Viktor Schauberger &
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Viktor Schauberger;
It was nearly the end of WWII. At that same time, scientist Viktor Schauberger worked on a secret project. Johannes Kepler, whose ideas Schauberger followed, had knowledge of the secret teachings of Pythagoras that had been adopted and kept secret. It was the knowledge of Implosion (in this case the utilization of the potential of the inner worlds in the outer world). Hitler knew - as did the Thule and Vril people - that the divine principle was always constructive. A technology however that is based on explosion and therefore is destructive runs against the divine principle. Thus they wanted to create a technology based on Implosion. Schauberger's theory of oscillation (principle of the overtone sequence, monochord) takes up the knowledge of Implosion. To put it simply: Implosion instead of Explosion! Following the energy paths of the monochord and the implosion technology one reaches the realm of antimatter and thus the cancellation of gravity. Whatever might have been thought of Viktor Schauberger in Austria, word of his abilities and the statements contained in his new book, "Our Senseless Toil - the Source of the World Crisis", evidently reached others ears, including those of Adolf Hitler. At a time when the relations between Austria and Germany were at an all-time low, Viktor Schauberger was summoned to an audience with the Reich Chancellor Hitler, in Berlin. Special papers were arranged and all the documentation carried out within one day. Suddenly Viktor Schauberger left for Berlin and a meeting with Hitler, who greeted him warmly as a fellow countryman, telling him that he had studied all the reports about his work thoroughly and was very impressed with what he had learned. Thirty minutes had been allocated for the discussions, which Prof. Max Planck had been requested to attend as scientific adviser shortly before he was rudely deposed from his position as Privy Counselor. This exchange of views eventually lasted 11 hours, during which Schauberger explained the destructive action of contemporary technology and its inevitable consequences. He contrasted this with all the processes of natural motion and temperature, of the vital relation between trees, water and soil productivity, indeed all the things he considered had to be thoroughly understood and practiced in order to create a sustainable and viable society. When Viktor had finished his explanations, Max Planck, who had remained silent, was asked his opinion about Viktor's natural theories. His response was the remarkable and revealing statement that "Science has nothing to do with Nature". Pausing for a moment to take in this astonishing admission, Viktor then referred to the proposed four-year plan, the so-called Goering Plan, stating that,
During the earlier part of the discussion, Hitler had been enthusiastic, but he became greatly perturbed at what he had just heard and ordered his technical and economic advisers, Keppler and Wiluhn, to discuss with Schauberger what could be done. Once outside the door, these two men demanded to know how Viktor had got in there in the first place. Angered at their truculently condescending air, he replied " Through the same door I've just come out of! " Seeing that his ideas had no hope of acceptance, and leaving them gaping, he returned to his hotel and left for Austria the following morning. Keppler and Wiluhn, however, were to get their revenge later, after the Anschluss on March 13th, 1938. Once again he was the victim of deceit and his ideas were usurped, for, in a later letter to his son Walter, he wrote that copies of the preliminary application had been fraudulently obtained by Prof. Ernst Heinkel, the famous aircraft designer, through a firm of patent attorneys, Lehmann-Harlens in Berlin. By mining the information contained in this document, Heinkel obtained insights into how a jet-engine could be produced, even though he misinterpreted its findings; his first prototype exploded due to his lack of proper understanding. With a certain absence of principle, he then sought Viktor's collaboration in the project. Although some initial discussion eventually took place, Viktor did not cooperate, having become aware of what Heinkel had done, and further contact between the two men ceased. Using his ill-gotten gains, however, Heinkel persevered with his research, which culminated in the construction of the first successful jet-plane, its first flight being on August 27th, 1939. Although Heinkel never had the honesty to reveal the source of the ideas for his invention, keeping all the kudos for himself, this jet plane was nevertheless built as a direct result of Viktor's theories. Viktor Schauberger is therefore the real father of the present jet age . He even went as far as to state that in order to develop and build fast-flying, supersonic aircraft successfully, the bodily forms of deep-sea fish should be copied. Today's 'stealth bombers' very much emulate these forms. In 1939 Viktor's personal research virtually came to an end, all the materials he needed being appropriated for war production. In 1941, however, he was summoned by Air Marshal Ernst Udet to discuss the growing crisis of energy production and means of solving it. Premises were subsequently set up near Augsburg for research and development, all of which came to nothing partly due to the death of Udet and partly because it was bombed by the Allies in 1942. In 1943, despite his incapacitating war wounds and 58 years of age, Viktor was declared fit for active duty and was inducted into the Waffen-SS, very much under duress. He came under the control of Heinrich Himmler, who forced him into research to develop a new secret weapon. Provided with suitable accommodation at Schloss Schonbrunn, the nearby Mauthausen Concentration Camp to supply the workforce of prisoner engineers, Viktor was threatened with his life if he did not comply with orders and carry out this research. In spite of these threats, however, Viktor put his foot down and demanded from the SS Command the absolute right to select the various engineers he needed. He further demanded that any technicians he chose were to be removed entirely from the camp, fed properly, dressed in normal civilian clothes and billeted in civilian accommodation, otherwise they would be unproductive. As he explained, people who live in fear of their lives and under great emotional stress could work neither consistently nor creatively. Surprisingly the SS agreed and so Viktor selected somewhere between twenty and thirty engineers, craftsmen and tradesman from Mauthausen, to be accommodated in various houses near the plant. When they were all assembled, Viktor exhorted them to work as hard as they could, but under no circumstances were they to attempt to escape, otherwise his own life would be forfeit. They set to work with a will, and, while not understanding what Viktor was trying to achieve, they nevertheless carried out his instructions faithfully. Two machines were eventually built, one called a 'Repulsator' and the other a 'Repulsine' , reflecting their forces of recoil. Accurate information about them is difficult to obtain, because after the end of the War all top-secret information was confiscated by the Allies - the Russians, French, English and Americans - and is therefore no longer available to the general public. Let's run this by again, with particular emphasis on the Repulsine, both the A & B models.
Viktor Schauberger's Repusline A & B Viktor Schauberger, an Austrian forester who observed the effects of nature - especially of water, privately met Adolf Hitler in 1934 to discuss the fundamental principals of agriculture, forestry, and water engineering. While Hitler was impressed by Schauberger’s radical ideas for utilizing water power in new and dynamic ways, he was also displeased that Schauberger was not willing to participate in work for the Third Reich. Subsequently and unfortunately for Schauberger this meant that once Austria was annexed in 1938 and war broke out in 1939 the SS would come searching for him and his ideas based on his patents for an “air turbine” and “procedure for lifting liquids and gases” from 1935 and the “warm-cold” machine built for Siemens in 1937 but destroyed in an unauthorized test. In 1940, Schauberger began construction of the Repulsin(e) discoid motor in Vienna with help of the Kertl company. He patented his idea on March 4, 1940 in Austria under patent 146,141. But very soon afterwards he was reported by the Viennese Association of Engineers to the SS who placed Schauberger in a mental hospital in Mauer-Ohling. Schauberger was then forced to work with Messerschmitt on liquid vortex cooling systems and Heinkel concerning applications of water towards aircraft engines. At this point Heinkel received reports on the early Repulsin A. At Mauthausen, under orders from Heinrich Himmler himself, Schauberger was to carry out research and development for the Third Reich war effort. He was given approximately 20-30 prisoner engineers to proceed with his research into what was termed “higher atomic energies”. For this Schauberger was given special dispensations from the SS for both himself and fellow engineers. The construction and perfection of the Repulsin A model discoid motor continued until one of the early test models was ready for a laboratory test that ended in disaster. The model was 2.4 meters in diameter with a small high-speed electric motor. Upon initial start-up the Repulsin A was set in motion violently and rose vertically, quickly hitting the ceiling of the laboratory, shattering to pieces. The SS were not pleased and even threatened Schauberger’s life, suspecting deliberate sabotage. Replacement models were built, but by 1943 a more improved design, the Repulsin B model was constructed with the SS objective of developing this motor for an odd SS bio-submarine which Schauberger named the “Forelle” (Trout) due to its configuration of a fish with a gaping mouth!
The Repulsin models operated in the following way:
In the Repulsin B the vortex turbine has been
improved for increasing the “Implosion Effect” and thus the lifting force . In the Repulsin B the upper membrane is fixed and the lower rotates at high speed. On the edge rim there are special shaped blades of boomerang configuration. There are 120 blades that are 3 degrees spaced around the rim. The enhanced vortex turbine increases significantly the “implosion” effect in the vortex chamber. This contributes to it being able to generate a stronger thrust than the centrifugal turbine used in the Repulsin A. By means of suction screw-impeller ( which revolved from the outside towards the inside along a cycloid, spiral space curve ) the same type of force is generated which creates twisters, cyclones, and typhoons through the effect of either suction or implosion. Schauberger meanwhile had his remaining discoid motors confiscated by the Russians and Americans at the end of the war. While AVRO Canada approached Schauberger for disc development along with a team led by Dr. Richard Miethe, Schauberger refused and instead devoted his remaining life to peaceful uses of his vortex technology by working on various civilian projects which included generators, and both water and air purification systems. In the late 1950s Schauberger visited the US and was again pressured into working on military disc designs. The pressure was even greater due to the fact that Schauberger’s original Repulsin motors had fallen into Russian hands and the US suspected Schauberger’s technology would appear as a nuclear armed aircraft over US soil. Schauberger refused to participate again but had his designs forcibly signed over to a powerful US consortium. He returned to Austria and died there 5 months later having been robbed of everything. A tragic end of life for the man everyone named the “Water Wizard”. Compliments: Rob Arndt. So, just what the happened to these flying machines after the war??? That is indeed a tough question to answer. It cannot be excluded that a small number of these craft/disks might have been built. The several photographs of UFOs that emerged after 1945 with the typical features of these German constructions suggest as much. Some say that some of them had been sunk into the Austrian Mondsee, others maintain that they were flown to South America or brought there in parts. It is certain though that if the crafts didn't get to South America, the plans that did allowed for new ones to be built and flown there, for an important part had been used in 1983 in the "Phoenix Project", the follow-on project of the 1943 "Philadelphia Experiment". This was a teleportation, materialization and time travel experiment of the U.S. Navy that was more successful than you could imagine in your wildest dreams. There is enough material for another book, but it does not fit too well into our subject here. It all makes sense. As far back as 1938, a German expedition to the Antarctic was made with the aircraft carrier Schwabenland (Swabia). 600,000 km2 of an ice-free area with lakes and mountains were declared German territory, the "Neuschwabenland" (New Swabia). Whole fleets of submarines of the 21 and 23 series were later headed towards Neuschwabenland. Today about one hundred German submarines are still unaccounted for, some equipped with the Walter snorkel, a device that allowed them to stay submerged for several weeks, and it can be assumed that they fled to Neuschwabenland with the dismantled flying disks or at least the construction plans. Again it must be assumed that since the test flights had been very successful some so-called flying saucers have flown directly there at the end of the war. There is the question raised as to why in 1947, Admiral E. Byrd led an invasion of the Antarctic, why he had 4,000 soldiers, a man-of-war, a fully equipped aircraft carrier and a functioning supply system at his command if it was a mere expedition? He had been given eight months for the exercise, but they had to stop after eight weeks and high losses of planes undisclosed even today. What had happened? Later Admiral Byrd spoke to the press: " It is the bitter reality that in the case of a new war, one had to expect attacks by planes that could fly from Pole to Pole ." Further he added that there was an advanced civilization down there that used their excellent technologies together with the SS. Is this report true? Who really can answer that question?! Norbert-Jurgen Ratthofer writes about the whereabouts of the Haunebu developments in his book "Zeitmaschinen" . Time Machines: "The Haunebu I, II and III space gyros and the VRIL I space flying disk had disappeared after May 1945... It is very interesting to note in this context that after its nineteenth test flight, the German Haunebu III is said to have taken off on April 21, 1945, from Neuschwabenland, a vast, officially German territory in the Eastern Antarctic, for an expedition to Mars, about which there is nothing further known. One year later, in 1946, the many sightings that suddenly occurred in Scandinavia of shining objects of unknown and definitely artificial origin caused a great stir among the Allies in East and West. Again one year later, in 1947, and well into the Fifties, a rising number of shining unknown flying objects, doubtlessly steered by intelligent beings, mostly round, disk- or bell-shaped, sometimes cigar-shaped, so-called UFOs appeared over North America." Today, we simply refer to flying saucers as UFO's. It is also true today that making mention of seeing an actual UFO is almost an act of ridicule, and throws serious doubt as to the person's credibility. Good photographic material proves that the flying saucers had been sighted often since 1945. In a significantly high percentage of the cases where personal contacts with the people from the so-called UFOs was made, were with especially beautiful Aryan types, blond and blue-eyed and that they either spoke fluent German or another language with a German accent (reference: the Adamski case of 1952, the Cedric Allingham case of 1954 and the Howard Menger case of 1956). It is further said that color photographs taken by a night guard in West Germany in the Seventies exist of a landed and restarted flying disk that had both a knight's cross and a swastika on its hull. The flying machines are well documented in photographs and films. There is the 60 minutes documentary "UFO - Secrets of the Third Reich". The American, Vladimir Terziski gave a three-hour speech at the September 1991 UFO conference in Phoenix, Arizona, where he showed slides of German saucers, construction plans and subterranean German bases. Also of interest are the book by the Italian air force commander Renato Vesco and the book by Rudolf Lusar "Die deutschen Waffen und Geheimwaffen des Zweiten Weltkrieges und ihre Weiterentwicklung" (The German Arms and Secret Weapons of the Second World War and Their Development), J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, Munich 1971. Also, we have the preceding articles from Author Rob Arndt. Makes ya wonder, doesn't it? For the reader: "Ultima Thule" apparently was the capital city of the first continent peopled by Aryans. The Scandinavians have a tale of "Ultima Thule", the wonderful land in the high North, where the sun never sets and the ancestors of the Aryan race dwell. Hyperborea was up in the North Sea and sank during an ice age. According to alleged Thule texts they were technically very advanced and flew "Vril-ya", flying machines that today we call UFOs. These flying disks were capable of levitation, extreme speeds and the maneuvers known from today's UFOs due to two counter-rotating magnetic fields and they used the so-called Vril power as energy potential or fuel (Vril = ether, Od, Prana, Chi, Ki, cosmic force, Orgon..., but also from the academic "vri-IL" = as the highest deity = god-like), i.e. they take the energy from the Earth's magnetic field (free energy) so the story goes...or does it?! ( Click To continue )
Why have only few people heard of these things, or of the developments of Nikola Tesla, and Viktor Schauberger among which were free energy machines, energy transfer without cables, antigravitation and the changing of the weather by the aimed use of "standing waves"? What consequences would the knowledge about free energy forms and about the use of flying saucers, which only use a magnetic field for an energy source, have? Especially if every citizen would have access to it, for their cars for example? No more "Fill'er up!" No pollutants, no pollution of the environment. No nuclear power stations any more, people could no longer be kept locked within the boundaries of a country, and we all would have more free time because we wouldn't have to work to pay for heating, petrol and electricity (in this time one could think a lot, perhaps about the meaning of life). And these energy forms exist! The have been existing for at least ninety years and have been kept secret all this time. Why were they kept secret? I leave it to the reader to ascertain the truth, if any, from this document. I find the information on Viktor Schauberger during the WWII era simply fascinating. Of coarse, a picture is worth a thousand words, and boy oh boy, do those pictures resemble Schauberger's Repulsine! The rest, take it for what it's worth...interesting reading, although no documented scientific facts can be ascertained. Original??? You betcha! For an Internet Source in its original German language: . Some of this information leaves one wondering what the heck is really flying around out there...are the UFO's that we have reports of seeing, even to this day, the remnants of this super-secret technology?! If so, then why are they only seen on rare occasions? One would think that if any country had this amazing technology at their disposal, that it would be implemented for the benefit of mankind. Even from just the standpoint of big-business and/or greed, the entity holding this technology would revolutionize transportation as we know it. Just ramblings from a very tired brain...time to go to sleep and dream of UFO's and of alien abductions, hopefully from a race of young, beautiful, voluptuous and sex-starved blond women. LOL. Hey! A guy's allowed to dream, right?! I just had to end with a joke, didn't I...
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