Abstracts - Energy Loss in Charging a Capacitor

Bibliography and abstracts for Energy Loss in Charging a Capacitor.


[HINM93A] Hinman, Roderick T., and Martin F. Schlecht, Recovered Energy Logic - A Highly Efficient Alternative to Today's Logic Circuits, PESC'93, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference - 1993 Record, pp. 17-26.

Recovered Energy Logic is a new logic circuit topology in which the energy normally dissipated in the charging and discharging of a logic node's capacitance is recovered with high efficiency by the power supply. This is accomplished by using a power supply with an ac waveform, which also serves as a two phase nonoverlapping clock. Because logic clock frequencies are generally high (~100 MHz), the power supply is an integral part of the system design. (AUTHOR ABSTRACT) Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 10 pages, 16 figures, no tables, 11 equations, 11 references.

[SEVE80A] Severns, Rudy, Switchmode Converter Topologies - Make Them Work for You, Intersil Application Bulletin A035, 1980.

This application note is intended to provide the switching power supply designer with a broad view of the switchmode converter topology options available and to demonstrate synthesis techniques that should enable the designer to invent new topologies which may better suit his particular design problem. A book co-authored by Severns contains similar information.

[TSE95A] Tse, C.K., S.C. Wong, and M.H.L. Chow, On Lossless Switched-Capacitor Power Converters, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 10, no. 3, May 1995. pp. 286-291. PELS

This paper addresses the design of efficient switched-capacitor power converters. The discussion starts with a review of the fundamental limitations of switched-capacitor circuits which shows that the topology of such circuits and the "forced" step changes of capacitor voltages are the inherent attributes of power loss. Although the argument follows from a rather trivial result from basic circuit theory, it addresses an important issue on the maximum efficiency achievable in a switched-capacitor converter circuit. Based on the observed topological constraint of switched-capacitor converter circuits, the simplest lossless topology for AC/DC conversion is deduced. Also discussed is a simple version of lossless topology that achieves isolation between the source and the load. Finally, an experimental AC/DC switched-capacitor converter, based on the proposed idea, is presented which demonstrates an improved efficiency over other existing switched-capacitor converters. The proposed AC/DC converter contains no inductors and thus is suitable for custom IC implementation for very low power applications. (AUTHOR ABSTRACT) Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 6 pages, 10 figures, no tables, 11 equations, 5 references.


Severns, R. P., and G. Bloom, Modern DC-DC Switchmode Power Conversion Circuits, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1985. 368pp. Reprint version available from e/j Bloom Associates.

Sum, K. Kit (editor), Recent Developments in Resonant Power Conversion, Intertec PCIM (Power Conversion and Intelligent Motion Magazine) Reference Library Series, 1988. Available from Intertec Communications Inc., 2472 Eastman Ave., Bldgs 33-34, Ventura, CA 93003-5774, (805) 658-0933. 628p.

Wood, P., Switching Power Converters, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1981, reprinted by Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, Melbourne, FL, 1984. 462pp.

IEEE Abstracts used with permission.

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Original: December 18, 1995, revised July 29, 2003