What is the SMPS Technology Knowledge Base?
What do you mean by problem/solution
What is hypertext?
What is information annealing?
What does it cost?
Where can I get more information?
What is the SMPS Technology Knowledge Base?
The SMPS Technology Knowledge Base is a store of knowledge about the design and application of switching-mode power supplies. A problem/solution orientation is used to let users quickly locate information relevant to the user's needs. It was originally in the form of an inverted file data base that was sold to consultants, aerospace companies, and universities. Next it was embedded into a hypertext system run on personal computers. It is presently being converted to the World-Wide Web. Through information annealing and frequent updates, the content is continuously improved and expanded.
What do you mean by problem/solution orientation?
The problem/solution orientation is built upon psychological research on effective problem solving.
- First, you have to be aware of the problem,
- then believe it is relevant to you,
- believe it can be solved, and
- believe you can solve it,
in that order, then you can get on with the solution.
The SMPS Technology Knowledge Base contains awareness information on
- books,
- thesis,
- papers,
- tutorials,
- seminars,
- software,
- consultants,
- conferences,
- online resources,
- university research,
- and contact information.
However, the core feature is centered on awareness of problems, where screens
- discuss a problem,
- give information needed to determine if the problem is relevant to you,
- outline the general approaches to solve the problem, and
- then give pointers to the best sources of information, equations, algorithms, etc. needed to solve the problem.
A tutorial ties all of these together.
What is hypertext?
Hypertext is a non-linear way of arranging and displaying information so that you can quickly find what you need. If you have surfed the Internet World-Wide Web, you are familiar with the hypertext paradigm used in the SMPS Technology Knowledge Base. Major benefits include:
- quickly finding needed information,
- protecting reader from cognitive overload, and
- efficient information annealing.
What is information annealing?
The original issue of the SMPS Technology Knowledge Base and the first few revisions will mostly contain the author's 41 years of experience with the design and application of switching-mode power supplies. Later revisions will become more dependent on feedback from users for expanding and improving the content. This continual strengthening by feedback is what is meant by information annealing. As the users become involved in improving the hypertext, it keeps getting better at meeting their needs. The concept of information annealing is that a Neil Larson, a pioneer in hypertext, the foundation of the world-wide web.
What does it cost?
Originally targeted to be sold as a disk with updates using ASCII hypertext, the World Wide Web has overtaken the original concept. Presently I am putting some of the material on the Web for viewing on the Web as it is developed. However, full copyright rights are being retained. This material is accessed through
Where can I get more information?
See Origins of the SMPS Technology Knowledge Base.
You can also contact me directly, Jerrold Foutz, SMPS Technology, 6233 Callaway Place, Alta Loma, CA 91737-6904; 909-989-0487, Email:,