant and resonant converters, practical techniques of design of switch-mode power supplies, an introduction to SPICE, summary of commonly used SPICE statements, nonconvergence and related problems in SPICE, and about SPICE. Lee is with Hong Kong Polytechnic, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Lenk, John D., Simplified Design of Linear Power Supplies, EDN Series for Design Engineers, Butterworth-Heinmann, MA, 1995. 218 p.

Intended as a one-stop guide to linear power supply design. Topics include: linear power supply basics, heat sinks for linear power supplies, discrete feedback-regulator basics, linear regulator basics, op-amp linear regulator basics, linear power supply testing and connections, and linear-supply design examples.

Lenk, John D., Simplified Design of Switching Power Supplies, EDN Series for Design Engineers, Butterworth-Heinmann, MA, 1995. 224 p.

Intended as a one-stop guide to switching power supply design. Topics include: switching power supply basics, heat sinks for switching power supplies, inductors/transformers for switching power supplies, testing and troubleshooting, and simplified design approaches.

Luo, Fang Lin, and Hong Ye, Advanced DC/DC converters, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2003. p. 792.

Provides a systematic, practical treatment of DC/DC converters, from their classical roots to the state of the art. Topics include: INTRODUCTION: Historical Review, Multiple Quadrant Choppers, Pump Circuits, Development of DC/DC Conversion Technique, Categorize Prototypes and DC/DC Converters Family Tree. VOLTAGE-LIFT CONVERTERS: Introduction, Seven Self-Lift Converters, Positive Output Luo-Converters, Negative Output Luo-Converters, Modified Positive Output Luo-Converters, Double Output Luo-Converters. POSITIVE OUTPUT SUPER-LIFT LUO-CONVERTERS: Introduction, Main Series, Additional Series, Enhanced Series, Re-Enhanced Series, Multiple-Enhanced Series, Summary of Positive Output Super-Lift Luo-Converters, Simulation Results, Experimental Results. NEGATIVE OUTPUT SUPER-LIFT LUO-CONVERTERS: Introduction, Main Series, Additional Series, Enhanced Series, Re-Enhanced Series, Multiple-Enhanced Series, Summary of Negative Output Super-Lift Luo-Converters, Simulation Results, Experimental Results. POSITIVE OUTPUT CASCADE BOOST CONVERTERS: Introduction, Main Series, Additional Series, Double Series, Triple Series, Multiple Series, Summary of Positive Output Cascade Boost Converters, Simulation and Experimental Results. NEGATIVE OUTPUT CASCADE BOOST CONVERTERS: Introduction, Main Series, Additional Series, Double Series, Triple Series, Multiple Series, Summary of Negative Output Cascade Boost Converters, Simulation and Experimental results. MULTIPLE-QUADRANT OPERATION LUO-CONVERTERS: Introduction, Circuit Explanation, Mode A (Quadrant I Operation), Mode B (Quadrant II Operation), Mode C (Quadrant III Operation), Mode D (Quadrant IV Operation), Simulation Results, Experimental Results, Discussion. SWITCHED-COMPONENT CONVERTERS: Introduction, A Two-Quadrant SC DC/DC Converter, Four-Quadrant Switched Capacitor DC/DC Converter, Switched Inductor Four-Quadrant DC/DC Converter. POSITIVE OUTPUT MULTIPLE-LIFT PUSH-PULL SWITCHED-CAPACITOR CONVERTERS: Introduction, Main Series, Additional Series, Enhanced Series, Re-enhanced Series, Multiple-Enhanced Series, Theoretical Analysis, Summary of this Technique, Simulation Results, Experimental Results. NEGATIVE OUTPUT MULTIPLE-LIFT PUSH-PULL SWITCHED-CAPACITOR CONVERTERS: Introduction, Main Series, Additional Series, Enhanced Series, Re-Enhanced Series, Multiple-Enhanced Series, Summary of this Technique, Simulation and Experimental Results. MULTIPLE-QUADRANT SOFT-SWITCHING CONVERTERS: Introduction, Multiple-Quadrant DC/DC ZCS Quasi-Resonant Converters, Multiple-Quadrant DC/DC ZVS Quasi-Resonant Converter, Multiple-Quadrant Zero-Transition DC/DC Converters. SYNCHRONOUS RECTIFIER DC/DC CONVERTERS: Introduction, Flat Transformer Synchronous Rectifier Converter, Active Clamped Synchronous Rectifier Converter, Double Current Synchronous Rectifier Converter, Zero-Current-Switching Synchronous Rectifier Converter, Zero-Voltage-Switching Synchronous Rectifier Converter. MULTIPLE ENERGY-STORAGE ELEMENTS RESONANT POWER CONVERTERS: Introduction, Bipolar Current and Voltage Source, A 2-Element RPC Analysis. -CLL CURRENT SOURCE RESONANT INVERTER: Introduction, Mathematic Analysis, Simulation Results, Discussion . CASCADE DOUBLE -CL CURRENT SOURCE RESONANT INVERTER: Introduction, Mathematic Analysis, Simulation Results, Experimental Results, Discussion. CASCADE REVERSE DOUBLE -LC RESONANT POWER CONVERTER: Introduction, Steady-State Analysis of Cascade Reverse Double -LC RPC, Resonance Operation and Modeling, Small-Signal Modeling of Cascade Reverse Double -LC RPC, Discussion. DC ENERGY SOURCES FOR DC/DC CONVERTERS: Introduction, Single-Phase Half-Wave Diode Rectifier, Single-Phase Bridge Diode Rectifier, Three-Phase Half-Bridge Diode Rectifier, Three-Phase Full-Bridge Diode Rectifier with Resistive Load, Thyristor Rectifiers. CONTROL CIRCUIT. EMI AND APPLICATIONS EXAMPLES OF DC/DC CONVERTERS: Introduction, Luo-Resonator. EMI, EMS and EMC: Some DC/DC Converter Applications.

Lyshevski, Sergey Edward, Electromechanical systems, electric machines, and applied mechatronics, Boca Raton, Fl.: CRC Press, 2000. 782 p.

Develops an understanding of the integrated perspectives in the design and analysis of electromechanical systems. Topics include: Introduction, Mechatronics and Emerging Trends in Engineering, Basic Foundations, Engineering Computations Using MATLAB, Analysis and Modeling of Dynamic Systems Using MATLAB: An Introduction, Electromechanical System Dynamics, Energy Conversion, and Electromechanical Analogies, Mathematical Models and System Dynamics, Energy Conversion, Electromechanical Analogies, Introduction to Feedback Control of Electromechanical Systems, Continuous-Time Electromechanical Systems and Analog PID Controllers, Analog Control of Permanent-Magnet Direct Current Motors, Electromechanical Systems with Digital PID Controllers, Control of Permanent-Magnet Direct Current Motor using Digital Controller, Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits, Power Electronic Devices, and Power Converters, Operational Amplifiers, Circuit Elements, Power Amplifiers and Power Converters, Direct-Current Machines, Introduction, Doubly Exited Transducer and Introduction to Fundamental of Alternating-Current and Direct-Current Electric Machines, Separately Exited Direct-Current Machines, Shunt-Connected Direct-Current Machines, Series-Connected Direct-Current Machines, Compound-Connected Direct-Current Electric Machines, Permanent-Magnet Direct-Current Machines, Modeling and Analysis of Permanent Magnet DC Generators, Model Development and Analysis of Ward-Leonard Systems with DC Electric Machines, Induction Machines, Introduction, Voltage, Flux Linkages, and Torque Equations for Two-Phase Induction Machines: Dynamics in the Machine Variables, Mathematical Models of Two-Phase Induction Machines in the Arbitrary, Stationary, Rotor, and Synchronous Reference Frames, Voltage, Flux Linkages, and Torque Equations for Three-Phase Induction Machines: Dynamics in the Machine Variables, Mathematical Models of Three-Phase Induction Machines in the Arbitrary, Stationary, Rotor, and Synchronous Reference Frames, Power Converters and Control of Induction Machines, Synchronous Machines, Introduction, Synchronous Reluctance Motors, Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines, Conventional Three-Phase Synchronous Machines: Dynamics in the Machine Variables and in the Rotor and Synchronous Reference Frames, Stepper Motors, Sensors, Mechatronic Systems, Introduction, Mechatronic Systems with Permanent-Magnet DC Motors, Analysis and Design of an Electric Drive with Experimental Verification, Mechatronic Systems with DC Motors, Mechatronic Systems with Induction Motors, Mechatronic Systems with Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors, and Digital Control of Mechatronic Systems.

Webmaster and editor: Jerrold Foutz
Original: July 22, 1996, revised May 30, 2004