From Feed
Line No. 6
An Introduction to the Issues
Radio communications, fluorescent lighting and AC power,
these are all familiar and vital components to life as we know it in the twentieth century
and all were contributions of the prolific turn-of-the-century inventor named Nikola
Tesla. Even in light of their significance, there are additional inventions which this
remarkable man left to the world that have the capacity to be of an equivalent or perhaps
even greater value to society. Much of Dr. Tesla's legacy, that which we can see, use and
learn about, is in the form of these inventions—much but not all.
Near the North Shore Long Island community of Shoreham, New
York there remains structure which is another, but no less significant reminder of this
great man's work. Its importance lies not so much in the technology which it represents,
nor in the engineering clues that remain buried there. It is in the fact that the
Wardenclyffe Power Plant/Office Building is the last of the good Doctor's own workplaces
to remain standing anywhere in the world. The saga of the building's history, from its
construction to house a prototype world radio communications facility to its later
adaptation for other commercial uses, is a story yet to be fully told.
The most recent chapter begins in the Spring of 1994 when
the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation published a two page
description of the Wardenclyffe property in the state registry of Inactive Hazardous
Waste Disposal Sites. The DEC report cited the presence, in unknown quantities, of
chromium, cadmium, barium, and lead. The soil contamination was said to have occurred
between 1949 and 1969 through the discharge of untreated process water piped into an 800
by 25 foot recharge basin located along the north side of the property. It was feared by
informed parties working in the area that the heavy metals pollution might even extend to
the building itself.
At the request of Ljubo Vujovic of the Tesla Memorial
Society, noted Tesla historian Leland Anderson contacted the various Tesla named
organizations, suggesting a letter writing campaign to encourage a listing of the
Wardenclyffe site on the National Register of Historic Places. What ensued over the course
of the next few months was an outpouring of support by individuals from across the
country. At the advice of the President's Advisory Council on Historic Preservation many
of these letters were addressed to the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and
Historic Preservation. (Note: National Historic designation is always preceded by historic
registration at the state level.) In mid October '94 an Application for Technical
Assistance was filed with New York State on behalf of the historic Wardenclyffe building
and tower foundation sites. This initiated the formal nomination process which, if
entirely successful, will result in placement of the Wardenclyffe sites on both the State
and National Registers of Historic Places. Subsequently the New York State Office of
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation conducted an on-site inspection which
established that the sites meet with the seven New York State criteria for Historic
Up to May '95 much of this work had been conducted by
members of an ad hoc group called the Tesla Wardenclyffe Project Committee. By that
time it had become apparent that the TWPC would have to coalesce into a formal institution
in order to successfully achieve its growing set of objectives. The most important of
these was, and still is, acquisition of the 16 acre parcel in Shoreham upon which are
located the Wardenclyffe building and the transmitting/receiving tower foundation. AGFA,
Division of Miles Incorporated, has stated their intention to divest themselves of the
property after their N.Y. State mandated cleanup is finished. Furthermore, they have
indicated that donation of the entire facility to a properly configured receiver is the
most cost effective way for them to proceed. Such a receiving entity will need an
estimated annual income of at least $250,000 to provide a minimum level of upkeep for the
building and grounds. This clearly defines the Project's first major challenge.
Our second goal, creation of the Nikola Tesla Museum
follows directly from the first. In order to fulfill our mission of restoring and
preserving the power-plant/office building, a long range purpose in keeping with the
landmark's character has been established. It is felt the best use is as a museum with
complete library and archival facilities specifically intended to help increase public
awareness of Dr. Tesla's engineering legacy, to reintegrate Nikola Tesla back into the
mainstream of science and to instill visitors with a greater interest in the sciences in
general. Once plans for the museum, its library and historical archives are sufficiently
advanced it is felt that restoration and placement of building and the adjacent tower
foundation on the New York State and National Registers of Historic Places will naturally
On May 6, 1995 the first meeting of the Board of Directors
was held and it was agreed that the ad hoc committee would be reestablished under the name
the Tesla Wardenclyffe Project, Inc. The Directors were confirmed and its Officers
were elected. At the same meeting a Technical Advisory Board was established. This group
presently includes such notable individuals as Dr. James Corum, Harry Goldman, Dr.
Aleksandar Marincic, William Terbo, and George Westinghouse, IV. On June 19, 1995
Articles of Incorporation were filed with the State of Colorado under the Colorado
Nonprofit Corporation Act and its existence was formalized with the assignment of
registration number 951079188 M. Upon the anticipated acquisition of the property, the
Tesla Wardenclyffe Project, Inc. will relocate its Principle Office to Suffolk County in
the State of New York to be reinstated as The Nikola Tesla Museum, Library and Archives.
Over the last year and a half the Tesla Wardenclyffe
Project has grown from a good idea into a viable organization. Considerable progress has
been made in advancing our program, but many formidable challenges lie ahead. While the
TWP, Inc. has established an open dialogue with Agfa and has received their strong
assurances we are under consideration to receive the property, this outcome is by no means
certain. But how do you the reader fit into all of this? one might ask. While at present
the Tesla Wardenclyffe Project consists of only a small group of people, we are registered
as a membership organization. At this time we are actively seeking additional people to
fill out our ranks. In light of projected monetary requirements, we are especially in need
experienced fund raisers. If you have something to offer the Project, even if it is only
your vote of confidence or perhaps access to a particular talent, than please take some
time from your schedule to send us a note or make a phone call. A plan to steer the
destiny of an important historical landmark on the North Shore of Long Island, New York is
underway. We are working to earn your support and very much need to hear from you. All
correspondence should be addressed to the Tesla Wardenclyffe Project, P.O. Box 990,
Shoreham, NY 11786 or call (970) 453-9293, 453-6692 (Fax).