SMPS Technology Newsletter 007

Today's Power Supply Question
From: Jerrold Foutz
Subject: Today's Power Supply Question
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 13:29:08 -0700
X-Topica-Loop: 300000060

SMPS Technology Newsletter 007

TODAY'S POWER SUPPLY QUESTION: We have added a new feature to 
the website -- Today's Question. Over a period of years, we 
have answered hundreds of questions about power supply design.
Realizing that the answers may be of use to others we are 
going back and edited them and adding them to the website. 
Today's Question may imply a daily update, but we don't think 
we can maintain that schedule. Hopefully there will two or 
three new questions added each week. You can see the new 
feature at:

ABOUT THIS LIST: The Switching-Mode Power Supply Design 
 (SMPS Design) mailing list is an announcement list hosted 
 by TOPICA to announce new and updated material on the SMPS 
 Technology Knowledge Base website of switching-mode power 
 supply design problems, solutions, and design resources. 
 You only receive this email if you have subscribed to the 
 list. Please feel free to forward this newsletter to others
 interested in switching-mode power supply design and to let 
 them know about our website at

TO SUBSCRIBE: You may subscribe through TOPICA at

 or send an email to

TO UNSUBSCRIBE: You may unsubscribe through TOPICA or by 
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Webmaster and editor: Jerrold Foutz,
Original: September 1, 2000, revised for XHTML August 4, 2003