Summary of statistics for the SMPS Technology website for power supply circuit design.
Very well with plans to do better.
What is our "market share" of power supply designers? We don't know exactly because we do not know exactly the number of power supply circuit designers world-wide. Our best estimate is less than 30,000, which is also roughly the circulation of the most popular relevant trade magazine and electronic magazine. We do know from our website statistics that 87,395 unique servers requested pages from our website in 2001. If you compare this to the 5,000 members of the IEEE Power Electronics Society, the technical society that serves the needs of the power supply circuit designer, it looks like we have a substantial market share.
Our home page was served 93,729 times, which is the number of times viewers saw our sponsors text ads -- a measure of branding. Viewers clicked through for more information about our sponsors an average of 3.8%, over ten times the industry standard for banner ads in this time period.
Most servers were hosted in the United States, but in 2001 we have also had visitors from over 73 countries. While major world corporations and power supply design entities form the bulk of our visitors, universities and government entities are also well represented.
We do very well on search engine placement. For example, search the world's most popular search engine, Google, for power supply design. You will find us in the top ten, usually number one.
We ended 1999 with 89 pages on our website and served these pages 173,360 times to host servers for our readers to read. Each quarter has seen an increase in pages served. Here are our monthly statistics for pages served.
Each unit () represents 500 requests for pages, or part thereof.
month: #reqs: pages:
--------: -----: -----:
Jan 1999: 15591: 8142:
Feb 1999: 17571: 8778:
Mar 1999: 21026: 10048:
Apr 1999: 22991: 11823:
May 1999: 25560: 12610:
Jun 1999: 30927: 13341:
Jul 1999: 30654: 15893:
Aug 1999: 34946: 17573:
Sep 1999: 38540: 18228:
Oct 1999: 46774: 20303:
Nov 1999: 42740: 18871:
Dec 1999: 38052: 17750:
Busiest month: Oct 1999 (20,303 requests for pages).
We ended 2000 with 116 pages on our website and served these pages 315,178 times to host servers for our readers to read. Each quarter has seen an increase in pages served. Here are our monthly statistics for pages served.
Note the change in scale. Every month in 2000 has exceeded the busiest month in 1999 for pages served and each quarter continues to see an increase in pages served. Here are the monthly statistics for pages served.
Each unit () represents 800
requests for pages or part thereof.
month: reqs: pages: --------: -----: -----: Jan 2000: 45656: 21034:Feb 2000: 47485: 21668:
Mar 2000: 52697: 23141:
Apr 2000: 51340: 22583:
May 2000: 57352: 25737:
Jun 2000: 56266: 23358:
Jul 2000: 56270: 24270:
Aug 2000: 61734: 26744:
Sep 2000: 79090: 27934:
Oct 2000: 90684: 32870:
Nov 2000: 101316: 35745:
Dec 2000: 87677: 30100:
Busiest month: Nov 2000 (35745 requests for pages, 7413 distinct hosts served, 6227 home pages served).
We ended 2001 with 185 pages on our website and served these pages 551,995 times to 47,834 host servers for our readers to read. Each quarter has seen an increase in pages served. Here are our monthly statistics for pages served.
Note the change in scale. Here are the monthly statistics for pages served.
Each unit () represents 1,500
requests for pages or part thereof.
month: reqs: pages: --------: ------: -----: Jan 2001: 112582: 36108:Busiest month: Nov 2001 (57,859 requests for pages).Feb 2001: 117686: 33580:
Mar 2001: 143016: 47626:
Apr 2001: 131644: 45073:
May 2001: 151592: 48658:
Jun 2001: 133943: 41921:
Jul 2001: 146725: 45839:
Aug 2001: 151696: 50133:
Sep 2001: 139917: 44573:
Oct 2001: 165171: 53613:
Nov 2001: 167800: 57859:
Dec 2001: 143074: 47012:
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Do not use this information for design without independent verification of the information.
Copyright © 2000-2001 Jerrold Foutz
All Rights Reserved