From: Jerrold Foutz Date: August 11, 1999 12:29 PDT Subject: Buck Converter Turn-Off Switching-Mode Power Supply Design Mailing List Buck Converter Turn-On Turn-Off in State-Plane ============================================================ BUCK CONVERTER TURN-ON TURN-OFF: An explanation of the turn-on and turn-off of the buck converter in the time and state- plane has been expanded in the buck converter part of the tutorial. ACCESSIBILITY: Work continues on updating pages for better accessibility and faster loading. ABOUT THIS LIST: The Switching-Mode Power Supply Design (SMPS Design) mailing list is an announcement list hosted by TOPICA to announce new and updated material on the SMPS Technology Knowledge Base website of switching-mode power supply design problems, solutions, and design resources. You only receive this email if you have subscribed to the list. TO UNSUBSCRIBE: You may unsubscribe through TOPICA or by sending an email to
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