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Joe's Energy Cell

Page One I  Page Two

Condensed Versions of the original Joe Cell articles, appearing at:
(Compliments: Sterling D. Allan, PES Network, Inc, Executive Director, New Energy Congress)
* New Energy Congress

*OS - Latest developments of the Joe Cell - (Stay abreast of the most recent developments and projects)
* OS - Bill William's Joe Cell - Joe Cell Replication Project - (link maintained by Sterling Allen)

Here we go - The Joe Cell:

The first thing most of you will ask, is, why is Frank Germano taking the time to look at this Joe Cell thing? Answer: several reasons - most notably, this is nothing "new" - this smacks right in the face of what we've all learned regarding Viktor Schauberger and implosion, or Nikola Tesla and the Aether, or Walter Russell and his brilliant theories of the Universe. Let's take this step by step. Remember, implosion...resonance, and frequency - all go hand in hand. If you missed the page on "It Really Is a Musical Universe" or Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, go back and read through that first, then pick this up.

Note: There is quite allot of internet buzz, as of late, regarding the Joe Cell, the Stan Meyers' water fuel cell and the like, and I have to admit that it is getting pretty exciting. Information is getting out to the public, at last. There are numerous garage mechanics and average everyday type home builders getting involved and actually making some astounding leaps forward with the technology. I had accumulated much more information on this page, but, as things would go, I received an email the other day from a very concerned writer and publisher, stating that some of the material was his and bore an internet copyright. Needless to say, I have pulled off that information. I agree, in one respect, however, at this point in time, and with our severely dependent fossil fuel use, I suggest that someone get off their academic butts and start making these units and get them out, one at a time if need be, to the general public. Anyway...we now even have a suposedly verified E.V. Grey motor popping up FOR SALE at none other than ...who knows, right?

With the internet...It's hard to tell WHO wrote some of this stuff, let alone digging through thousands of pages, when no one notes where the information came from, originally. Plagiarism used to be easily identified when we only had print medium (books and papers). If you could only see how much of MY website is blasted and copied all over the web today! Wow. I adhere to the flattery is the best form of compliment, crowd. So, when I see my work and writing copied - GREAT! Nuff said.

What is presented below, is from Sterling D. Allen, and used with his explicit permission and foreknowledge. My comments are noted, and clearly distinguishable from his. Let's just get this info out to the public, get one of these units working and distributed to everyone, quit bickering about who wrote what, and slowly end our dependence on fossil fuels, okay? Enjoy.

The Joe Energy Cell

Just What Is It? :

Wow! This could be either a huge scam, as I cannot contact the original parties involved, or it may turn out to be interesting quite similar in concept to the Stan Meyer's water fuel cell - and - many others that you hear about on the internet. Hey - you be the judge. Google the Joe Fuel Cell, and you'll get thousands of sites listed. It's a start, at least.

This is where I am trying to level the playing field. We have begun building this thing - the Joe Cell - as well as the Stan Meyer's water fuel cell. As soon as we have something tangible, and more importantly - one that we can demonstrate, we will post the results, along with detailed instructions complete with videos, to this site, and the web.

Once this information is (finally) proven to work, and released to the web, it will be impossible to squash. Amen. The remainder of this page is from Sterling D. Allen's large Joe Cell website.

All links should be active.




The Joe Cell explained:

How to run your car on a Joe cell -
Joe Cell Stretches the Believability Envelope with Working Replications

Explanation of the highly unusual technology and some of the astonishing claims surrounding it. This fuelless technology could make gasoline and diesel obsolete, while not requiring a change of the engine infrastructure now in existence.

by Sterling D. Allan, with Peter Stevens
Pure Energy Systems News: used by permission.

If you lived on a desert island and were never exposed to modern technology, what might you think the first time you witnessed such marvels as cordless phone communications, ground and air travel, running water, and so many other fascinating advancements? The claim to cars running on energy harnessed and directed by a Joe cell are about as astonishing to one well versed in the latest and greatest technologies of our day. To just hear about it is nearly too much to believe.

Imagine a device about five inches in diameter by ten inches long, with tube running from it to a bolt on your engine. Your engine is running, but your fuel line is disconnected. Not only does it run, but it has far more power than it did running on gasoline or diesel. And somehow the car responds to the accelerator, even though the fuel line is disconnected. That and other seemingly cognitive attributes have spurred people to call it a "living cell." This device, which makes fueling up obsolete, can be built for less than $100 in parts. Weird; very weird -- and exciting.

According to some proponents, electricity is what is being conveyed here. Others have experimented with the vapour. And others refer to it as a function of frequencies, sometimes called Orgone, in the tradition of turn-of-the-20th-century Wilhelm Reich.

It makes one want to invoke the head-in-the-sand preservation statement: "If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is." Yet the number of people claiming to have achieved success with this phenomenon is growing. And the instructions of how to do so are becoming more clear, spawning yet more success.

Add to this the report of individuals who are threatened with their life or some harm coming to a loved one if they don't stop, such as happened to Bill Williams on April 11, 2006. Such suppression attempts in today's climate of ecological concern, only seems to fuel the interest and involvement of others to replicate the phenomenon and report their success.

Those pioneers, with a strong preponderance residing in Australia, who have worked for years on this technology deserve a lot of credit for their inventiveness to try various things, as well as their tenacity to not give up. Perhaps these inventors from the land “down under” gravitate to this phenomenon because it seems so up-side-down from standard physics.

Having "Joe" in their midst probably contributes as well, though the technology is actually at least a couple of century’s old and arrived in Australia by way of Graham Coe from New Zealand.

Sir William Groves patented the device in 1830. In 1926, Walter Russell showed in his periodic tables the abnormal energies associated with all matter. Many of his drawings illustrated this energy at work.

A number of websites and discussion groups are springing up to help assure the continuance and expansion of the technology worldwide. We have created a project page at PESWiki for this purpose, which you can find by going to

Guidelines for Successful Operation

Peter Stevens, an Australian, has spent about fourteen years pursuing this technology. He installed a Joe cell on his Ford Econovan, with a modified V6 GMH engine. He helped Bill Williams (U.S.) get his truck running on a Joe Cell. Stevens is more than happy to help anyone figure out how to make their Joe cell work, and is glad to share what he knows with the world via the propagation made possible by the Internet. The Joe Cell basically consists of several equally-spaced, concentric stainless steel cylinders, with water between them. Stevens recommends 3-1-6L, non-magnetic stainless steel. The number of cylinders and particular diameter and length of the cylinders do not seem to be crucial, though the ratios and proportionate spacing may be.

According to Stevens, the idea is to form a polarity on each cylinder, so that they are positive on the outside and negative on the inside at the lowest point. Some cells that leak or loose charge can be remedied and be maintained by a 1.5-volt battery, which is not drained in the process. It just serves as a potential (polarity) reference. Adding to the quirkiness of the technology, Stevens has noted that this booster charge seems to be dependent on lunar cycles, and is not necessary during some moon phases.

The connections of cylinders and caps and tubing generally need to be electrically insulated. However, standard insulating materials often don't work as they do with standard electrical processes but not with high-tension lead current.  Stevens recommends natural rubber, without the colorings and other additives, which seem to short or bleed the frequencies. The central cylinder acts as the cathode tube. There is no positive lead coming from the cell. The cell does require charging to begin with for about 3-10 minutes. Stevens says that the central cathode is electrified up from the bottom insulated and the tube is in direct contact to the outside surface of the tube and not connected as some describe with a bolt wedged into the frequencies of energy from the cathode require negative to be on the outside.

He says a little machining needs to be done on the cathode tube, making a threaded bolt hub that is welded to the tube via an inert gas shield welder, or tig. The hub should also have a couple of holes in the base to allow water to flow within the tube. The hub can then be sealed at the base insulating material. Alternatively, washers can be made from a material like Teflon knife cutting boards. This ¾-inch (20 mm) clearing is also a spark gap to the body of the vehicle. The jointing compound, Sikaflex 291 (marine-grade) should be used to make a water-tight seal between the cell and the mounting location. The hub is then able to support all the neutral tubes and allow for bolting to the car’s engine compartment. Don’t use silicon to seal. It breaks down and causes a mess that is difficult to clean up (requires a carbon cleaner).

The charge from the inside cell is conveyed from the Joe cell to the engine via a 1/2 inch (12mm) diameter aluminum tubing. The tubing is connected to the outside of the cell. It has positive potential and needs to be clear of any objects That tubing needs to stay clear by at least four inches from things such as the radiator hoses, fuel lines, electrical lines, and AC lines. The other end of that tube line can be attached to pretty much any blind or blank bolt on the engine. It needs to be insulated with a ½ to ¾-inch gap using plastic tubing so as to keep the positively-charged cell from shorting out. If you can see a head of a bolt on top of the engine use it so long as the line stays clear of the existing conducting lines in the engine compartment as just mentioned. There needs to be about a 3/4-inch gap between the line and the engine block for a "spark gap." The line can be connected to the bolt holding the air cleaner on the carburetor. The line can be connected under the carburetor to the PCV if you wish to use vacuum pressure. In the process of learning about the Joe cell, Steven said this is how they thought they needed to start the cell producing. It results in a vary erratic response generally, and is difficult to tune. It is critical to have the timing 68-73 degrees advanced with this configuration.

One of the videos in circulation shows an engine running as Joe is moving the high-tension lead from a spark plug along the engine with about a 1/2-inch gap. There is an arching visible from the line to the engine block -- even into the radiator hose, air conditioning, fuel lines, and the Battery posts, to show that the spark is a different frequency. This spark will jump into most thing. The fuel line to the car does not need to be disconnected, though it does need to be shut off. Stevens says that if the fuel line is not disconnected then the frequency, disrupts the efficient running of the engine.  He also recommend that an electric solenoid not be used in the fuel line, due to frequencies that it generates that conflict with the process. Also, the timing on the engine needs to be advanced quite a bit. "On the crank about 80 degrees,” says Stevens. “Some run at 70.”

Then comes the final step of operation.

To begin using the Cell it is best to arc off all the components – negative to positive -- first at assembly then once together. Fill to the level of the tubes. Always put negative connection on the Joe Cell first. Then arc with positive 12 volts DC for three to ten minutes on the outside of the Joe cell. The engine should respond and start to accept the energy. Some gasket material absorbs the energy, but arcing the crank with a brush action to flash positive then negative will often overcome the barriers. Make sure you have a long screwdriver and hands clear, with an assistant rotating the motor on the start coil lead, disconnected, then all clear. Reconnect leads and happy driving.”  

Scaling the Joe Cell:

Stevens says the Joe Cell could be made as small as a 35mm film container, which could run a 30cc brush cutter. He says a two inch unit will run an ultra-light aircraft engine. Below are pictures using five or six individual units.

Bill Williams' Replication - Bill Williams replication in the Joe Cell Replication Project. Bill had his truck running on a Joe Cell, with tremendous power in the first part of April, 2006. He was visited on April 11 by two men who told him to stop all alt energy activities. He complied, destroying his lab notes, etc. See story at -  ) (Apr. 13, 2006).

"I have 9 photos of Bill Williams cell components in an exploded view which he sent to me prior to his drama. He sent them to me as a visual aide on how his cell went together since he and I were corresponding regularly before his incident. These are Bill's photos taken by Bill of Bill's actual cell he got stomped for. So this is the baby that worked. This was to show me what the individual components looked like and to show me the welding on the bottom. The top plate is screwed on. I don't have pics of that but there were some posted somewhere.....I can't remember where."

The image descriptions were added by Sterling Allan, from a guest, and sent to me by Kathleen Smith, through Gary Vesperman. Links are active, and used by permission. My aim with this part of my site is to get this technology out to the public in a big way. If you haven't noticed, we now have the very real possibility of seeing gasoline prices over $4.00 per gallon - and maybe $5.00 per gallon by mid summer, here in the United States. Well...ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to do something about this. If this Joe Cell technology works the way we are lead to believe, then we have a partial answer to there absolutely ridiculous gasoline prices. Sit back and BS about the gas prices, or get up off your ass and try this out for yourself.

The images are dated March 27, 2006.

Image:Bill Williams
  cell tubes 300.jpg
Cylinders set out individually, with center rod and end plate laying flat on table.

Image:Bill Williams
  cell tubes b 400.jpg

Image:Bill Williams
  cell plate parts 500.jpg
End plate components laid out separate, prior to assembly. End plate, washers/insulator, nut, center rod.

Image:Bill Williams
  cell plate fasteners 300.jpg
Metal center rod with white washer spacers/insulators position illustrated, minus the end plate, which is laying to the left.

Image:Bill Williams
  cell plate 300.jpg
End plate fastened on with nut, with washer spacers/insulators.

Image:Bill Williams
  cell plate spacer 300.jpg
End plate fastened to rod.

Image:Bill Williams
  cell top weld 300.jpg
End plate welded to outer cylinder.

Image:Bill Williams
  cell top weld b 400.jpg

Image:Bill Williams cell bubbling.jpg
Assembled cell, bubbling.

Modified Joe Cell Extracts Aetheric Energy to Charge Water

Device charges water electrically and magnetically.  Sets off Geiger counter when the aetheric energy beings to flow.

by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News, Originally written July 28, 2002, this article had been made available on a limited basis to a few individuals. It describes a modified Joe cell technology that was called AquaMEGA. Vernon Roth is presently continuing this technology.

At night, when the upper cabinet is open for viewing, you can see deep blue lights along with and as bright as white lights streaking in from the top and up from the bottom of the bottle of water. These can't be seen except when it is quite dark.  It's like something out of science fiction.  The above image from another context gives you an idea.

The device that creates this aetheric/magnetic water "came to" the inventor in a dream six years ago.  It took him three days to build this device. It was actually initially intended to be a Tesla-like electrical generator that pulls energy from the aether.

As the inventor pulled together the various components of the device, he needed a resistor.  Being the resourceful guy that he is, he pulled out a glass of water and used that for the resistor.

To his amazement, the water took on magnetic and electrical-like properties.  He has used the device for that serendipitous purpose ever since.

Soon after getting the device built, it ceased running for quite some time.  It took him another three months to figure out how the machine worked and to get it to run yet again.

Even so, the machine has a "personality" all its own.  Sometimes, if someone comes into the premises who has highly negative emotions, the machine ceases to work.  People who are "sensitive" to "energies" get an unusual sensation when the machine is operating.

The inventor knows now that he needs to shield the machine so as to protect people from some of the nuclear particles that are emitted while it is in operation.  For the first two or three years, the inventor used to remark, "The machine is killing me, and the water is keeping me alive."

After the machine has been off for a while, when it is turned on, it takes about half a minute or so before the aetheric energies begin flowing.  Until they flow, the machine generates ozone.  Once the aetheric energies begin flowing, the adjoining Geiger counter immediately shows a strong reading from the alpha particles being emitted.  This transition takes place and is observable with no    additional flipping of switches.  I was amazed to see it. People in the vicinity are now protected by a cabinet that has water between two layers of aluminum casing. To achieve this shielding cabinet, the inventor adapted an incubator from a University science department.

The machine is in the bottom portion of the cabinet, and the bottles of water to be charged are situated in the upper cabinet. The first piece of equipment in the device is a motor. He used a 3 horse-power motor simply because that is what was available at the time. He thinks a 1/2 or 1/3-horse-power motor would do the trick. That first motor turns another motor which he adapted, and which is one of the proprietary components of the device. It entails a reconfiguration of the magnets and the coils so as to be able to pull in the aetheric energy.

Next in line is a Joe Cell.  For that, he took a motorcycle battery shell and adapted it (also proprietary) to the purpose specific to his device.   From there, a larger cable is run a few times around a hollow coil.  This "chokes" the aetheric energy so it doesn't burn up the device once the aetheric energies begin to flow.  That cable then runs outside the lower chamber of the cabinet and then into the upper chamber where it is connected to a metallic rod with a conical end that can be raised and lowered into position to within 1/4 to 1/2 inch above the water that is to be "charged."

At night, when the upper cabinet is open for viewing, you can see deep blue lights along with and as bright as white lights streaking in from the top and up from the bottom of the bottle of water. These can't be seen except when it is quite dark.  It's like something out of science fiction. The inventor said that the aetheric energy is very slow compared to electricity that flows near the speed of light.  Judging from timing how long it takes the aetheric energy to run through his set-up, he estimates that the aetheric energy he is tapping flows at around 2-3 feet per second. At some point, he plans to return to the task of adapting this incoming energy for use in our power grid.  It may be as simple as connecting it to a bank of capacitors and then running that through an inverter to convert that DC power into usable AC.

Eventually, through a smooth transition, he would like to see the AC power grid replaced by this more natural form of energy that is in harmony with life, not antithetical to it, as AC energy is.  The power grid that crisscrosses the land actually blocks the natural aetheric flows of energy through the earth; and when it gets to a critical point, surpassing the earths ability to buffer, we will see some fantastic calamities result. He recommends that all AC wiring be run through the floors (then up to the outlets) and not through the walls, as is usually the case in construction. Speaking of electricity, the power company has paid him a visit twice, wondering why he is only using $20.00 of electricity per month, even though he has a shop in his garage with heavy equipment.  They've checked his meter to make sure it is working right.  It is.

There was one time when he was developing the device that something very unusual happened regarding triggering breaker switches. One day, when he turned the device on, the power went out. He went to check the fuse box in his home, but none of the breakers were tripped. He then noticed down the road that the breaker on the power pole was tripped. The power company had to come out and re-set it.

There's something going on there that we do not fully understand yet. To hold the cord going into the machine is a sensation in itself.  People call it the "fuzzy caterpillar." Then there are the vortex storms he has over his house.  He's lost nearly 1/3 of the shingles on his roof to micro-bursts from storms centered over his house, complete with lightning. One time he had a bunch of boxes in a fenced area prepared to burn them.  One of these storms came along, and the next morning the boxes were arranged in a circle around his house.

Another time, his friend was standing at the sink washing dishes, some 20 feet away from the machine.  When the machine cycled through one of its phases, suddenly she was no longer standing in front of the sink, but was standing outside in a field.  She saw people walking in the distance, and houses in the distance.  Then the machine cycled through the next phase and instantly she was standing at the sink once again.  My impression was that she was not moved through space but through time somehow.

These are amazing times in which we live.


Joe Cell Truck Builder Threatened, Destroys Plans

After announcing that he had successfully built a truck that runs on Joe Cell technology, drawing energy from water and Orgone, Bill Williams said he was approached by two men who demanded that he stop his research, threatening him with dire consequences if he didn't.  Others are keeping it alive.

by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News, used by permission

Joe Fuel Cell

USA -- A couple of weeks ago, Bill Williams told a discussion list that he successfully ran his truck on a device known as the Joe Cell.  The power was far greater than the regular combustion engine -- and the energy was free.

The Joe Cell is said to draw on Orgone energy.  The fairly simple device uses electrically charged water as the "gate" or medium through which the aetheric energy is drawn from the surroundings and transferred to the automobile engine.

Bill had posted images and rough descriptions, and was in process of disclosing in greater detail how he accomplished this, when he was confronted last week by two unidentified individuals who told him to cease all of his alternative energy work or there would be dire consequences.

On April 11, Bill Williams gave the following account of what happened just a few days after announcing his success.

"I was on my way home Thursday last week [April 6, 2006] and was about 3 miles from the ferry project. I stopped to check the post connection point on the Cell. I was standing in front of my truck, and this late model 2005 or 2006 Ford Explorer pulled up and parked diagonally in front of my truck. The driver got out of the rig and walked around in front of their rig and approached me. At about the same time, the passenger opened his door."

"The driver stated that they wanted me to stop working on all forms of alternative energy. He also stated that we know everything about me, my family, and all my projects past and present. At about that time the passenger reached and held up a file that was about 2 or so inches thick. He opened it up and showed me telephone transcripts, emails, messages from the groups that I had belonged to. They knew where my kids worked, the times they are at work; also my wife's working hours, my grandkids' school, etc. They knew everything."

"The driver said that if I did not stop working on this (he then opened up the left side of his jacket and showed his weapon that was holstered) that there would be other consequences. He also stated that he wanted me to post that I was no longer working in this field and to destroy all my work, i.e. Cells, Drawings, Lab Journals, everything! At that point he walked around and got into the rig. I shut the hood and got the hell out of there. They followed me for about 2 miles and then must have turned off somewhere."

After a few days of contemplation, Bill decided to abide by the demands of those who threatened him.  He destroyed the cell and all data and documentation and disabled the website on which he had posted plans.  Four days after that incident, Bill wrote the following message to the group:

"I thought I was strong but when illness to the family comes into play, I have failed. I am truly sorry. I will not be working in any form of alternative energy field anymore. [...] I destroyed my device tonight along with my written data and lab notes as per specked out."

Bill William's Description of his Vehicle's Performance

Before deciding to abide by the demands of those who threatened him, Bill gave the following report on April 6, 2006. ( Reference.)

Hello Group

Report on the 70-mile test drive:

Will all I can say is "who needs an Indy car when you can drive and old FORD" – WOW! The first five-miles after leaving the home was wild. I had to be extremely careful on how I pressed the accelerator. I gingerly crept up to 45 MPH and that was about moving the pedal maybe a half-inch. It the throttle response was very crisp or touchy. With about a 1/8" of movement the next thing I knew I was booking at close to 80 mph. If I lifted off ever so slightly on the throttle and it felt like I was putting the brakes on and the speed would drop down to 30 mph or so. "Very erratic". If I barely even touch or bumped the pedal it felt like I pushed the nitrous button. WOW !

As stated the first 5 miles were wild and things started to change. The engine started to buck or surge with very large rpm changes and literally threw me against my seat belt. It got so bad I just took my foot completely off the pedal and rode the brakes to stop the truck. The truck left skid marks on the pavement every time the engine surged in rpm. Well anyway I managed to get it stopped and shut it off with the ignition key, thank God. I retarded the timing and turned the gasoline back on and crossed my fingers and hit the key and the engine took right off revving to may be 4000 rpm and then gradually decreased to 700 rpm. I took a deep breath and put it into drive and the truck responded close to normal again. [...]

Comments – The current setup is not happening, I could not drive the truck in city driving, because I would be ramming the vehicles ahead of me and smoking the tires at every stop light. Still more work to do, and that is going to start this weekend. Converting the engine back to a 2-barrel carb (hell who needs a 4 barrel with this setup) so to gain more room to setup the blind fitting arrangement. Going to machine a flat Aluminum plate to set between the carb and the manifold. The adapter will be cut with a section on the front side of the carb projecting out and have a solid Aluminum stub. The stub will be where the Aluminum transfer tube will attach via a short section of hose. Will update the group after the adapter and conversion is in place and some basic testing has been accomplished. [...]

Regards, Bill (Williams)

Others Are Picking up Where Bill Williams Left Off

A few days ago, close associates who were incensed at what had be-fallen him, re-opened the Joe's Cell 2 Yahoogroups site, which Bill had been ordered to disable, and are now making sure as many interested people as possible have access to all relevant details. The JoesCell2 group is for images.  A discussion list has been formed at JoeCellFreeEnergyDevice, also a Yahoo!Group. An index page for this project is being created at PESWiki .  It includes a posting of Blueprints.

Others Have Succeeded

Bill is not the only one to have achieved this accomplishment of running his vehicle on a Joe Cell.  John Carter, from Australia, estimates that there have been at least a dozen people who have achieved this -- running their vehicle on a Joe Cell. Carter said he took a ride the other day in a Ford Econovan that Peter Stephens converted to run on a Joe Cell.  He said the car "rocketed up the hill" it had so much power. A good number of people now know how to do this, and the plans are being made available in diverse places. It would appear that Pandora's box has been opened on this, never to be shut.

I have personally witnessed a modified Joe Cell technology in action. It is an awesome sight to behold. It was not being used to run cars, but was being used to produce magnetically charged water for health benefits, ala Schauberger. With gasoline prices now soaring over $4.00 per gallon in the USA, now is the time to look seriously at this technology. Power, or rather - energy - for the people...compliments to Gary Vesperman and Sterling Allen for turning me on, as it were, to this simple technology. Global Energy Technologies will now enter this Joe Cell fray. Through the next several weeks, from the best available plans and construction drawings, we will attempt to build a working Joe Cell. Our work will be detailed, and we will post the results, shortly. If this thing actually DOES what it is claimed it does...we are gonna seriously shake up the economy - no more gasoline. Wow.


Page Two: How To Build the Joe Cell

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