From: Jerrold Foutz Date: September 29, 1999 12:01 PDT Subject: Underestimating Complexity of Power Supply Design SMPS Technology Newsletter 004 ============================================================ UNDERESTIMATING THE COMPLEXITY OF POWER SUPPLY DESIGN: This new problem was inspired by an email I received in February from a student who was trying to justify power supplies to their faculty advisor as a topic for a Master's Thesis. The advisor thought it was too simple a topic. I replied that engineering schools such as MIT and Caltech thought they were worthy of both Master and Doctorate research and provided additional supporting information, including posting an early version of this problem as a hidden file on the website. In a reply, the student said the advisor had accepted the student's proposed topic. This problem has now been added to the website at ACCESSIBILITY: All pages of the website have now been updated for better accessibility (handicapped, audio browsers, etc.) and faster loading. ABOUT THIS LIST: The Switching-Mode Power Supply Design (SMPS Design) mailing list is an announcement list hosted by TOPICA to announce new and updated material on the SMPS Technology Knowledge Base website of switching-mode power supply design problems, solutions, and design resources. You only receive this email if you have subscribed to the list. Please feel free to forward this newsletter to others interested in switching-mode power supply design and to let them know about our website at TO SUBSCRIBE: You may subscribe through TOPICA at and search on SMPS or send an email to TO UNSUBSCRIBE: You may unsubscribe through TOPICA or by sending an email to
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