Ramshaw, Raymond S., Power Electronics Semiconductor Switches, 2nd ed., London: Chapman & Hall (Kluwer), c 1993. xiv, 458 p.
Successor to Power Electronics. The text has been completely re-written and expanded to focus on semiconductor switches. Topics include: Power conditioning, switches in circuits, diode, BJT transistor, thyristor, MOSFET, IGBT, triac, GTO, other switches, and the MCT, appendices, and index.
Ramshaw, Raymond, and Derek Schuurman, PSpice simulation of power electronic circuits : an introductory guide, New York : Chapman & Hall (Kluwer), 1996. 400 p.
Aimed at advanced students and practising engineers. Topics include: Preface, Pspice and Electric Circuits, Pspice Switches and Power Modulation, Waveform Distortion, Ideal Semiconductor Switches, Simulation of Driver Circuits. DC-DC Converter Circuits, Diode Rectifiers, Controlled Rectification, Switch-mode Inverters, Resonant Converters, Advanced Topics, Library Files, List of Circuit-File Examples, Quick Reference to Pspice Statements, Bibliography, WEBsite, and Problems.
Rashid, Muhammad H. (Editor), Power electronics handbook, San Diego: Academic Press, c 2001. xvi, 895 p.
The purpose of Power Electronics Handbook is to provide a reference that is both concise and useful for engineering students and practicing professionals. Topics include: Introduction, Power Diodes, Thyristors, Gate Turn-Off Thyristors (GTOs), Power Bipolar Transistors (BJTs), Power Mosfets, Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors, MOS Controlled Thyristors, Static Induction Devices, Diode Rectifiers, Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers, Three-Phase Controlled Rectifiers, DC-DC Converters, Inverters, Resonant and Soft-Switching Converters, AC-AC Converters, DC/DC Conversion Techniques and Nine Series Luo-Converters, Gate Drive Circuits, Control Methods for Power Converters, Power Supplies, Electronic Ballasts, Power Electronics in Capacitor Charging Applications, Power Conditioning for Renewable Energy Sources, HVAC Transmission, Multi-Level Converters and VAR Compensation, Drives Types and Specifications, Motor Drives, Sensorless Vector and Direct-Torque-Controlled Drives, Artificial-Intelligence-Based Drives, Fuzzy Logic in Electric Drives, Power Electronics in Automotive Electrical Systems, Power Quality Issues, Active Filters, Computer Simulation of Power Electronics and Motor Drives, and Packaging and Smart Power Systems.
Rashid, Muhammad H., Power Electronics, Circuits, Devices and Applications, 3rd ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2003. (also Prentice Hall lists under same ISBN). 912 p.
See Best Power Supply Books for more information.
Rashid, Muhammad H., Fundamentals of Power Electronics Self-Study Course, IEEE Press, 1996. Self Study Course
(Publisher's description) This introduction to power semiconductor devices, their characteristics, and their ratings goes step-by-step through the most important topics in the field. Highly applications-oriented, the course presents the student with six projects which offer the opportunity to simulate results on a computer using software such as SPICE. Includes study guide, diskette with 57 programs, textbook Power Electronics, Circuits, Devices and Applications, and Selected Readings in Power Electronics. Topics include: Introduction to power electronics, power semiconductor diodes; diode rectifiers; thyristors; controlled rectifiers; ac voltage controllers; thyristor commutation techniques; power transistors; dc choppers; pulse-width modulated inverters; resonant pulse inverters; final test.
RCA, Solid State Power Circuits, RCA Designers Guide Technical Series SP-52, 1971, RCA Solid State Division, Somerville, NJ 08876.
This handbook is intended as a guide to the designers of solid-state power circuits. Topics include: introduction; materials, junctions, and devices; explanation of device ratings; packaging, handling, and mounting; thermal factors; silicon rectifiers; basic design considerations for power transistors, physical basis for power-transistor ratings; equivalent-model analyses of power transistors; thyristors; power hybrid circuits; dc power supplies; power conversion; thyristor ac line-voltage controls; ballast circuits for mercury-arc lamps; RF power amplifiers; microwave power amplifiers and oscillators; audio power amplifiers; ultrasonic power sources; TV deflection systems; and ignition systems.
Thermal cycling of power devices is explained on p. 55-57 and 145-149.
Reddy, Rama S., Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Boca Raton, Fla., CRC Press, c 2000. 190 p.
Topics include: Semiconductor devices, triggering circuits, commutation circuits, phase controlled rectifiers, DC choppers, inverters, cycloconverters, AC choppers, applications, resonant inverters, quasi resonant converters, microprocessor based triggering schemes, basic experiments in power electronics, and short questions and answers.
Rincon-Mora, Gabriel A., Voltage references: from diodes to precision high-order bandgap circuits, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press; New York: Wiley-Interscience, c 2002. xxiii, 168 p.
Covers the conceptual history and scope of practical design issues behind marketable and precision integrated voltage references. Effectual for professionals and understandable to novice designers, this book provides a familiarity with simple rudimentary design as well as precision state-of-the-art ones. Topics include: The complete design of integrated voltage references, basics of voltage references, from diodes and current mirrors to temperature-dependent current references, design of zero-order, first-order, second-order, and higher-order reference circuits, state-of-the-art curvature-correction techniques, practical design issues of integrated references, from error sources and circuit topologies to trimming circuits, package-shift effects, and characterization. [Wiley]
Rombaut, C. and G. Seguier, Power Electronic Converters - AC/AC Conversion, McGraw-Hill, 1987. 340 p.
Part of a four part series on power electronics (ac-dc, ac-ac, dc-ac, and dc-dc conversion) written by French academics working with industry to reduce research in power electronics to a usable form.