SMPS Technology Media Information

Media information, publication statistics, and press releases for SMPS Technology

Publication Information

SMPS Technology currently can best be described as being in the business of providing content to power supply circuit designers via the Internet. As such, as shown below, we have substantial market penetration in the power supply design community. We have been on-line at the present URL since February 25, 1998.

SMPS Technology is in the publication business in the switching-mode power supply design niche of power electronics. We do not consult for pay or produce any product except the website on switching-mode power supply design with its accompanying blog, a power supply design newsletter, and ebooks on power supply design topics. Our business model is advertizing on our websites, affiliate income from selling power electronics books through Amazon and others, and directly selling related ebook products.

Web Server Statistics

Our primary website is SMPSTECH.COM . As mentioned before, it has been on-line with its present URL since February 25, 1998, and before that as a personal website with the same purpose and form. The website has 254 pages, all containing high quality, mostly evergreen, content about switching-mode power supply design. Readership has grown continually over this time frame and has reached substantial market penetration in the power supply design community. Statistics for 2006 and 2005 illustrate this. Note that the statistics are for html pages, not requests. Requests are an inflated number that is much higher, since requests include graphics, style sheets, and other access to the server.

2006 Web Server Statistics for SMPS Technology
Successful requests for pages: 969,819
Average successful requests for pages per day: 2,657
Distinct hosts served: 203,583
Data transferred: 17.48 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 49.04 megabytes
Percentage Bytes per Directory
32.21% [root directory]
21.07% /tutorial/
18.08% /mtblog/
15.96% /books/
This analysis was produced by analog 6.0.

2005 Web Server Statistics for SMPS Technology
Successful requests for pages: 828,762
Average successful requests for pages per day: 2,270
Distinct hosts served: 185,572
Data transferred: 15.57 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 43.67 megabytes
Percentage Bytes per Directory
32.93% [root directory]
23.78% /tutorial/
17.59% /books/
14.47% /mtblog/
This analysis was produced by analog 6.0.

Newsletter Statistics

The SMPS Technology Newsletter was active from July 1999 through February 2001 using a free email service. It has recently been reactivated using a world-class double-opt-in paid delivery service (Aweber) with a proven record of delivery. Present subscriptions are over 1,250 from 112 countries with a growth rate of 120/month and an unsubscribe rate of 1/month. Sign up is from a static text link and form on the website home page as shown here.


The newsletter serves two functions.

Subscribers are given a unique email address that assures that they will get an answer to any power supply design problem they have that can be answered in a 10 minute free email-consultation. This provides both input for the website and blog and provides first hand knowledge of what is currently going on with the power supply design community world-wide

The other purpose is to provide newsletter content that will drive the reader to relevant sections of the website.

Blog Statistics

The website has had a power supply design blog for several years. The primary purpose is to provide a place for questions and answers that otherwise would be a private email to an individual. A secondary purpose is to provide reviews of seminars, conferences, papers, and books. The topics are organized in categories and the website search engine recovers both information on the website and in the blog. Approximately 15% of the website traffic is associated with the blog.


Most Adsense ads on the website all have a link to the Google AdWords program that allows ads to be placed on the website. This is the easiest way to place an ad on the website. In the past we have negotiated other forms of advertizing on the website and are open to discuss this.

Press Releases

Avoid Costly Electronics Repair Bills With a Simple Troubleshooting Technique Anyone Can Perform, PRWeb, Monday, February 19, 2006

Contact Information

Name: Jerrold Foutz
Title: Owner/Editor/Webmaster
Company and Publication: SMPS Technology
Phone: 909-989-0487
6233 Callaway Place
Alta Loma, CA 91737
Primary Website: SMPS Technology
Preferred Email:
Email Graphic
Alternate Email:
Email Graphic

Original: February 16, 2006
Revised: October 17, 2007

Webmaster and editor: Jerrold Foutz